Saturday 19 September 2015

Quiet week
Well I have been on my own for a full week and how quiet it has been.No one asking what's for lunch, what's for dinner, what time will you be back.
In case you are wondering V has returned to the Czech Rep. to renew his documents and to see his family.
So how am I making the most of this time? Well, the first two days were for me, just to potter around and take stock. 
Then I haven't really been still since. 
Monday was our monthly church council meeting and from leaving home at 9.30am it was 2.00pm when I returned, goodness knows what we talk about that takes so long!

Tuesday I went to the post office to post my friends birthday card, never know how long post takes to reach the UK, but it isn't her birthday until the end of the month. We have been friends since our junior school days and both ended up marrying someone with the same surname! 
Having a cup of coffee in the 'plaza' it is surprising how many people pass through and talk to you. Must remember if I am in need of company this is the place to go especially in the 
morning. I stayed there longer than intended talking to Tony 
but so what I have nothing to go home for and Tony likewise I suspect.

Wednesday Two of our church members had a coffee morning and Bring & Buy sale at the home, beautiful views and a lovely warm, sunny morning. The event raised 413€ for church funds, we are a self funding church and we employ a full time priest although we belong to the Church of England and are part of the Diocese in Europe we receive no funding from them.
Beautiful views from the Parata

A fair bit of chatting going on

and delicious cakes

An enjoyable morning was had by all who attended.

Straight from there I went to the weekly 'Women on Wednesday' (WOW) meeting at the Loft. There was a few more ladies there this week and we will see an increase as the 'stay away from Spain in the summer' brigade return to make this their winter home. The WOW club are a group of woman who just get together and chat, exchange goods, etc. what monies we raise go to the Stepping Stones care centre to help buy food and drink for their weekly lunch meeting. So that day I didn't arrive back home until gone 4.00pm.

Thursday I thought a day at home but no Rev. Pauline rang and asked if I could meet her to sign some papers,(I am the church warden) so once again a trip out for coffee in the plaza. It's not a bad life here.

Friday at long last a day at home and what did I have to show for it at the end of the day - nothing. I did print the Owls (our weekly church newsletter) and send them to all on the mailing list. 

So that is my first week on my own, hopefully next week perhaps I can get some of the many jobs done that I have planned.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Long hot summer

Well we've had one long hot summer but today the weather has changed and we are experiencing some long awaited rain. It is beautiful and much needed.

As per usual I am glad the summer is over and all the tourists have left and we have our Mojacar back to ourselves. I often wonder how we, the residents benefit from all the tourists - broken pots, graffiti, unmentionables on the roads and pavements, loud music, no where to park, cars abandoned everywhere. The biggest reward must go to the supermarkets, then the bars and restaurants. I wonder how many bar owners will see the winter out here, not many I bet.

Since my last post of here I have acquired another dog. He was rescued from a local village after being left tied up in the blazing sun all day. When I brought him home he was weak, thin, full of ticks and fleas, infection of eyes and ears and exhausted. Today I am glad to report he is now fully recovered from all these nasties. There is only one problem he does not like cats and I have two which he thinks he should chase, so unfortunately I cannot keep him as it is unfair to the cats whose home this is. Because he is old no one else wants him, and he so affectionate, gentle and no trouble apart from the cat situation. He loves going for a walk and walks very well on the lead, doesn't mind other dogs and is willing to please.
This is Lewis shortly after I rescued him.
This is Lewis today he hates having his photo taken and runs round and round me. Honestly he is a great deal happier although he doesn't look it.

I love my two cats and the things they get up to, although since acquiring the dog they spend most of the time indoors and with the heat of the summer sleeping.

Nothing like stretching out

The cats are not allowed on this chair but try telling QC that.

Brother and sister love.

I have been losing weight all summer in readiness for a hip replacement, that I hope will be very shortly, I see the anesthetist this month then will have to wait for the op date. The more weight I can lose the better it will be for me. 

Earlier this week I went to see the film 2nd best Marigold Hotel, didn't think it as good as the first but Maggie Smith is a fantastic actress. Afterwards we were served an Indian based supper. The proceeds went towards our church here.  I am still making the little 'cross in your pocket' in aid of church funds and have now made over 100. I will be coming to the end soon because I have no more plastic canvas left. This project all started from a talent that we launched in church where we all had 10€ and had to increase the original money.  

Well we have had our downpour for approximately 30 minutes so will not have to water the plants tonight. I hope it was clean rain and not the horrible red stuff that colours everywhere. Glad I didn't clean the windows this week.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Visitors gone all quiet

This past week has seen my daughter Sarah and her partner Cameron come and go. Love having them here as they are so much fun and I get to go and do things I don't do on my own.

Made the first annual venture onto the beach and into the sea, it was so refreshing as the temperatures have been in the high 30's this past week. Getting to the sea was a little difficult as the sand was so hot and the boards the town hall lay down on the sand have over the years become shorter and shorter.

The second visit to the beach the sea was too rough for me to venture into so it was just a paddle to cool my feet. 

The following day we decided to give the beach a miss and went inland to a hostel I know where we could swim and have lunch. We ordered a seafood paella and I must say not being a great lover of rice I thoroughly enjoyed it. Only six other people round the pool so it was bliss, no children dive bombing or screaming. 

