Tuesday 30 June 2020

Weekend blog trial of the new blogger site

Starting this evening Friday 26th June I am going to try the new blogger - recording my activities etc. over the weekend.
Now you can see what I really get up to.

Friday evening meeting friends for  'Cocktails then across the road to the Chinese for a meal'. So it is now 5.15pm as we are meeting at 6.30 better try and save this and get ready. 
Firstly feed the animals.

Well that's two photos added without much trouble.

Then on to our first visit of the evening to the cocktail bar.

A few more photos, don't seem to be able to place them exactly where I want.

Then onwards across the road to the Chinese restaurant, where we had one of their banquet meals - far to much food but great to try so many different dishes.

So that's the food done now back to the cocktail bar for our final drinks of the night.
A cafe cocktail one of the ladies googled the recipe and they made it for us.  Very good it was too. It was so lovely sitting out of their terrace listening to the waves splashing on the shore I could have stayed there all night. 

View so far, not really happy, can't place photos where I want them also font and colour keeps reverting back to normal and black. Cannot get back to left hand side to type after inserting photos. Why can't it be like Office Word simple to use.

Saturday's work.Wow no hangover so after pet food shopping and coffee out back home and straight to work on some card making. Those dreaded inserts, but by the end of the day all done, packaged up, priced and put away for Christmas. Along with some finished birthday cards to add to stock.

 Just want to put these two photos side by side but no way will it let me.
 Another save. As it's now Sunday and I am preparing to go out for our usual Sunday lunch. Think this will be the last one until September as

a) it's getting too hot temperatures in the 30's.

b) slowly the holidaymakers are returning so parking is difficult and also as most of my friends  are classed as old and vunerable (never considered ourselves old before this Covid thing) we don't want to be in crowded restaurants. You wouldn't have thought us old on Friday night.

Had a fantastic sunday lunch so good forgot to take photos. 
The testing with the photos hasn't gone to plan and I am not happy with it, but suppose will have to live with it.

So on Wednesday's WOYWW will be on the new blogger.





Wednesday 24 June 2020


Still working on the old blogger I expect I will have to change this week or next. 

Sunday was an afternoon and night of panic, while I was having Sunday lunch with friends at a restaurant at the bottom of my hill three fire engines and police cars went flying past, this always raises panic in me since our bad fires of a few years ago. Then the water helicopters and fire planes were overhead. I have a range of mountains behind my house and it was these that were on fire.

 The helicopters were filling up with water at a lake on the disused golf course.

Come night time it was up to the firefighters on the ground but thanks to their fantastic work the fire was under control in the morning.

Now the reason we are here - my workdesk. This week is has been full of Christmas cards, even put another table up to cope with the amount of work.

All these waiting for inserts, a job I hate.

These are waiting for a few more embellishments that I know I have but cannot find anywhere. Will have to pay a visit to the Chinese shop and buy some more.

 Thank you for all the suggestions about the tape leaving brown marks, a friend of mine has the same problem so we have put it down to the weather and humidity here. She suggests we put some washi tape along the inside to cover up.

We have come out of lockdown more or less completely now, but must admit I am worried about when all the holiday makers come from the rest of Spain and other countries. 

So that is me for this week, now to link up with Julia at https://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/  our host for WOYWW.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


Good morning,
Below is what it is all about coming out of lockdown and being able to celebrate my birthday with my friends. What a celebration it was to. We will say no more except you will all get there.

So to my desk this was taken at 6.00am Christmas card making trying to make quick and easy ones that I can put in packs of 6 as I found last year these sold rather than individual ones.
Nothing else exciting there the hand cream was a birthday present from a friend who was sick of me complaining about dry hands because of constant washing of them and the other bottle is sun cream.

So that is me for this week off to sewing/knitting group this morning and LOL (Ladies of Leisure) this afternoon, back to my busy Wednesdays.
Hope you all have a good week and stay safe.
Gone back to the old blogger site hopefully will have some time to investigate the new one this week.
Now to link with Julia https://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/

Wednesday 10 June 2020


OMG what is this new blogger. Why change things that work? I am too old for change. Has taken me ages to get this far.

I saved the above and now it has taken me 15 minutes to find it again. Think New Blogger and me are going to fall out big time.

Well let's get down to business and the reason we are here. 
Ok now to try and load some photos 

Well success - this is my table Tuesday afternoon. Making some cards that can be used as anniversary or with friends like mine for birthday. After all champagne or cava as we drink in Spain can be drunk any time.

My trusted friend in his usual position.

Can I ask what does anyone use to stick inserts in cards I have been using double sided tape but notice after a few weeks it has dried out and left a brownish mark showing through. I have had to go through my stock and replace the inserts. Now I am worried that my Christmas stock I am building up will be the same before Christmas. Maybe I have trouble because of the heat here.

Also this week I have been sewing blanket squares together, a lady in the sewing/knitting group made them but wasn't keen on all the sewing up. The blankets will go to the local dogs home when finished.

Now to my over grown, over smelly plant in the garden. I used to love Lady of the Night and its delicate perfume, I have had this plant years but over the past four years (flowers twice a year) the perfume as become over powering. I cut it down low after each flowering but this makes no difference. Any gardeners out there - has it had its day, the older they get the smellier they get!!

Can you see the dog?

One for Annie you must have seen this but I thought of you and your face masks. 

Now for the final stage of this new blogger, to save and schedule for posting tomorrow to link up with Julia at https://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/
PS Can I get this to publish no way. Have gone back to the old blogger.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


Hope all is well with everyone. Bliss here we have been released and slowly, very slowly we are returning to normal.

Our sewing group met last Wednesday only 5 of us but it was lovely to see and catch up with friends. Then in the afternoon our ladies group met, 10 of us this is the maximum number we are allowed to have together so had to book our places. On Sunday 6 of us went out for lunch and before we left were making arrangements where to go next Sunday. No stopping us now. Gosh did I have a dry throat after all the talking.

As well as all these outings I have been busy with orders for cards, possibly because shops that sell them haven't been allowed to open yet. All through lockdown I have been making card orders and leaving them on my gate for people to sneak out and collect.

So this was my desk Tuesday morning. Barney in his usual position lying at my feet.

 This was my desk Tuesday evening when work was done and about 20 cards made ready to have their inserts done.

How do you like my sunflowers, I found some old seeds when I was clearing out during lockdown and thought I would plant them and this is the result. I have about five more planted elsewhere in the garden waiting to flower.

I am writing this Tuesday evening and am going to try yet again to schedule it for posting in the early hours of Wednesday, I have tried before but never been successful.

So when posted will link up with Julia our host at https://stamping-ground.blogspot.com/ when I turn on the computer in the morning.

Stay safe all and remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel as we have found out this last week.