Wednesday 8 June 2022

WOYWW 679 8th June

 Well summer has come with high temperatures and forecast even higher towards the weekend. It is our Moors and Christians fiesta this weekend so there will be a fair number of tourist around. I will not be going to see the parades, it is a case of been there, done that and got the teeshirt. Don't think I will be even going out. 

I don't mind staying at home as I have always something to do like knitting, sewing, gardening or even housework. Heaven forbid!

         These are two of my hibiscus bushes can't remember where the orange one came from but the red one was given to me over 22years ago when I came to live here,

This iceberg rose came with me from the UK.

I have been doing little crafting only knitting some more 'teddies for tragedies'. My stash I had were delivered to a local bar and have arrived in Ukraine, I did see some children on TV been given some teddies. It is a great way of using odd bits of wool and the pattern is so simple even I can remember it!.

Two weeks ago I went to renew my driving licence, here we have to go to a specialised medical doctor who is appointed for driving licence renewals. My bp was so high he sent me straight to my doctors and was treated with tablets under tongue etc, I had to go back next day for more tests. Eventually last thursday I was granted my licence. Now I just have to get my 15 year old car through its ITV (MOT) later this month. 

I trust you all enjoyed your jubilee weekend, not a great deal of celebrations from the Brits here in Spain but I did wear my hat at a Fish and Chip lunch last Friday. I was the only one but who cares!


Think this sums up the whole weekend.

I am writing this Tuesday evening as tomorrow is my knit & natter group and afterwards we have our summer lunch so won't be home til late afternoon. Each week we put 1€ in the pot and this pays for a summer lunch and a christmas lunch.