Obviously while they are here we eat out sometimes so have had a few tapas lunches and evening meals. I love eating out occasionally something I don't very often do. We had a fabulous meal at our local Brazilian restaurant, all of us had 'rodizio' I gave up long before Cameron and Sarah, Cameron was the winner and carried on to the end. 

Cameron is also a good bbq chef and cooked sirloin steak to perfection one night and another night chilli marinaded chickens legs. Must say Sarah is a good sous chef as she kept telling Cameron and I.

I did notice that while they were here one of my cats had the sulks. always sitting with her back to me but now she has become the same old QC again. 

So now it is back to normal whatever that is living in Spain. All the washing done and put away, bedroom cleaned and V re-installed.

Hope this coming week isn't quite so hot and humid but it's only a hope somehow I don't think so.

About time I started looking to make my Christmas cards perhaps that will cool me down.

Saturday 20 June 2015

W/e Saturday 20th June
What has this week been like? Well this week began with the first visitors - V's parents from the Czech Republic. It is good to see them but hard work as the only language they speak is obviously Czech, I can identify some words but have to have translation.They spent most of the morning on the beach and I only met up with them late afternoon for a drink.

Everywhere round here is beginning to look very dry and parched, I just pray that there are no fires. I don't think I have been so frightened as when we had the fires a few years ago. Two cats, one dog an myself spent the night on the beach. Just hope holiday makers realise the danger of disposing of cigarette ends and act responsibly when enjoying barbecues.

Noticed the difference in the amount of traffic on the beach road this morning the holiday season is starting. Possibly the Spanish children have finished school now.

Our exercise swimming class started on Tuesday morning, the water was a little cold but after a few minutes of jumping up and down the feeling of numbness ceased. This morning, Saturday, it felt a little warmer. Our group is called the 'Flutter kickers' and at least five of us have been attending well over 20 years. We used to meet at the Rambla bar pool then transferred to the Kimrick when the Rambla closed. Keeps our jaws fit as well as other parts!

Wednesday afternoon I go to a bar called the Loft, we call ourselves the WOW club (Women on Wednesday) apart from having a good natter and putting Mojacar to rights, we have a small raffle to support a local charity. Earlier this year we donated about 200€ to a club called Stepping Stones, this club was set up by a lady called Fanny Davies when she became a carer for her husband. It helps people who are carers and perhaps find they are isolated living in Spain. Here in Spain there is very little social funded care.

Thursday morning along with two other people I spent two and a half hours in a bank opening a bank account.When something like this happens I always think back to what my friends in the UK said to me - What will you do when you get fed up of sunbathing? I wish I only had time to sit around in the sun. I find here in Spain if you allocate one day to do one task and you complete the task then you have done well, complete two tasks and that is a miracle. Don't forget most offices, banks, post offices etc. only open in the mornings, so what doesn't get done in the morning well that's it until next day.

Tuesday's daily task was swimming and a visit to the doctors, yes two things in one morning - a miracle. I have been struggling with a painful hip for over two years and have already seen the orthopaedic consultant but he wouldn't operate until I had had another op. The last few months each movement has been so painful I had to do something, so have now been referred back to the consultant.

I am looking forward to a week tomorrow when my daughter comes for a visit, she is only here for five days going back Friday on an early morning flight, so will have to make the most of the visit, I know it will go so quickly. Hope the jelly fish will have disappeared from the sea by then. Must look out some good restaurants as well.

I am still crocheting the blanket squares and have at least 30 to crochet or sew together. I am still making 'the cross in your pocket' should have kept count of how many I have made altogether, must be 50 at least. Both these projects are so easy to do when I watch TV. 

No photos this week must remember to take my camera out with me, I do not have one of these posh iphones or whatever they call them.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Another month has flown by and we are now half way through June. What a hectic first half to the year it has been. I always find this time of the year very busy, so much to sort out before the heat of the summer arrives.
At the church AGM in April I was elected church warden so am now responsible for the fabric etc of the churches.

My car that I bought as a present for my 60th birthday was due its ITV (MOT) at the beginning of the month and glad to say it passed with flying colours. 
My 60th Birthday present to me
Summer is coming and I made the decision to have my hair cut ready for our water exercise class that begins on Tuesday. Friday I went and tried a new hairdresser  to see what could do about the colour, ( I had heard he was fantastic with colouring hair) he didn't disappoint and I like the new colour.

Last month I lost a dear friend Mike, we had had such good times together and he was my partner in crime when I was church warden many years ago. We had been on holidays together, Santiago, Barcelona, Seville - one memorable one was on the Loire canal, when only a couple of weeks previously I had broken my ankle, so was unable to do much jumping off the boat to man the locks, poor Audrey (his wife) had to open all the locks, as another friend who was with us fell in the canal and had to return home. He taught me about bullfighting and we attend many fights together. A service in celebration of his life took place in church and was attended by at least 180 people. RIP Mike you are no longer in God's waiting room as you used to say.

