Wednesday 19 August 2020

WOYWW 585 19th August

 Still suffering with the heat even though the temperatures have drop a little.

Change of craft this week gone back to sewing. My daughters step daughter is expecting a baby in December so she has asked me to make some bibs for 'it'. (They don't want to know the sex) 

Making bibs, aprons, cuddle robes etc was my business before I moved to Spain. We travelled the craft fair circuit at weekends selling them. All my bibs were backed with waterproof nylon and a layer of towelling in between. 

So this week it was time to get the templates, material and towelling out once more. 

So that is my workdesk this week, will show the finished results next week.

Don't think I will be going into business again though, although I do some local fairs here in spain.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

WOYWW 584 12th August 2020

 Good morning or should I say Good afternoon. I know I am late but this morning I had an appointment at the doctors at 8.00am for a full blood test. Everyones appointment are 8am and there can be as many as 40 people. I hit lucky this morning and was the second name called out. Afterwards I treated myself to breakfast, toast with tomato and tuna, and an iced coffee, plus mini croissants. All for 2.50€. 

Afterwards I drove to my sewing/knitting group this is the view taken from the bar we now meet in. That's my car on the left no parking charges here.

That's my work place for this Wednesday.

I haven't done much crafting these last two weeks as it has been so hot but have managed to sew a few blanket squares together and complete the edgings. A lady at the knitting group knitted most of the squares and I offered to sew them up, They will now be passed to the local dog and cats home as they are always asking for blankets.

Had to laugh at this one, I took the photo turned to switch computer on and when I turned round QC had claimed it.

No she didn't keep it - went in the bag with the rest of them.

Margaret (Glitter and Glue) I notice you crochet your squares together with a fancy stitch please can you tell me how you do it. I am not an experienced crocheter and am self taught.

I notice the page has been modified with a 'new post' button and other changes. This must be from the complaints they received.

Well now must link up with Julia our hostess for WOYWW at  then raid the fridge to see what's for lunch.