Wednesday 30 January 2019


Apologises AWOL last week although I did manage a few comments and even more visits.
Well the crafting mode has returned, people asking for valentine  and Easter cards so one has to oblige doesn't one? Then an order for another dart board card.

I haven't been idle over the weeks since Christmas though and have kept up with the knitting of new born hats, blankets etc. for a Gift of Warmth.

This will only be a short one today I was late getting up as the wind was howling outside and I was nice and cosy in my bed. Now I have to leave in 15 minutes for my knit and natter group. It is surprising how the weather changes from day to day here, yesterday I sat outside knitting and the sunrise looked like this.
Today no sun and extremely windy. 
Tomorrow I have to venture inland again to the dentist hopefully for the last work on my teeth. I have a feeling I will see snow on the far mountains there.
Now to link with for our round the world WOYWW. Have a good week all. 

Wednesday 16 January 2019


Well from no 1 on week 500 to a very late posting this week. Good excuse my car broke yesterday so waiting for the breakdown truck and having to hire a car for a week. I cannot manage without a car in this area of Spain. Had a 75km round trip just to the dentist yesterday and have to go again this afternoon. Help root canal filling.

My desk still hasn't appeared from before Christmas I have certainly lost the mojo. Although I have been knitting a few bits and pieces sat in front of the fire watching TV.
Will be making a start on some ventilator hats for new  borns this evening. A UK charity is desperate for some.
Short and sweet today as I have to go and prepare for the dentist visit. No looking forward to it.
Will be around later if I feel up to it. So now to link with Julia our host at

Wednesday 9 January 2019


Well that's the 500 milestone passed and as we make our way to 600,700, 800, 900 and then the very very big one! If you want to know what I am talking about then follow this link to Julia at and you can read all about it.

Still no work desk set up for me, well I have a small excuse the weekend was still holiday here, Epiphany, and with it falling on Sunday of course Monday was a holiday also. Along with that I developed toothache so had to wait til yesterday to see the dentist, who has referred me to a specialist. Why does toothache always give me earache and make me feel rotten?

I have managed a little knitting, the red jumper I finished before Christmas had developed long and baggy sleeves so I cut them down then picked up stitches did some decreasing and reknitted the rib. I remember my mum always knitting sleeves from the top down, lot easier to alter when needed. I am also finishing a few knitted items I started and threw to one side in favour of other crafting. No it isn't my new years resolution to finish these items.

I went into the garden yesterday to pick some fruit for my sewing group members and came across this lemon it looked rather like a jesters hat but now I've photographed it, looks rather rude. There probably isn't much fruit in it. Don't think it would pass for British supermarkets.

I have oranges, lemons and pink grapefruit but they all mature at the same time so I give most of them away. 

That is me for this morning, off now to sewing/knit and natter, we have a new venue today as our old one is closed for two months for refurbishment. Wonder if they will have us back when it is all posh?

Will be around hopefully before the weekend to read all your posts, but I can only reply from my desk top as my fingers are too fat for phone and kindle keypads!

Wednesday 2 January 2019


Congratulations to Julia our host on the 500 edition of WOYWW.

Hope you all have enjoyed your Christmas and New Year celebrations. Here in Spain we still have one more celebration to go  the 5th and 6th, which is Epiphany or Three Kings. Spanish children will receive most of their presents on the night of the 5th and there are some fantastic parades on this evening, when the Three Kings arrive by boat and are driven on floats through the town throwing sweets to the children.

Ok now to my desk, my computer desk actually that you saw all tidy from last week well it is still tidy as no work has been done since before Christmas.
Work will have to start on Monday though as Valentine and Easter are approaching and cards will be needed.

Here is a photo from the New Year's day dip in the sea, The mad British have been doing this for 4 years and the money raised goes to the local dog rescue centre.

Well that's me for today, hopefully I will have a more productive desk to show you next week.