Wednesday 25 January 2023


 Good afternoon from a very cold and damp Mojacar. Yesterday our temperatures plummeted and the rains came. Out with the jumpers, throws, wraps even an old duvet for the bed!

This is the first item I ever crocheted and it still lives on my chair winter or summer, was I glad of it yesterday. A little thinner these days from all the washing but still serves its purpose.

Unfortunately I haven't finished the jumper I started last week about 1/3rd up the back, that is because every time I pass the jigsaw table it calls me to put some more pieces in. 

The slippers I crocheted last week were taken to my sewing/knitting group and straight away someone asked me what I was doing with them - nothing I replied and she asked if she could have them. Sold to the lady in the corner!!

So for this week's work it is knitting and jigsaw and keeping warm. Spanish houses are so cold as they have no damp coursing or insulation especially old ones like mine, at least the more modern ones are built a little differently. 

Now to link up with Julia our hostess for the day at drop in and see what it is all about. Have a good week. 



  1. I understand the lure of the jigsaw, once one is out on the table nothing else gets done! I do love the colours of that granny stripe blanket, it’s still looking great!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  2. My sister’s house didn’t have glass in some of the windows when she moved in and the wiring was archaic. I think it cost them more than they bargained for to do it up, but they have been in Spain for quite a while now. My husband loves a jigsaw, I get fed up with looking for pieces. Keep well and keep warm. Angela #12

  3. I just don't imagine it cold over there, my ex husband lives down by Marbella and he reckons it does get cold but he is up in the hills . .
    So pleased your socks were put to a good use and your fire looks super, wish I could come and sit by it . . ..
    Have a good week
    Christine #19

  4. Hellooo Ani 🤗 woohooo on your slippers getting a forever home 💕 how I wish I could crochet ... that blanket of yoyrs is gorgeous🌈 my gran used to make me and my sister multi coloured tank tops from scraps of wool ❤ You are so talented just look at the start of your jumper ⭐️ mine would be full of holes 😊 enjoy the jigsaw and stay cosy. Sending love and hugs Tracy #21 xxx

  5. you don't think of Spain being cold - so I hope you are keeping wrapped up warm and the cold wet weather goes soon (same here!) Well done on selling the crochet slippers. Have a good week.. helen #2

  6. impressive first piece of Crochet! Cold here today too, and spring cant come soon enough for me! Robyn 3

  7. Sorry I'm so late getting round and hope the rest of your week is full of great crafting time and Jigsaw time too. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

  8. I wish I could have a jigsaw out. Dear Son informs me it would be a danger to the cat as she could eat a piece. Yikes. Love the blanket - I have a few that I made so long ago but they still serve to warm the family and still drape every sofa, chair, and fill storage boxes too. I say pile 'em up and turn down the heat! I am knitting with my mate today and that "cursed jumper" will get finished one day soon!
    Still hopping - determined to finish!
    Mary Anne (5)

  9. Hope the weather warms up for you soon and that the duvet and the blanket help keep you warm Ani. The jumper will no doubt be finished ready for the next cold spell. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  10. I always think of Spain as warm and sunny, but I guess you have to have a few bad days! We are still all bundled up here in Canada, but each day is getting warmer. Good luck with your jumper, I'm sure it will get finished when the jigsaw puzzle is done! Have a great week, Lindart #20

  11. I hope the weather warms up soon for you. I hate being cold. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

  12. i used to love jigsaws, just don't have any space for a board these days (or a jigsaw roll to put away at the end o a session. I hope it warms up for you, as then it might for us! happy WOYWW Helen #1

  13. Pleased to see you have something to occupy you while the weather isn't so good. It's raining here at the moment. I have a jigsaw set out on the table upstairs, it's been there for two months hardly touched but you never know! Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x7x

  14. We tend to think it's always warm in Spain!! To be honest, in between the rain it's been quite bright here but I have been freezing all week and wandering around with a blanket as well!! Maybe it's old age, it certainly isn't the number of layers I've got on!! Well done you for making a sale, how funny is that. Have a lovely week, love n hugs Cindy xx #9

  15. I love that blanket with all its colours! I, in the Netherlands, live in a comfortable apartment but I do like to curl up on the couch under a warm blanket. Hope the weather will improve here too, it's rainy and cold... enjoy your day, hug from Holland. Marit #12

  16. That blanket is gong to be fab. Love the colours. And the jumper too. I am working on one myself but it's a bit cursed LOL! Sad for me that jigsaws and cats may not be a good mix. Son's cat left (se def. would eat pieces) and not sure about ours yet. Erring on the side of caution for now. Hoping for better weather all round, ready for spring for sure!!
    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (4)
