Tuesday 28 March 2017


Here we are again - the last Wednesday in March, how the year is going so fast.

On my desk or should I say table this Tuesday evening isn't very exciting I have put together the things I have been working on this week.

Starting from the left are some fun wine bottle aprons experiments for the Christmas stall I spoke of last week.

Then at the back is a seat ready for covering for some bamboo patio furniture that someone was throwing away. These sets when new cost about 800€ and I am sure with a little paint and material can be made like new again. Watch this space.

At the front is the drop stitch scarf I am knitting, unfortunately I only purchased two balls of wool and went back to day to get some more only to find they have sold it all, so quick thinking, as I have only used one of the balls I managed to find a contrast colour that I shall use in the middle and then finish with the original colour. If you understand what I mean.

So that is my desk and workings for this week. Don't know if much more will get done as I have a friend visiting for a week, she used to live here and moved to The Gambia over four years ago so we have lots of catching up to do.

Now to publish ready to link up with Julia and others at www.stamping-ground.blogspot.com. in the morning.

PS forgot to say both cats are now using the scratching posts and fighting who gets to play with the ball!

Wednesday 22 March 2017


Hi everyone, well here we are at another WOYWW hosted by Julia from stamping-ground 

Nothing much to show on my desk this week packed away all the card making materials now I have quite a stock for the coming months celebrations. Given the table a good clean - glue gets everywhere.
 So on the desk today are some balls of knitting wool I have purchased yes I know I said shoot me if I buy some more but I have a good excuse as I am preparing for our Dames in Spain Christmas fair and carol concert. This year we have decided to man and supply all the stalls ourselves instead of inviting outsiders to have a table with their goods. So one has to begin early in the year doesn't one? The knitting you see is the beginning of a drop stitch scarf not to sure of the pattern but have tried to keep it simple, something I can do without too much concentration. Will also be looking for fingerless mitts etc. patterns as these make good presents and the cost of posting them to another country isn't too great.
Any more ideas please.

As I type this here is my furry friend helping me.

Earlier this week I bought the cats a new scratching pole and the photo below I have given the caption - if you think I am using that instead of your chair and settee ........
Hope you all have a good week will try and do the rounds later and thank you in advance for your comments.

Wednesday 15 March 2017


Thanks for visiting last week, I did manage to get round to all posts and commented on those that would allow.

As promised last week some photos of our International Women's Day celebrations. First starting with my sewing group and a glass of cava yes drinking at 10 in the morning tut tut.

Then moving on to the Dames in Spain lunch at a local golf club. 
The beautifully set tables
All the ladies
The ladies on my table. The middle lady is our mayor. She supports all we do although she doesn't speak English.
This was the table prize won by yours truly!
An Easter egg and plant.
So that was my Wednesday last week. Thursday was spent recovering in the sun!

Now for this Wednesday my desk has been very productive mainly because the weather has been very bad - cold, windy and two days of rain, so it was on with the heating and to work. I do feel sorry for visitors who come for a little winter sun and have to endure rain. 
This is my desk Tuesday evening reasonably tidy with just the last two cards to put away. Used a little flower soft on one of them.
So here are the products of my labours.

My finished Easter cards
and birthday cards using stamps, washi tape, old music sheets

Now to decide what to do next week, some knitting, crocheting, or maybe heaven forbid some housework. You will just have to wait and see. Hope you all have a good week.

Wednesday 8 March 2017


Good morning all, Firstly an apology for not reading and commenting on most of the posts last Wednesday. I was having trouble with my internet, then when it was repaired I kept losing signal. Finally it was Saturday before all was sorted and when I looked - oh so many to read. So to the ones who got a comment you were extremely lucky.

We don't have fibre optic here in Mojacar and I only have a max. of 2mb so takes me ages to load photos etc. but hope is on the horizon or should I say underground as work has begun on laying fibre optic cables but we have been told it will be medical and businesses first and little old me will probably be last up on top of the hill. After all only 10 years ago I had no internet.

Now for WOYWW, well it is Tuesday's photo actually, as we are celebrating International Womens day today, I shall be going to my sewing/knitting group but leaving early to catch a coach to take us to one of the local golf clubs for a special luncheon. As I am the publicity officer for our Dames in Spain no doubt there will be pictures next week.

An even less cluttered desk this week, I fancied some therapeutic colouring/painting and thought it about time I increased my stock of stamped images. So out with the stamps, ink pads etc. Am I the only person to have stamps never used? Must admit the unused ones are mostly rubber ones so cutting, mounting etc is a bind. Anyone got some ideas about this.

This appeared on my face book page this week someone thought it apt for me obviously.

Will try and get round to reading and commenting all this week.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

WOYWW 404 1st March

Good morning deskers. Wow the 1st March already where did the last two months go. Happy St. David's Day to our Welsh participants.
Thank you all for visiting last week and just to let you know I haven't found the knitting needle but have a feeling one little furry thing could have tapped it off the table and it now rests under a piece of furniture. Which one of these innocent looking creatures do you reckon it could be - my money is on the one on the left.

The one on the right is more into paper such as newspapers or better still wool bands.

So to my desk, oh look it is tidy, yes have had to have a tidy up as things kept falling on the floor.

My project is a birthday card for my grandson, was really stumped as to what to do.With not living in the UK I feel a little ignorant of all the latest creatures etc.and when he tells me about them I have no idea what he is talking about! Seeing as he likes drawing and painting went with an easel and palate, hope he likes it.

Finally I mentioned last week that my freesias were in bud well no longer thanks to some sun shine. I leave the bulbs in my garden/pots with other plants all year and they just come up between. Their perfume is heavenly.

Thanks to Helen who sent me the knitting pattern for the shawl am certainly going to try it when I have a little free time.

Now to link over to Julia at stamping ground.stamping-ground.blogspot.com