Wednesday 25 December 2019


A very Merry Christmas to you all. This is my table this morning we had a lovely Christmas dinner last night (Spanish way Christmas eve).  But I drew the line at presents and we have just opened them.

Looking forward to a day of what I want to do today. Will be going for a walk shortly. This was our sunrise this Christmas morning. Yesterday the temperature rose to about 23C. 

Hope you all have a good day and Santa brought you what you wanted.
Now to link with our host Julia

Wednesday 18 December 2019


Good morning one and all.
Well this time next week Christmas dinner will have been cooked and eaten and our presents opened. Here in Spain it is Christmas eve when the family Christmas meal is eaten and small presents given saving the larger presents until 6th January after all the wise men brought the gifts to Jesus at Epipthany not Christmas day.
No boxing day here business as usual but holiday on 6th January.

So what's on my desk this morning well I have no desk as both tables have been cleared and put away. But that doesn't mean I haven't been crafting, have knitted two hats and have to finish some fingerless mitts for a couple of our homeless guys.
My Wednesday afternoon womens group have decided to make up a shoe box for the homeless guys, so my hat and mitts will go in there along with other goodies.

This is my Christmas poinsettia that I had many years ago as a small plant. After Christmas I planted it in the garden and this is the first year it will be in flower for Christmas. Must be because I transferred it to Morse and Kavvie's grave!

Well that is me hope you all have a good Christmas. Our sewing/knitting group are having their Christmas lunch after the session this morning no alcohol for me though as I will be driving.

Now to link with Julia 

Wednesday 11 December 2019


Christmas is getting closer, and wait for it.... my table worktops have gone from this

to this

Yes all ready for the big day I know it is a little early but have many activities from now until the big day.

How about this taken five minutes ago we have some fantastic sunrises and sunsets.
And to finish off my bowl of porridge.

Haven't finished crafting altogether I am knitting some hats and mittens for some of the homeless guys we have in our little town. They have been here many years and are known by the community.
Now to link with Julian at

Wednesday 4 December 2019


Well that was the week that was. Never mind collapsing on Sunday I did it Saturday afternoon! Our Christmas fair and carol singing was a great success netting our charities 2500€ to date.
 This was my stall with my little helper. Needed her because I am publicity officer and have to take photos.
This is the local band and some of the audience. They are great and like a typically Spanish band play loudly.

So this is my desk at 11.30 Tuesday night. in the back ground the cat is asleep on my chair and the dog on his bed behind the chair!
Today we have had torrential rain so I have been Christmas shopping in Almeria's shopping centre, something to do on an awful day. I can still hear rumbles of thunder even at this time.
I must really get down to making my personal Christmas cards on Thursday morning so I can get them in the post of Tuesday. Friday & Sunday are public holidays here but because it falls on a Sunday Monday is also taken. The Spanish call something like this a puente means bridge.
The purple box at the back are my new boots, yes I need boots here in spain.

Saw this on facebook and thought it funny.

Am away to my bed now, busy day tomorrow sewing group in the morning and womens group in the afternoon, hope the weather is better.
Will link up with Julia our host for WOYWW

Tuesday 26 November 2019


Wow can't believe four weeks today is Christmas and I have realised that of all the cards I have made none are for my use. So Tuesday evening saw me hurriedly making some cards for me. Need to get them out in the next week because so many of my friends go back to the UK for Christmas. So this was my extra table I erected on Tuesday night.

And this is my normal working table.
I have a very busy week, Tuesday saw me helping at a friends home she was having a coffee morning and bring & buy sale in aid of our church funds. Wednesday morning is my knit and natter group and in the afternoon my ladies group get together. Thursday I have to pack all my items up ready for our Dames fair and carol concert on Saturday morning. Also I have said I will go to a quiz Thursday night in aid of a local charity. Friday is baking day promised to make two carrot cakes, two coffee and walnut cakes and scones for the home baked stall at the fair. Saturday is the fair and Sunday I will collapse.

Don't know if you remember I was knitting angels to publicise our Christmas services well about 400 angels were made by the congregation and friends, and Kate
( has pictures and writeup on her blogspot.

That is me done for this week apart from this photo I took last week of the moon appearing over the sea. We are blessed with some beautiful dawn and dusk skies this time of year.

Last week I managed to read and comment on all I could, not so sure I'll be able to do so this week but will try. Have a good week.

Tuesday 19 November 2019


Winter has definitely come to our part of Spain, this past week it has been quite chilly, fleeces out and heating on in the evenings.
The Christmas fairs have started but I didn't take a stall at our local church one, instead I offered my services on a church stall. I just felt I hadn't the energy to collect all my things together and load the car up - still not a 100% breathing wise.

