Wednesday 30 December 2020

WOYWW 604 30th December 2020

 Good morning all from a cold and very windy Spain but obviously not as cold and snowy as the UK.

So we are gathered on our last WOYWW of 2020. Thank you for all your friendship over this difficult past year where I think isolation, boredom and loneliness have been problems for many. 

So what's on my desk today well not much as crafting still isn't on the agenda until after 3 Kings. So my little desk/table has the jigsaw still not finished all the animals are done now for the jungle pieces. Watch this space as I reckon it will be finished next week.

 And for my little bit of crafting 50 of my 108 needed squares for the blanket for the bed. So easy to do when watching television. Although I admit I thought television wasn't exciting over Christmas. 
I am off to my knitting/sewing group this morning the first time I have been out since Christmas Eve.

On the rib front I noticed yesterday that the pain has gone so hopefully all healed now. It was 6 weeks ago Barney knocked me off my feet. 

Now to meet up with Julia at and I wish you all A Happy New Year with the promise of better things to come.


Wednesday 23 December 2020

WOYWW 603 23rd Decembre 2020

 Good morning from a hazy sunrise in Mojacar this morning. 

Only one more day left here in Spain as the Spanish celebrate like the rest of Europe on Christmas eve, hope you are all prepared for your celebrations wherever you are. 

My table this week has the jigsaw on that I was saving for Christmas but was bored the other afternoon so made a start.

Along with keep knitting my pinky coloured squares that is the extent of my crafting activities this week.

This morning after my knitting group I will be returning home to the start of my Christmas preparations. That means staying at home with Barney and QC until at least Monday. I decided I didn't want to go to a restaurant Christmas day for fear social distancing would not be observed when people have had a bit to drink. So my choice to go it alone.

Our covid numbers are dropping but who's to say that after Christmas, New Year and 3 Kings they could increase. I cannot understand the number of British who have been flying to Spain for Christmas and I am now glad Spain has closed its borders to the UK. Sorry but that's how I feel.

So only one thing left for me to do and that is to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a better 2021 wherever you are and celebrating.

Ani, Barney and QC

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Woyww 602 16th December 2020

 Well only just over a week to the big day hope you are all prepared. I have never been so prepared and why because I am spending the day on my own. No meat to buy and cook, no veg to prepare and all the usual work that goes with Christmas. I have not even put a decoration up, how sad am I. We also like most countries have not been given the final arrangements for the Christmas period so decided it was better to stay at home.

No photos this week as I have put my big work table away after completing the sorting of all my wool. Really pleased as now in bags and labelled. My smaller table I still have up but no craft work on it and is a dumping ground but will be cleared shortly in preparation for a jigsaw a friend gave me.

I am off to my sewing/knitting group this morning then after the meeting we have our Christmas lunch. My third and final one! 

Hope you all get your Christmas wishes and manage to see your families over the Christmas period. 

Wednesday 9 December 2020


 It was lovely to meet you all on Saturday and put names and faces to blogs. Thank you Julia arranging it all. Here's to the next 600.

So for the view of my desk this week, I said I was having a wool clear out here is the table with just some of the wool. Only thrown very small balls away and I have a bin liner full to take to knitting group this morning. A lady there knits coats and blankets for the dogs.

Then to the other table where I have put half finished garments etc. These will get finished sometime.

These are the squares I am knitting when I watch TV the browny crocheted ones are for a throw for my chair, and the pinky ones for a cover for my bed.

Another busy day today after sewing I am going for a  Christmas lunch with the Wednesday afternoon group, had one on Saturday also, then next Wednesday I have the sewing group Christmas lunch. Good job I am on my own for Christmas as I don't think I will be able to face any more turkey by then.

We are still confined to our town until new announcements on 12th December. I expect this won't change until after Christmas, New Year or even 3 Kings. 

Stay safe everyone. Ani

Wednesday 2 December 2020


WOYWW celebrates is 600 edition.

