Wednesday 21 December 2022

WOYWW 707?

Woke late this morning so in a spin. As you know it is my knitting/sewing group  on Wednesday mornings and today we have our Christmas lunch afterwards. Below is what I made for each member attending, these are instead of cards, a felt heart and chocolate. Last year it was a stocking. some of the ladies said they still have them. Oh for next year if I am still in Mojacar!

Along with a jigsaw that I have enjoyed doing, nothing on the table/desk today in fact no table at all.

Finally members of the sewing/knitting group eagerly awaiting their lunch.

All that is left for me to say is A very merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.

Oh forgot, to link up with Julia our host at

Wednesday 30 November 2022



 Apologies to start firstly I am writing this on my phone where everything is so small for my fat fingers and secondly sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

I am still in the middle of clearing out ready to put my house on the market after Christmas. All my craft stuff is done - all in plastic boxes and labelled. Next will be kitchen utensils etc.

I have managed to do some craft work mostly knitting. Now how do I get the photos on here?

Some little cuddle blankets.

And a Christmas blanket for me. Our weather has suddenly changed this week although still warm during the day it goes cool at night.

That is me for this week, not bad for a first attempt on my new phone. Enjoy your week. Ani 

Wednesday 9 November 2022


 Good evening one and all, sorry I am so late this week but better late than never. 

I have been to my knitting/sewing group this morning, our numbers keep increasing with the visitors here for a few weeks before Christmas. Some find it annoying that they can no longer come from October until Easter thanks to Brexit.

I am still surrounded with boxes, so not much crafting going on. I have started a jigsaw as I needed a distraction. It maybe only 500 pieces but that sea!!

My table hasn't been vacant as soon as one spot gets cleared something else is placed there.

Most of the things in my sewing room are now in boxes. Think I will still have to get rid of somethings as I am looking for a two bedroom villa and all on one level. I must have disposed of quite a lot because of the empty boxes, but funny thing is I can't find the lids.

Started on my card room now, all the pieces of card I have kept just in case!!! Bet you all do the same. All the other bits and pieces I kept just in case I could use them.  I need to empty these shelves because there may be some lids down behind and goodness knows what else.

I was pleased to see at the group this morning two of the girls had made use of some of my material.

This is a cushion/bag for a grandson
 using my material 

and a cross stitch cabbage cushion backed with some of my material. 

So that is me for today sorry not much crafting. 

PS as I type this it is thundering so waiting for the rain. I noticed a change in temp last night and now have a jumper on!! 

I will try and visit you all this week.


Wednesday 2 November 2022


 Congratulations on 700 posts of woyww. Here's to the next 300!! Sorry I have not been partaking these last few weeks, but things are running fast here. I have decided to put my house up for sale and move nearer my daughter in the Murcia region. I can't believe all the craft stuff I have, so it has been a radical case of downsizing. I will not be moving until sometime next year but the estate agent said make it as empty as possible!

Picture 1 is my store room (bedroom)where usually you can't see the floor! All wool, material  bits etc now boxed up.

 Picture 2 is a work in progress thus is a converted shower room where I keep all card making material. 

Picture 3 is my living room with the materials I am going through.

I have had many trips down to the bins and the charity shops.

So please bear with me if no crafting is done for a few weeks. Off now to my sewing/knitting group for a bit of normality.

Wednesday 28 September 2022


 Back but not fighting fit. I have been staying at my daughters, where after a few days I developed a sore throat like I have never had before - yes I tested positive for covid. I couldn't even see to knit and had two falls. Breaking my glasses at a cost of 400€ to repair. I am now back home and tested negative but still with so many symptoms that my doctor says they could last for months - MONTHS I said. Well at least I can see to knit/crochet so am crocheting Barney his winter blanket using oddments of wool. 

It is a simple stitch all treble. I apologise for the photos but someone has been messing with my camera and never put the settings back to the ones that I use. Think I chained to many stitches to start so now the width is now the length. Sure Barney won't mind. 

Hope you all enjoy yourselves at the crop will be thinking of you all chatting.


Wednesday 31 August 2022

WOYWW 691 31st August

 So the summer is over here and all the tourists have returned to their towns ready to begin work on 1st September. I wish they had taken the heat with them, today has been another scorcher. When will it end? 

Sorry I have been absent but have had a some hospital appointments over the last few weeks, and have found them very tiring in this heat. Our most local hospital is about an hour away, but have also been to the city of Almeria hospital never been there before to see a neuro surgeon. All this comes from the diabetic nurse not being able to find a pulse in my feet. 

My work desk this week is full of wool as I have been clearing out and putting on one side unfinished items, not has many as I thought. 

Christmas teddy needs a boot and jacket finished.

84 squares ready to sew up!

Material to take to sewing group today

4ply & Double knitting wool

Crocheted blanket for my bed,

More crocheted squares

Baby blanket started over 17yrs ago for my grandson and was told she wasn't going with baby colours. Well it is now finished and will be gladly received by our Red Cross.

I could be stuck at my sewing/knitting group until about 4pm today as the Spanish Vuelta Cyclist race is passing through Mojacar this lunchtime, they will be riding along the beach road then over the mountains to Carboneras and as this is my only way home I will have to wait until the road is open again. We have a beach road and small roads going off to urbanisations etc, but all these go towards the mountains and although I can get so far to my house using these roads unfortunately not far enough.

So that is me for this week, now to link up with Julia at who is our desker in charge.

Hope you all have a good week. 

Wednesday 27 July 2022

WOYWW 27th Julio

Good evening, very late today, have had a busy day. As if Wednesdays aren't always busy.

We are still experiencing extreme temperatures here, and fans and air con going full pelt. Dread my electricity bill for this two months.