I went to my Dames in Spain meeting on Monday I always take my cards with me and this week sold 17 cards so Tuesday has been spent replacing some stock and this is my desk Tuesday evening.
Hardly any working space, the cards I am making are from recycled cards from last year. Have to use all I can get my hands on as there are no craft shops where I live.

Finally I have a overseer as I type this, think she is annoyed because she can't sit on my knee where it is cosy warm.

That is it for this week off to link with Julia at

Tuesday 5 November 2019


Another week gone by and suddenly realised I am doing a craft fair on the 16th help! Have been consentrating on card making and knitting and not on sewing. So tomorrow after sewing group and ladies group it will be all material on the table and cut cut cut and sew sew sew.

So this is my desk Tuesday night have been having a clean up making way for the sewing.

Ready to link to Julia at

Wednesday 30 October 2019


Good morning I'm back, not fully recovered but a great deal better.

So what is on my workdesk today only some Christmas angels that I am knitting for my local church. The idea is to yarn bomb them in the neighbourhood (well three neighbourhoods as we have three branches of our church here in Spain) with labels on telling the times of various Christmas services.
These have been easy to knit while I have been unwell and unable to sit at my table making cards.

That is the extent of my work over the last three weeks not very productive.

Thought you may like to see these photos I took the other night. The birds are back taking advantage of b & b in the trees just below my house. By next week they will have all gone on their way.

Wednesday 9 October 2019


Not a very successful or productive week, woke up on Friday with a sore throat, which is now a chesty cold and cough. Couldn't get my breath early Tuesday morning so made an online appointment for 9.50 to see the doctor she put me on the surgery's inhaler straight away and gave me pills. potions and two inhalers for a week. It is now 4.00am Wednesday morning and no way can I sleep so thought I would put the time to use and type this.
Can't take any photos as someone has borrowed my camera and it is in his bedroom!
Turning round from the computer to look at my workdesk it is pretty much the same as last week. still a dumping ground as no work has been done this week. I have tried to knit some angels for our church while I have been resting in the chair but that is about all.

Now to link with the WOYWW at Julia's

Wednesday 2 October 2019


Good morning ladies October already how fast this year has/is going.

Can't believe I sat at the computer on Thursday morning and read all the posts and commented on the ones that would allow me to. This must be a first for me.
Can I ask does anyone else go to a persons post first not saying who's but I do.

Someone at the sewing group gave me this last Wednesday she said she didn't know how old it was but could I make use of it. The label has a price of $1.29 and it comes from Woolworth (Woolco) New York. The things we Brits in Spain have. 

Below are two glorious sunrises seen this week on the second one you can just seen the crescent moon.

 25th Sept 7.27am
27th Sept 7.34 am

From this last week 
to this today.

Ok it has become a dumping table, still has some Christmas card bits and pieces, lots of wool been knitting the squares, also trying to finish teddy's santa outfit and lots of other things. To many things on the go.

To finish here is the jolly snowman finished, instead of a cushion did it as a wall hanging.

So now over to Julia at who hosts this world famous WOYWW.
Have a good week. 

Wednesday 25 September 2019


Hi Ladies I'm back. Sorry I have been missing for a few weeks but the heat of the summer has just got to me this year. Everyone is complaining how hot it has been. The hot weather still continues but now temperatures now have dropped to about 28C since we had a terrific rain storm called a Gota Fria. You may have seen on television some of the devastation it caused in some provinces.

Now come to my desk(s) first the computer table is looking very tidy on Tuesday morning. Some Christmas cards waiting for inserts, a bottle of water, and Radio Manchester online to keep me company.

Then down to my work desk waiting for inspiration think it will be Christmas cards as the bits and pieces are already in place. 

 Even Barney is fed up with the hot weather and finds this the coolest place under my desk with the fan whirling overhead.

I've been doing some other work like a little knitting this is a teddy from a Knitables pattern and I have nearly completed his santa outfit.


Also found this wool in my stash and thought it would knit a blanket for the dog.

Over to Julia at to join all the deskers. Have a good week.

Wednesday 14 August 2019


I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.
Yes didn't want to rise from my bed this morning as last night was so cool in comparison to what has been.

So it is lunchtime and have just returned from knitting/sewing group, only 4 of us today. This is what I am working on 'The Knitables Teddy Bear and Santa costume. Note the talc I use this on my hands knitting in hot weather, also makes the knitting smell nice.

