Saturday 19 September 2015

Quiet week
Well I have been on my own for a full week and how quiet it has been.No one asking what's for lunch, what's for dinner, what time will you be back.
In case you are wondering V has returned to the Czech Rep. to renew his documents and to see his family.
So how am I making the most of this time? Well, the first two days were for me, just to potter around and take stock. 
Then I haven't really been still since. 
Monday was our monthly church council meeting and from leaving home at 9.30am it was 2.00pm when I returned, goodness knows what we talk about that takes so long!

Tuesday I went to the post office to post my friends birthday card, never know how long post takes to reach the UK, but it isn't her birthday until the end of the month. We have been friends since our junior school days and both ended up marrying someone with the same surname! 
Having a cup of coffee in the 'plaza' it is surprising how many people pass through and talk to you. Must remember if I am in need of company this is the place to go especially in the 
morning. I stayed there longer than intended talking to Tony 
but so what I have nothing to go home for and Tony likewise I suspect.

Wednesday Two of our church members had a coffee morning and Bring & Buy sale at the home, beautiful views and a lovely warm, sunny morning. The event raised 413€ for church funds, we are a self funding church and we employ a full time priest although we belong to the Church of England and are part of the Diocese in Europe we receive no funding from them.
Beautiful views from the Parata

A fair bit of chatting going on

and delicious cakes

An enjoyable morning was had by all who attended.

Straight from there I went to the weekly 'Women on Wednesday' (WOW) meeting at the Loft. There was a few more ladies there this week and we will see an increase as the 'stay away from Spain in the summer' brigade return to make this their winter home. The WOW club are a group of woman who just get together and chat, exchange goods, etc. what monies we raise go to the Stepping Stones care centre to help buy food and drink for their weekly lunch meeting. So that day I didn't arrive back home until gone 4.00pm.

Thursday I thought a day at home but no Rev. Pauline rang and asked if I could meet her to sign some papers,(I am the church warden) so once again a trip out for coffee in the plaza. It's not a bad life here.

Friday at long last a day at home and what did I have to show for it at the end of the day - nothing. I did print the Owls (our weekly church newsletter) and send them to all on the mailing list. 

So that is my first week on my own, hopefully next week perhaps I can get some of the many jobs done that I have planned.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Long hot summer

Well we've had one long hot summer but today the weather has changed and we are experiencing some long awaited rain. It is beautiful and much needed.

As per usual I am glad the summer is over and all the tourists have left and we have our Mojacar back to ourselves. I often wonder how we, the residents benefit from all the tourists - broken pots, graffiti, unmentionables on the roads and pavements, loud music, no where to park, cars abandoned everywhere. The biggest reward must go to the supermarkets, then the bars and restaurants. I wonder how many bar owners will see the winter out here, not many I bet.

Since my last post of here I have acquired another dog. He was rescued from a local village after being left tied up in the blazing sun all day. When I brought him home he was weak, thin, full of ticks and fleas, infection of eyes and ears and exhausted. Today I am glad to report he is now fully recovered from all these nasties. There is only one problem he does not like cats and I have two which he thinks he should chase, so unfortunately I cannot keep him as it is unfair to the cats whose home this is. Because he is old no one else wants him, and he so affectionate, gentle and no trouble apart from the cat situation. He loves going for a walk and walks very well on the lead, doesn't mind other dogs and is willing to please.
This is Lewis shortly after I rescued him.
This is Lewis today he hates having his photo taken and runs round and round me. Honestly he is a great deal happier although he doesn't look it.

I love my two cats and the things they get up to, although since acquiring the dog they spend most of the time indoors and with the heat of the summer sleeping.

Nothing like stretching out

The cats are not allowed on this chair but try telling QC that.

Brother and sister love.

I have been losing weight all summer in readiness for a hip replacement, that I hope will be very shortly, I see the anesthetist this month then will have to wait for the op date. The more weight I can lose the better it will be for me. 

Earlier this week I went to see the film 2nd best Marigold Hotel, didn't think it as good as the first but Maggie Smith is a fantastic actress. Afterwards we were served an Indian based supper. The proceeds went towards our church here.  I am still making the little 'cross in your pocket' in aid of church funds and have now made over 100. I will be coming to the end soon because I have no more plastic canvas left. This project all started from a talent that we launched in church where we all had 10€ and had to increase the original money.  

Well we have had our downpour for approximately 30 minutes so will not have to water the plants tonight. I hope it was clean rain and not the horrible red stuff that colours everywhere. Glad I didn't clean the windows this week.