Wednesday 31 May 2017


Firstly thank you for allowing me to join in with the ATC's  I have received one so far but postal deliveries to my part of the world are very slow, not so much as from here to the UK but the other way I think they must go via Australia!

So what an untidy desk this week but then this to me means productivity! The usual items for any card maker, cutter, scoring board, scissors, washi tapes (well not the real ones but from our local Chinese) as are the embellishments. Oh and a Spanish flag ready to send to my friend in UK as a birthday present joke. He has a flag pole in his garden and flies the Union Jack, French flag etc on certain days, but when I stayed with him he had no Spanish flag.

 Next photo some quick cards I have made mostly with a butterfly theme, these will go into my stock.

An early post for me this week as I have to be at the hospital for 8.30am for an x ray then an appointment at 10.00 to see the consultant about having my other hip replaced. It is 18 months since I had the first one done and it left me with one leg quite a bit longer than the other, so hoping this can be rectified. If all was ok I wouldn't be having the other one done as I really suffered with sores and ulcers last time and no way do I want to go through all that again.

Now to link with Julia our host at Thank you for your visits and comments I will visit yours when I get back home.

Wednesday 24 May 2017


Wow Congratulations all on this 8th anniversary of WOYWW and a special thanks to Julia who hosts this every Wednesday.
Although for me it is only a little over a year I first joined on 6th April 2016 WOYWW 357. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome in this unique club.

Now for the reason we get together every Wednesday. To be nosey and look in on all your work desks.

So this is my desk or table this week, gone are the fabrics and a change of crafts, the beginnings of card making. Next week should reveal what I have made, well I hope so that is if I am at home long enough.

Wonder how many of you sew on a machine like this, my faithful old industial Singer. It might only be a straight stitcher but I really like it.

So that's it for today short and sweet now over to Julia on this special day.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

WOYWW 415 17th May

Good morning all, well I did promise you something on my desk this week but I am sorry to have to break that promise. Although I said I had a free week it didn't turn out like that knew I shouldn't have said anything.

I did manage to sew a few more bits and pieces for Christmas and below is QC helping to make sure the snowmen are stuck down properly.

So here is a staged picture of some of my makes for this week.

There are two adult aprons but I have sewn about six, two baby bibs, some handbag shopping bags. and a couple of cross in your pockets.
I have been sitting with a friend of mine who is ill to allow her husband to go out. So the box of 'cross in your pocket' is handy to take with me and something I can do silently as my friend sleeps most of the time.

I really want to join in the ATC's have never done anything like that before so hope mine are up to standard! Not too sure how it all works but hope to find more out next week.

Now to link up and get ready for my knit and natter group to catch up on all the latest gossip.

Will try and get round to visits later, but feel free to leave a comment and thanks for visiting.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

WOYWW 414 10th May

Where on earth did this week go to?
Nothing on my work desk this week as it turned into a hectic week probably because I was without a car the previous week and had a number of visits etc. So my desk looks the same as last week but I have cleared all the tapestry wool away.

This weeks project when I had a spare few minutes sit down. It is a drop stitch scarf knitted in variegated wool obtained from one of our many local Chinese shops. I am wondering about the length, have read that it should be a least the height of the person, so with this in mind only another 6 inches to go, then I will fringe it. Love the way the colours have turned out.


Promise I will have something more exciting to show you next week as at present I have a free week, but then it is only Wednesday.

So to finish my faithful companion QC asleep by my side on the computer desk.

Now to link up with other deskers at Stamping-ground hosted by Julia.

Thursday 4 May 2017


Sorry I am late with this but I don't know where the days have gone. Seem to have spent most of the past week to and fro from the garage, my car has been having problems again, and the garage is an hours bus ride away and the bus only goes every hour, so a great deal of time is wasted. Hopefully now it will be ok as it has passed its ITV (MOT) for another 13 months. I just have to pass mine next month when I renew my driving licence. Here in Spain we have to take a medical, eyes, ears, blood pressure etc.

Not so much my work desk this week but my work table.

Full of tapestry wool as a lady at church asked for some more 'cross in your pockets' it was the Spring fair on Monday well should have been Saturday but even here in Spain you cannot guarantee the weather, so when Saturday started with showers the decision to change date to Monday was  taken. The fair is always held outside on one of the car parks by the paseo. So along with crafty things in preparation for the Christmas fair I had to sort wool out. The red material is waterproof nylon that I back bibs and aprons with and also used to make some fold up shopping bags. The other material top right is doggy patterned that I saw in one of our big Chinese shops I happened to go in while waiting for my car. Well one has to pass the time somehow and one can only drink so much coffee. This will make a few doggy bandanas to go with the ones I have made already.

Sorry this is only short but I feel my eyes closing it is 12.30am  so I only missed the deadline by 30 minutes.

Please feel free to leave a comment and I will try to read and comment on as many posts as I can.

Now linking with Julia who hosts are weekly get together.

If you would like to see what else I get up to I do have a facebook page if anyone is interested under the name of Ann Marshall.

Night night