This was my desk before I left this morning. Still littered with card making material and I have made a few more cards this week. Note dog under the fan he was there before the cat this morning. Thought I would give you another angle today this is taken on the stairs looking down. As you can see I roll on my chair between work station and computer.

Now off to my after Ladies group LOL - Ladies of Leisure. By the time I am home at 4.00 I shall be tired out to put it politely!

Will be around to visit probably tomorrow, have a good week.

Wednesday 7 August 2019


Hello from a still sweltering Mojacar, yes temperatures are still very high and unbearable and I am beginning to wilt. Thank goodness for fans and air con. It becomes a fight who gets in front of the fan - the dog, the cat or me. 
The cat won this one.
Tuesday evenings desk is wow tidy, yes I was getting annoyed because I couldn't find things, so now from top left we have pencil crayons etc, Christmas papers, stickers, stamped items some coloured in some not, boards and cutting items, work board and scissors, etc. the black in the top corner is my clip on light with day light bulb, have found it better for working at night rather than the four overhead ceiling lights adding to the temperatures.

So this week I have been working on more 'C' cards and also two birthday cards for my friends grandsons - one football and the other kick boxing.

I am off to the knitting/sewing group this morning, these last few weeks there has only been about 5 of us, most of the others go back to the UK because they can't stand the heat of the summer. Today it will take me 10 mins to drive there but about 45 mins to get back home because at 9.30 the holiday makers are still in bed  but by 12.30 they are all out on the roads. We only have one road through Mojacar that is along the coast and everyone is looking for somewhere to park to go down to the beach. At least there are no parking charges here - yet!

So now to link with Julia at and see everyone elses desks this Wednesday morning.

Wednesday 31 July 2019


Another week gone they say you are getting old when the weeks fly by. As you can see from the photos below I am still in the C mode of card making. I have about 50 ready for the September meeting of our Dames in Spain. If last year is anything to go by that won't be enough. I have been trying to use all bits and pieces that I have. Still have all the Christmas stamps that I got from the charity shop to try out.

Stack of Xmas cards

You may see lots of double sided tape on the desk, that is because I went to the dentist on Tuesday (lost a filling eating peanut brittle ice cream) and a new chinese shop has opened in the same block so had to go and have a look. I have cleared my local shop of tape and he said he wouldn't have any more til after the summer.

 Couldn't resist this of Barney he stood there when I took the photo of my desk and seemed to say 'what about me'. This weather he sits under the desk in front of two fans I have on. We are still experiencing highs of 30+C but it does feel a little cooler in the night.

Wednesday 24 July 2019


Good morning all, I know you are now suffering with the heat in the UK but here it is unbearable. My fans are running, the curtains are closed and doors wide open which doesn't help crafting light but when needs must. The air con is reserved for evening and night time.


 So my desk for today, yes those dreaded 'C' cards, well thought it would help me cool down. Like most of us I only need a small area to work.
I received these last week via a friend's friend in the UK who was travelling back to Mojacar. I had no idea (well a little) what they were for, but thanks to Shaz and Sarah for their knowledge I now know. Haven't used them yet as I think the cutter needs replacing.
Went on to purchase some gold & silver adhesive stickers after going through the pages and choosing, I get to the check out only to be told they can't be delivered to Spain. So why are they on the Spanish Amazon one might ask. My daughter has now order them from Amazon UK and is having them sent direct to me. Sorry but can't understand the logic.

Had a trip to the hospital last Friday to have a mole removed from the side of my face so I am now supporting with the help of my specs arm a big white plaster. The doctor didn't think it was anything to worry about. The hospital is about 55km inland and when we got out of the car the heat was terrible, it is always roughly another 5 degrees warmer inland and 5 decrees colder in winter. The blessings of living on the coast although there are no other blessings during July and August everywhere is packed with holiday makers, nowhere to park, loud villa rentals, and slow restaurant  service. It's a good excuse to stay in and craft and that's what I will be doing this next week.

Now to link with our hostess Julia  if you want to know all about us go to her page and perhaps we will hear from you next week.

Wednesday 17 July 2019


Good morning from a still very hot Mojacar. Hence nothing much to show this week.

Remember the Cross in your Pocket well I had a call for some more, so while watching the Mens singles tennis final I made these. It's not many but the match was too exciting.

 Have also made a few more cards this week but nothing to show.

This funny made me laugh.
That is me short and sweet this week, I am off to my knit and natter group, although I am not knitting much this weather, will probably take some more crosses to do. There was only about 6 of us last week, most of our members go back to the UK for the summer and for others it was just too hot to venture out.

Have a good crafting week and will not link up with our host Julia at