 Thank you Julia for this special blog page, since finding you it has felt like belonging to a worldwide family of crafters. You have been there for me during the happy and unhappy events in my life.

Unfortunately there is nothing on my workdesk today as I have tidied the desk/table up in readiness to start downsizing my wool stash. 

When the wool stock is done, then I make a start on material. Then probably my card stash especially all the cut offs. I am unable to throw away any bits I cut off when making cards and my boxes are growing bigger and bigger. 

I suppose the same can be said for all my craft stuff, I am possibly what some people may called 'A Hoarder'. I just say I haven't got the opportunity to nip into my local craft store because I haven't got one!

So I say watch these tables in the coming weeks.

I wish Julia a very happy day and thank you for all you and your assistants do.

Hopefully I will connect on Zoom if I can figure out how to use it but don't hold your breath as during the week I managed to send Google Crome into the unknown depths of my desktop.

Wednesday 25 November 2020


 Thank you for all your visits last week if I didn't visit you I apologise just as I am getting over one medical experience I had another on Thursday. Was taking Barney out for a walk up the mountain and called him back so this excited dog comes flying down at high speed I knew he was going to hit me but couldn't move quick enough only managed to turn sideways and wham straight into my side and of course I ended up on the ground. Resulting in a bruised knee and elbow, but worst of all bruised ribs. Perhaps I should have gone to hospital because the ribs are so painful, but if I had cracked or broken them they wouldn't do anything. Trying to do simple things is so painful.

So on to Wednesday and another WOYWW so what's on your desk this morning (or last night). Sorry the photos aren't good but taken with a flash last night.

This has become my dumping desk.

The Christmas material is to make some masks, you have to wear masks when you set foot outside your own grounds. 

This is the working desk

These are a few squares I have been crocheting to make a blanket for my chair.

We are still under municipality arrest, not allowed to leave our villages, but fortunately here in Mojacar we are well catered for and shops, bars and restaurants are open for business until 6.00pm, so we can meet friends for coffee or lunch as long as there are no more than six at one table, we have curfew 10.00 til I think 7.00. I even managed to get my hair cut today just walked in without an appointment. It is really quiet as all the 'swallows' that come for the winter months are not here. These swallows more than double the resident numbers during the winter months. But we are safe.

I hope you are all managing to keep busy and safe.

Ani xx

Wednesday 18 November 2020


 Hi Ladies I'm back after a number of weeks. Although I haven't contributed I have been reading your blogs.

I am at long last feeling better and hopefully now know what was wrong, apart from my diverticulitis which started the emergency dash to hospital, then all the tests I have had over the last couple of months, the doctors say I have an hiatus hernia. I am booked in to see the consultant again end of January. The one good thing about it all I have lost over 10 kilos not a good way to lose it but....

Now the reason why we are here 'What is on my desk this week'. I have only recently returned to my desk so this was taken Tuesday night. 

The beginning of a couple of Christmas cards for a friends grandchildren. Not very exciting.

I have also done some knitting and crocheted some squares. The knitting consisted of beenie hats for the homeless - a total of seven done now, something I can do without thinking.

Well that is me done I will link up with Julia at Stamping Ground If you want to know what it is all about follow the link above.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

WOYWW 585 19th August

 Still suffering with the heat even though the temperatures have drop a little.

Change of craft this week gone back to sewing. My daughters step daughter is expecting a baby in December so she has asked me to make some bibs for 'it'. (They don't want to know the sex) 

Making bibs, aprons, cuddle robes etc was my business before I moved to Spain. We travelled the craft fair circuit at weekends selling them. All my bibs were backed with waterproof nylon and a layer of towelling in between. 

So this week it was time to get the templates, material and towelling out once more. 

So that is my workdesk this week, will show the finished results next week.

Don't think I will be going into business again though, although I do some local fairs here in spain.

