Wednesday 25 January 2023


 Good afternoon from a very cold and damp Mojacar. Yesterday our temperatures plummeted and the rains came. Out with the jumpers, throws, wraps even an old duvet for the bed!

This is the first item I ever crocheted and it still lives on my chair winter or summer, was I glad of it yesterday. A little thinner these days from all the washing but still serves its purpose.

Unfortunately I haven't finished the jumper I started last week about 1/3rd up the back, that is because every time I pass the jigsaw table it calls me to put some more pieces in. 

The slippers I crocheted last week were taken to my sewing/knitting group and straight away someone asked me what I was doing with them - nothing I replied and she asked if she could have them. Sold to the lady in the corner!!

So for this week's work it is knitting and jigsaw and keeping warm. Spanish houses are so cold as they have no damp coursing or insulation especially old ones like mine, at least the more modern ones are built a little differently. 

Now to link up with Julia our hostess for the day at drop in and see what it is all about. Have a good week. 


Wednesday 18 January 2023

WOYWW 18th Jan.

 Gosh we are more than half way through January and my resolution not to buy any more wool went out the window on Tuesday. Well the weather has become wintery so I need an extra jumper! 

Well when needs must!

So this week hasn't seen much action in this house as we have been enjoying unusual warm weather for this time of year I have been out and about. But yesterday we had some high winds and temperature drop.

I finished the crochet slippers but have adapted the pattern  as had difficulty watching and crocheting off youtube. Also the darker wool didn't help so changed to bright yellow.

So that is me for this week watch this space to see how far I get with the jumper!

Now to join up with Julia our hostess  and I am off to my sewing/knitting group and I am late!!


Wednesday 4 January 2023

WOYWW 709 4th January 2023

 A happy new year to you all as you settle down to what 2023 has to offer. Here in Spain our festivities aren't over. We still have 3 Kings tomorrow evening and the next day. Originally the children received their presents on the eve of 3 kings  and I think some still do  but also have some on Christmas eve. Suppose it makes sense as the 3 kings presented Jesus with gifts.

Nothing much on the crafting front as the tables etc were needed this Christmas as I cooked on Christmas eve and again for my friend on Christmas day. This is a first for many years.

I have been trying to fathom out a crochet slipper pattern off YouTube.  Something I saw on face book and thought mmm that looks easy!! Once mastered to my own written pattern I think they will be able to complete quickly.

And seeing as the tables are now cleared the first thing I put on there was a jigsaw, this must be many years old as the pieces are really worn. 

Just looked up from computer and can't believe it is nearly 8am and still completely dark!

I shall finish this when I return from my sewing/knitting group so bear with me

Woops forgot about finishing so now I am nearly out of time.  Will link up with our host Julia at and wish you all a goodnight.