Don't know if I dare show you my desk this week, if you don't want to see 'C' things then don't look.

Decided to sort my felts out and as always got side tracked and start doing other things as one does.

Barney under the table where one of the fans is keeping him cool.



Suddenly from an empty table all this appeared.

Anyone else use these. I know my eyesight is getting worse, but having to resort to one of these. My excuse was it was a darkened room as the curtains were closed to keep the sun out.

This is what came out of the felt, now trying to decide how to give the teddy some definition, left one filled as I sewed it on and right one used wadding underneath.

Not forgetting the animals!

I shall finish these two, then decide how many I want to make, cut the pieces out and put in a plastic box until end of September. Yesterday I heard a date for the one of the first Christmas fairs, we tend to have fairs in November as most UK residents return to their families in December.

So sorry for inflicting the C on you all, but that is what's on my desk this week.

Now to link up with our host Julia at  Sorry Julia am I forgiven?

Wednesday 6 July 2022

WOYWW 683 6th July 2022

 Sorry I have been absent but have been at my daughters enjoying being waited on and the luxury of her pool. Only had to come home because of a hospital appointment. 

Not much on my desk this morning as this has been my desk for the past week. Yes my relaxer chair and the television to watch the tennis. I have been sewing the teddies together while watching.

Also I have been doing a little sorting of my knitting needles and decided to make an holder for each length - short, medium and long! Nothing posh but hopefully it will allow me to find a needle quicker instead of rummaging through a plastic box! 

So that is me another few days of tennis then down to some serious down sizing. Really need to get all my craft materials sorted.

Off to my sewing/knitting group this morning . hope you all have a good week.

Now to join with the rest of WOYWW at Julia

Wednesday 8 June 2022

WOYWW 679 8th June

 Well summer has come with high temperatures and forecast even higher towards the weekend. It is our Moors and Christians fiesta this weekend so there will be a fair number of tourist around. I will not be going to see the parades, it is a case of been there, done that and got the teeshirt. Don't think I will be even going out. 

I don't mind staying at home as I have always something to do like knitting, sewing, gardening or even housework. Heaven forbid!

         These are two of my hibiscus bushes can't remember where the orange one came from but the red one was given to me over 22years ago when I came to live here,

This iceberg rose came with me from the UK.

I have been doing little crafting only knitting some more 'teddies for tragedies'. My stash I had were delivered to a local bar and have arrived in Ukraine, I did see some children on TV been given some teddies. It is a great way of using odd bits of wool and the pattern is so simple even I can remember it!.

Two weeks ago I went to renew my driving licence, here we have to go to a specialised medical doctor who is appointed for driving licence renewals. My bp was so high he sent me straight to my doctors and was treated with tablets under tongue etc, I had to go back next day for more tests. Eventually last thursday I was granted my licence. Now I just have to get my 15 year old car through its ITV (MOT) later this month. 

I trust you all enjoyed your jubilee weekend, not a great deal of celebrations from the Brits here in Spain but I did wear my hat at a Fish and Chip lunch last Friday. I was the only one but who cares!


Think this sums up the whole weekend.

I am writing this Tuesday evening as tomorrow is my knit & natter group and afterwards we have our summer lunch so won't be home til late afternoon. Each week we put 1€ in the pot and this pays for a summer lunch and a christmas lunch.

Wednesday 18 May 2022


 Sorry I have been absent over the past few weeks and now I have come back all my blog settings are different. I had trouble with the desktop and all had to be reloaded. 

Have nothing much to report but my jumper is nearly finished just needs sewing up - how I hate that job. 

I shall not be partaking in the ATC's as our postage system is virtually non existent these days (since Brexit kicked in). Tax is payable on packages that are deemed over letter size and weight, that is if they make it to the post office. Two cards I sent to the UK never got there.

Congratulations to Julia on keeping us all in tow and here's to another 13 years. 

Hope you all have a great week and hope to join in next week.


Wednesday 13 April 2022

WOYWW 671 13th April 22

 Good morning a quick write up before I go to knit/sewing group. Well we thought the rains had gone, and with temperatures of 28C  were beginning to rejoice that summer was coming. No such luck and easter isn't looking promising.

So what is on my desk?  I am sorting out for the C time of year actually packing them up in preparation for October time.

The jumper I have started is progressing slowly, I am hoping I have enough wool as it is from my stash, a cardigan I started years ago and then lost the pattern! The wool is Stylecraft Vision and is not available today.

 That's me done so a quick link up to Julia at and I am on my way.

Have a good easter everyone.

Wednesday 6 April 2022


 Good morning from another day of rain here in Spain, at least it is clean now and no more sandy, muddy stuff. 

This was the sea yesterday, it has done so much damage along our coast.

I have mostly been indoors for the last two weeks and have managed to finish my meadow blanket and boy do I need it on my bed.

I have now started knitting a jumper in preparation for next winter because if it is going to be like this one I will need it and many more!

I am venturing out this morning to the sewing/knitting group. Will have to look for another parking space as I usually park on the beach and I doubt if it is there anymore.

At least I have a roof over my head, heating and food unlike so many who don't.

Now to link up with Julia at who is not so far away from me today.

Wednesday 16 March 2022

WOYWW 16th March 2022

 What a last few days, no other way to describe it than we have been tangoed!

This is today Wednesday it started raining red rain over night
This is how it started Monday

The rain is becoming cleaner!!

And one last one Barney saying don't craft take me out.

Sorry about all that but here is what I have been getting up to. My meadow blanket is on the home straight only another 2/3rds to do and the edging. Looking forward to starting the blue shades.

I have also knitted some beanie hats and mittens but forgot to photo them before taking to drop off point for transport.
That is me for this week, next week will be out with the jet spray and the big clean up!

Now to link with Julia and read some of your posts.
