Wednesday 27 July 2022

WOYWW 27th Julio

Good evening, very late today, have had a busy day. As if Wednesdays aren't always busy.

We are still experiencing extreme temperatures here, and fans and air con going full pelt. Dread my electricity bill for this two months.

Don't know if I dare show you my desk this week, if you don't want to see 'C' things then don't look.

Decided to sort my felts out and as always got side tracked and start doing other things as one does.

Barney under the table where one of the fans is keeping him cool.



Suddenly from an empty table all this appeared.

Anyone else use these. I know my eyesight is getting worse, but having to resort to one of these. My excuse was it was a darkened room as the curtains were closed to keep the sun out.

This is what came out of the felt, now trying to decide how to give the teddy some definition, left one filled as I sewed it on and right one used wadding underneath.

Not forgetting the animals!

I shall finish these two, then decide how many I want to make, cut the pieces out and put in a plastic box until end of September. Yesterday I heard a date for the one of the first Christmas fairs, we tend to have fairs in November as most UK residents return to their families in December.

So sorry for inflicting the C on you all, but that is what's on my desk this week.

Now to link up with our host Julia at  Sorry Julia am I forgiven?

Wednesday 6 July 2022

WOYWW 683 6th July 2022

 Sorry I have been absent but have been at my daughters enjoying being waited on and the luxury of her pool. Only had to come home because of a hospital appointment. 

Not much on my desk this morning as this has been my desk for the past week. Yes my relaxer chair and the television to watch the tennis. I have been sewing the teddies together while watching.

Also I have been doing a little sorting of my knitting needles and decided to make an holder for each length - short, medium and long! Nothing posh but hopefully it will allow me to find a needle quicker instead of rummaging through a plastic box! 

So that is me another few days of tennis then down to some serious down sizing. Really need to get all my craft materials sorted.

Off to my sewing/knitting group this morning . hope you all have a good week.

Now to join with the rest of WOYWW at Julia