Wednesday 25 December 2019


A very Merry Christmas to you all. This is my table this morning we had a lovely Christmas dinner last night (Spanish way Christmas eve).  But I drew the line at presents and we have just opened them.

Looking forward to a day of what I want to do today. Will be going for a walk shortly. This was our sunrise this Christmas morning. Yesterday the temperature rose to about 23C. 

Hope you all have a good day and Santa brought you what you wanted.
Now to link with our host Julia

Wednesday 18 December 2019


Good morning one and all.
Well this time next week Christmas dinner will have been cooked and eaten and our presents opened. Here in Spain it is Christmas eve when the family Christmas meal is eaten and small presents given saving the larger presents until 6th January after all the wise men brought the gifts to Jesus at Epipthany not Christmas day.
No boxing day here business as usual but holiday on 6th January.

So what's on my desk this morning well I have no desk as both tables have been cleared and put away. But that doesn't mean I haven't been crafting, have knitted two hats and have to finish some fingerless mitts for a couple of our homeless guys.
My Wednesday afternoon womens group have decided to make up a shoe box for the homeless guys, so my hat and mitts will go in there along with other goodies.

This is my Christmas poinsettia that I had many years ago as a small plant. After Christmas I planted it in the garden and this is the first year it will be in flower for Christmas. Must be because I transferred it to Morse and Kavvie's grave!

Well that is me hope you all have a good Christmas. Our sewing/knitting group are having their Christmas lunch after the session this morning no alcohol for me though as I will be driving.

Now to link with Julia 

Wednesday 11 December 2019


Christmas is getting closer, and wait for it.... my table worktops have gone from this

to this

Yes all ready for the big day I know it is a little early but have many activities from now until the big day.

How about this taken five minutes ago we have some fantastic sunrises and sunsets.
And to finish off my bowl of porridge.

Haven't finished crafting altogether I am knitting some hats and mittens for some of the homeless guys we have in our little town. They have been here many years and are known by the community.
Now to link with Julian at

Wednesday 4 December 2019


Well that was the week that was. Never mind collapsing on Sunday I did it Saturday afternoon! Our Christmas fair and carol singing was a great success netting our charities 2500€ to date.
 This was my stall with my little helper. Needed her because I am publicity officer and have to take photos.
This is the local band and some of the audience. They are great and like a typically Spanish band play loudly.

So this is my desk at 11.30 Tuesday night. in the back ground the cat is asleep on my chair and the dog on his bed behind the chair!
Today we have had torrential rain so I have been Christmas shopping in Almeria's shopping centre, something to do on an awful day. I can still hear rumbles of thunder even at this time.
I must really get down to making my personal Christmas cards on Thursday morning so I can get them in the post of Tuesday. Friday & Sunday are public holidays here but because it falls on a Sunday Monday is also taken. The Spanish call something like this a puente means bridge.
The purple box at the back are my new boots, yes I need boots here in spain.

Saw this on facebook and thought it funny.

Am away to my bed now, busy day tomorrow sewing group in the morning and womens group in the afternoon, hope the weather is better.
Will link up with Julia our host for WOYWW