Wednesday 26 December 2018


Good Morning hope you all had a good Christmas.

Sorry I couldn't post last week as was without phone and internet for 48 hours. Have to laugh really an electricity joint underground exploded was repaired then water got into the box so waterboard had to repair, then the next thing we know is the fibre optic is all down in my area, now I am not saying anything but .....

I must show this picture of my computer desk this is probably the one and only time it will look like this. The monitor was my Christmas present so before installing I cleaned all the desk. Even the cat jumped up and decided she better not sit there.

My other table that I work from has been put away for Christmas to make room to eat Christmas dinner, which we have Christmas eve here in Spain. After dinner we give the presents out.

I woke up Christmas day to this sunrise and later walked the dog along the paseo in the sun. A lovely relaxing Christmas Day.

So all is back to normal this morning Spanish don't have Boxing Day so the next celebration will be New Year then 5/6th Jan Three Kings.

I wish you all a Happy 2019 and all that is left to do now is joint Julia at

Wednesday 12 December 2018


Good morning and a little early it is. Went to bed at 9.30 last night and of course woke at 3.45 and cannot get back to sleep.

Time to relax a little before the big day not that I celebrate over the top. Here in Spain the big meal is Christmas eve and Christmas day is more like our Boxing day, the 26th is back to work, until New Year, then back to work again and more celebrating 5th/6th January when the children receive their gifts from the Three Kings.

I completed the last of my three Christmas fairs on Saturday not quite as successful as the other two but then I didn't have the same amount of stock.

My table at 4.30 this morning is this - not very exciting. just a few unsewn felt decorations. I managed to get some adhesive numbers for the advent calendars but they will have to wait until next year now. The box on the left contains all that remains of my Christmas cards and the box on the right contains my everyday cards that I took with me last Saturday to boost the stock a little. By the weekend all will be packed away for another year. Christmas materials that is.
Then after a little cleaning I will be ready to put my tree and other decorations up.

I was sat on my terrace the other night and the colours of the sky were beautiful when the last fishing boat came slowly across making its way home into the fishing port of Garrucha. These fishermen spend a 12 hour day on the water, I am usually woken up at 6.00am when they all leave the port chugging away with full lights across the dark Med. I think it is a dying occupation as they aren't as many as 20 years ago.

Well that is me for today, off to make a coffee. Later today the sewing/knitting group have our Christmas lunch so something to look forward to. This will be my only Christmas lunch this year as the other groups I belong to have decided to have Three Kings Luncheons in January as so many people go back to the UK for Christmas.

Will leave you with this.

Wednesday 5 December 2018


Good morning one and all, have only one thing to shout out today and that is HELP.

This is my work station last night I don't know where to start after an extremely successful fair on Saturday, and having another one booked for this Saturday. I can't decide what to make first. Decided on some small triangles in red and green felt to make a small banner, then it will be on to some adult aprons in Christmas material. 

The box in the left corner is my friends Cricut Create that I have been trying out, she thought it might cut felt but unfortunately no. The box near my cutter has all that is left of my Christmas cards after making over 150 of them.

So that is it for this week now to collect the triangles up and take them with me to my sewing/knitting group this morning.

I will be around to visit but maybe not until after Saturday, there are some sites I just cannot comment on wonder if it because I live in Spain, any ideas please.