Wednesday 28 December 2016


WOYWW 395  28th December 2016

Yes I am late posting again but I had to go to my sewing group this morning and had to use public transport which is virtually non-existent here. One bus does a circular tour along the beach road and up to the village, one price 1.20€ but I have my bus pass so really mustn’t complain. My car became poorly over Christmas so is in the garage for repairs, not a very happy start to the New Year and something I could do without after the expense of Christmas. But without my car I would be virtually housebound.

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas celebrations, I love this time between Christmas and New Year, and I don’t have to think of food as the fridge is still full so all help themselves. I can therefore concentrate on doing just what I want to do. Sitting watching television, catching up on what I recorded over Christmas or deleting this programme and that programme saying what a load of rubbish, a little knitting, crocheting, even embroidery. Yes, while sorting out my workroom I came across some rather ancient embroidery that my old Aunt sent me she thought I would like to finish it! Well the cloth is yellow from old age but I may finish and wash it. Also in the parcel was this unfinished Mayflower embroidery all done in small chain stitch. Bless my Aunt she is 95 years old. 

Chain stitched Mayflower

The ancient yellow tablecloth

I also have some knitting on the go; decided as it was getting colder I needed a new jumper to go with the one I had to buy when in the UK. I have to smile when I see tourists in shorts and tee shirts at this time of year, and we locals are all wrapped up.

My desk doesn’t feature this week as there is nothing to photo. I suppose in a few weeks it will be covered with card making materials as I will have to start my Christmas cards soon! You may smile but last year I tried to make 2 – 3 a month and it certainly saved a lot of hassle November time.
OK that is me done for this week, all that needs to be said is I hope you all have a Peaceful and Healthy New Year. 

I am now off to make a cup of lemon and ginger tea and cut a piece of stollen  my weakness over the Christmas period. 

Tuesday 20 December 2016


Well that was a fast week. Firstly let me thank you all for your comments and support over the last few weeks, it is great to know people think about you.

Now for my work desk, I have not one to show you, all is packed away ready for Christmas, but be warned afterwards there is going to be a big, big tidy up of my two rooms after Christmas. Call it a New Year's resolution, perhaps not as it won't happen if I do. Also I am going to promise myself not to purchase any more craft materials but to make 2017 as the year I use all what I have available. As I approach my 70th birthday I feel materials must be used!

Here is my swimming noodle Christmas wreath all finished and hung on the front door.

Although on Friday it had to come indoors as we have had some terrific storms over the weekend leading to our dry river beds becoming rivers and fast flowing into the sea. This is the Med on Sunday morning, but today it is quite blue again. We certainly needed the rain but not in the amount we received. 

That is it for this Wednesday I wish you all the joy of Christmas and a Healthy and Peaceful 2017.

Ani xx😎

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Ok yes I am late this week but it is still Wednesday. 
I have suddenly realised only 10 more days, help. Along with the Spanish and most Europeans I celebrate on Christmas eve with our big meal. No I haven't ordered my turkey or thought about any other eats. 

Well at least my Christmas tree and outdoor lights are up.

Obviously my house is the one with Christmas lights!

Lights down the stairs

Right for the real reason we are here, what is on my desk this week, not a lot as I am trying to tidy up for Christmas, all my cards and inserts are done.

On my other table, yes I have two work stations the one above is in my work room so I can leave projects out but the other is in my sitting room for occasional crafts. 

This is the wreath I started last week not yet finished but will be in time for Christmas, I have learnt from my mistakes and if I was to make another one, it would be smaller so using less baubles and I would cover the swimming noodle with tinsel or ribbon before starting. Maybe the finished article next week who knows.

Before I go must show you why I am late posting. I needed to go and buy some Olive oil for presents. When I arrived the locals were bringing their olives for pressing, ranging from a  man with a few sacks in his boot, a trailer full, then the big lorry overflowing with olives. While waiting for the man to serve me - he had to go and fill the bottles, then label them and find a presentation box because they were for presents, I took these photos. By the way the smell was fantastic.


Now to link up before I lose all again, although I was saving as I went along it didn't save and all but the first two photos were gone. Perhaps it was trying to tell me I had typed to much!

Hope you all have a good week and don't work to hard in the run up to Christmas being with family and friends are more important than anything else.

Wednesday 7 December 2016


Firstly thank you for all your kind messages received over the last few weeks.
Now to move on I know it is not easy this time of year but....

Now for something completely different on my desk this week. I had seen these bauble wreaths made from a swimming noodle all over the internet and thought mmmmm maybe I could do this. So here is my effort I started yesterday, come back next week for the finished project that is  - if the cat hasn't destroyed it, the baubles are a great temptation for her and many have found there way to the floor, and our local chinese shop (similar to your English pound shops) hasn't run out of baubles. Be warned it takes many baubles and a number of glue sticks but who cares it is keeping me busy. I have put coloured baubles on the inside and outside and am going to fill in with just silver and gold. Well that's the plan watch this space.

And that concludes Ani's desk for this week, need to get the Christmas cards I have made over the year together and type inserts for them, then get them posted. Then put the marzipan and ice my Christmas cake, then get my decorations and tree up as everyone round here is way ahead of me this year. I can't see it being done today as I have my sewing/knitting group this morning and this afternoon is the Christmas party at the Women on Wednesday group I go to so this evening it will be snoozing in the chair! Need to rustle up a plate of food from somewhere to take with me.

And to think when I was moving to Spain people said to me 'What will you do when you get fed up of sunbathing'. Sunbathing what is that I don't have time to sit in the sun - well perhaps when I meet a friend for coffee. 

Well 'til next week.
