Wednesday 25 January 2017

WOYWW 399 25th January

Firstly thank you all for visiting last weeks WOYWW and leaving your lovely comments. I really enjoy reading them.

What a busy week I have had, out to lunch three times. When am I going to start that diet? 
First lunch was with the 'flutterkickers' - my swimming exercise group that meet in the summer months, but we keep in touch during the winter by having a lunch date once a month. 
Second lunch the Dames in Spain (pretty much like the WI in the UK) it was called Winter Warmers lunch, everyone was so busy around Christmas to have a Christmas lunch so hence this one. 
The third was at a friends house, who wanted to know how I made these 'The cross in your pockets'. I made them as a talent a few years ago when all our church congregation was given 5€ and asked at least to double it. She had been given £5 by her church in the UK and asked to double it. She had brought the materials over from the UK but couldn't decide how to put them together, so a pleasant morning spent sewing and of course gossiping then a lovely roast chicken dinner for my troubles. When she said lunch I never expected a roast. 

Hence with all this gadding about my desk is not looking very productive but I did glace at my birthday book to see what special cards would be needed in the next three months. My daughter in law will be 45 and loves her bingo so I have been trying to design a card with the bingo numbers including 45. Then I have another friend who will be 90 and thought ok - 90 is top of the house so perhaps I could kill two birds with one stone so to speak but bingo is certainly not his thing, but then perhaps Scrabble is. So this is my desk:-

Well once I had removed my faithful companion. 
Not very interesting but at least I have made a start.

Remember last week when I said the weather was cold well this week we had some snow on the mountains, virtually unheard of so near to the coast.

Thankfully it has warmed up now and today was a very pleasant 23C sat in the sun, but must admit it does go colder once the sun disappears.

I am a little late posting this but as I've said before Wednesday is a busy day for me, with sewing/knitting group in the morning and a Women on Wednesday meeting in the afternoon. And to crown it all my computer didn't want to wake up this morning, then the internet didn't work, and even typing this I have had to keep saving as the computer keeps cutting out.
But here goes now to link up with Julia at

Wednesday 18 January 2017

WOYWW 18th January (3)

Good afternoon from a cold and sunless Spain, it has been one cold day today with our temperatures only reaching about 8C. Below is a picture taken of a very cold looking sea. Brrrh hope it improves tomorrow.

No exciting desk picture as my desk looks the same as in previous weeks.

I have been finishing my jumper but no modelling from me as I can't take the selfie, tried but no, so coat hanger modelling will have to do.

Tell you what I have been glad of it today. Would you believe I have spent most of last week sitting outside in the sun knitting.

Maybe my desk will have something productive on it for next week because if this cold weather continues that is where I will be in my craft room as it is small and cosy and easy to heat.

Now to link up with Julia at

Thursday 12 January 2017

WOYWW 397 11th January (2)

Thank you for all your visits and comments from last week. Feeling a little down this morning as today would have been my sons 50th birthday, but as things stand a new year, a new beginning.
All the celebrations of Christmas, New Year and 3 Kings (Epiphany) here in Spain are now over and things are starting to get back to normal. Well as normal as can be in this very laid back part of Andalucia.
So what is on my desk today:-

Well nothing to be precise I have no photo to show you but I have been busy knitting have nearly finished the jumper I posted last week now on to the last sleeve, then the bit I hate sewing up and the neck  never seem to be able to pick the correct number of stitches up. Next week I will be modelling it. haha

All is continuing as normal at Villa Ani well as near normal as possible whatever normal is. Must admit I was tempted to take on a puppy this week four of them had been found dumped in a drain. Then I said to myself the puppy will probably out live you is that fair. Also I don't know how my two cats would take to another dog, but I must admit I do miss walking a dog since Morse died.
Well it is now Thursday early hours and I must go to bed, so goodnight all.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

WOYWW 396 4th January 2017

Good morning Wednesday deskers.
I honestly don't know where the days go to hardly seems a week since I was here, must prove something - I put it down to having a busy life style.

My desk this morning is all tidy ready to start the new year productions, the trouble is I have so much other stuff to do my desk is taking not even second place but probably tenth place.

On the other hand I have started a little sorting of my wool stash, but not got very far.
Notice the Christmas lights up the stairs still flashing, must make a start at taking down decorations and tree, wish I could keep the lights up though, love to see them twinkling. Maybe will keep them until this weekend as it is Three Kings
on Friday, here in Spain it is celebrated as the children receive presents. After all it was the Three Kings that brought the gifts to Jesus.

We are having some lovely sunrises at the moment, this photo is not great as the sun was a pure red ball, but I did try my best to capture the moment, you have to be quick as the sun appears on the horizon and within a minute or so it is high in the sky. Camera always at the ready.

Hope you all have a great week.