On the weekend of the 16th May we had a visit from the Suffragan Bishop of our Diocese he came to confirm two adult members of our congregation. On the Saturday we had a rehearsal in church, then a few members of the church council met informally with him and shared a buffet supper. It was gone 10.30pm by the time I arrived home, only to be up early next day for the confirmation service. At the beginning of the service the Bishop installed Pam and myself as church wardens, and as he said rightly so, as we are officers of the Bishop. A very busy weekend with mixed emotions.
Myself, Bishop David and Pam 

It is the Moors and Christians weekend here in Mojacar, the festivities started last night and end with the big parade on Sunday evening. I will not be going to see it as I have seen it more than a few times when my family are staying with me. Tomorrow from about midday all along the beach road there will be loud explosions from their blunderbusses (if that is the plural).

I really wanted to do some craft work but have only managed a few greeting cards, some cross in the pockets, and blanket squares for Africa over the past few months. If I carry on like this I will be gone to the craft room in the sky before I use 1/4 of my materials up! NB not to buy anything else craft wise.

Last Sunday I had an unwelcome visitor outside my front door - a rather large hissing snake, think he was the largest I've seen around here. He was caught on a brush handle and delivered back to the mountainside. Hope he does coming calling again.For the full video see my facebook page.

Hissing Sid

Looking forward to two weeks tomorrow when Sarah and Cameron are coming for a few days,they are not here for my birthday this year so will have to put my birthday meal on hold. Hope to go to the Brazilian restaurant again.

Have some good plants in the garden at the moment, must go and check on the cucumbers  and am waiting for the tomatoes to colour. The sunflower looks a little damp after the heavy rain we had this week.

Must away now and sample my gazpacho soup I made earlier.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Oh dear another month has passed, so what have I been doing this month. Well it seems to have been a month of computer and paperwork. Hopefully all is now in order and I can relax a little. 
This past week I have had two Annual General Meetings - one for the church and another for the Dames in Spain. 
As far as the Dames one is concerned I am only a just a member so no work there.
The Church is completely different as I held/hold the position of secretary, but fortunately I am hoping to split the work and have handed over one job as the church minutes secretary and hope the council will agree to this and I shall become the chaplaincy secretary. Here in Spain it takes an age to get official things done, and especially with an organisation, when you are about to sign documents you find the official signatories could have changed owing to a change of position after a year.

I am still hoping to find more (or perhaps I should say some) time to return to my handicrafts. I really must get down to card making as stock is very depleted, and not one Christmas card remains in the stock box.
I have managed to keep the stock going of 'The cross in my Pocket' and seem to sell about 5 a week. I usually make two a night if I happen to sit and watch TV. (Can't watch TV and not do anything or I will fall asleep).
I have also some blanket squares to sew together and I want to knit some little bags that I have seen on the Fish and Chip Babies facebook page. 

Tomorrow I am off to a restaurant for a cookery demo afterwards our lunch is the demonstration goodies! 
Then on Tuesday it is our 'flutterkickers' lunch. This is a group of women who during the summer months do pool exercises, well certainly mouth exercises in the pool! So when the season comes to an end we meet monthly for a lunch, this we find keeps the group together in the winter months.

My friends Terri and Peter are here from the Gambia this week it is so good to see them after so long. Peter was saying he needed to lose some weight and I said likewise so starting on Wednesday we are in competition. I would dearly love to lose at least 20 kilos but I think that is unrealistic so anything would be great. Whatever I lose will only benefit my health and perhaps reduce the pain from my hip. I am looking to go walking every day as the form of exercise. So wish me luck.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Where do the months go? I have not posted on here for ages and reading the last but one post it says my grandson is celebrating his 9th birthday well yesterday he celebrated his 10th birthday - another year gone.
Perhaps I have been so busy doing other things especially for my church here in Mojacar - I am the secretary, worship leader, sacristan and probably general dogs body, but then that is my life and my choice. We recently opened a new Church of England church here is my area of Spain a place called Llanos del Peral at El Cucador, so a great deal of work has gone into making that successful.
My other love of crafty things has taken a back seat and now the monthly card workshops have ceased there is the saying always tomorrow I will get my card making materials out but of course tomorrow never comes.
I do tend to do little things while sitting in the evening and have made nearly 30 A cross in my pocket.

I have also been knitting and crocheting squares for blankets, didn't know if they were still needed but found out last week there are, so will be sewing/crocheting them together and hand them over to the appropriate person. 

My lovely dog Morse died in 2014, aged 13 and I miss him so much, he was always there for me, the worse part is when I come home and drive up to the house and he is not waiting for me at the gate. He had been with me since a little puppy of about 9 weeks, he was one of 6 that had been abandoned. Never knew what happened to the rest of them as they were all sent to Holland.

I still have my two cats and one of them has become extremely close to me since Morse died, she sits at the computer with me, sits on my knee when watching television, and is even waiting behind the front door when she hears my car. When Morse was buried in the garden she even sat on the roof of my car watching. Strange because she was the cat who didn't bother to much with him it was always the other cat and Morse that slept together. No one will ever know what goes on in animals minds.

Believe it or not these two are brother and sister, one is a long hair and the other very short hair, but as kittens you couldn't tell them apart.