Wednesday 12 August 2020

WOYWW 584 12th August 2020

 Good morning or should I say Good afternoon. I know I am late but this morning I had an appointment at the doctors at 8.00am for a full blood test. Everyones appointment are 8am and there can be as many as 40 people. I hit lucky this morning and was the second name called out. Afterwards I treated myself to breakfast, toast with tomato and tuna, and an iced coffee, plus mini croissants. All for 2.50€. 

Afterwards I drove to my sewing/knitting group this is the view taken from the bar we now meet in. That's my car on the left no parking charges here.

That's my work place for this Wednesday.

I haven't done much crafting these last two weeks as it has been so hot but have managed to sew a few blanket squares together and complete the edgings. A lady at the knitting group knitted most of the squares and I offered to sew them up, They will now be passed to the local dog and cats home as they are always asking for blankets.

Had to laugh at this one, I took the photo turned to switch computer on and when I turned round QC had claimed it.

No she didn't keep it - went in the bag with the rest of them.

Margaret (Glitter and Glue) I notice you crochet your squares together with a fancy stitch please can you tell me how you do it. I am not an experienced crocheter and am self taught.

I notice the page has been modified with a 'new post' button and other changes. This must be from the complaints they received.

Well now must link up with Julia our hostess for WOYWW at  then raid the fridge to see what's for lunch.

Wednesday 29 July 2020


Sorry about the mix up last week, don't know what happened, only that I linked up from my mobile later in the morning. Let's hope this week is ok.

It's been a little hot this week and news is it is going to get hotter.

Nothing much going on deskwise this week but I have put my other table back up as some friends wanted some masks. I made myself a couple out of broderie anglaise material as I thought  lighter material would be easier to breathe through and they are, so am making some for my friends now.

The Christmas stockings are the beginning of some Advent calendars, still hoping that the Christmas fairs go ahead. That seems to be the extent of my work this week, not very exciting. Pattern for masks cut from corn flake box, far right old bread board I use for crafting and an ironing board with an old tea towel on top and my little travel iron always good for crafting purposes. 

After my visit to the doctors last week I had an ECG on Friday and then saw the doctor again on Monday only to be told I have a blockage in one of my electric branches (whatever that means). I now have to have a full blood test, so watch this space. At least I know why I have been so breathless recently.

That's me for this week will try and link up with Julia at before I leave for my sewing group and save the hassle of getting it wrong again.

Wednesday 22 July 2020


Good morning just a quickie this morning as before sewing group I have a doctors appointment. As if Wednesdays aren't busy enough these days..

And for my desk this morning??
Yes it's gone have put it away as tomorrow have the tv man coming to set up a new online system to watch uk tv. Have given up with the satelite as we are on the edge here and it is constant buffering.
So didn't dare let them see all the dust, so thought it better if I did a little cleaning. 
Still not got the extra wools I need for my UFO but haven't put it away as I am determined to finish it.
The other desk is still at the bottom of the stairs, mostly holding all bits and pieces.
So that is me for today appointment 9.00am so better get a move on.

Join us all at where Julia plays host.
Have a good week.

Sorry don't know what is happening but Sarah informs me this page is not linking up.

Wednesday 15 July 2020


Yet another Wednesday we are now over half way through the year and what a year, I know for a fact I will never see another one like 2020.

It has been decided by the Andalucian government that the wearing of masks is to be compulsory nearly everywhere. The exceptions being when eating or drinking but must be worn as you enter restaurants and bars, swimming in the sea and pools. There are going to be some funny suntan marks. The reason for this is because of a small increase in covid cases, which is understandable seeing we are accepting holiday makers into our towns.

I must apologise for not getting round to commenting last week, but I did manage to read most of your WOYWW.

I now have an even busier Wednesday, as I have sewing/knitting group in the morning, Ladies meeting in the afternoon and now a quiz in the evening. Our quiz night used to be Monday but we have changed our bars so now Wednesday is the night.

It has been a very hot week here so I have remained indoors making my Christmas cards, all I have made now have inserts, packaged and priced all ready for the November fairs - if they are allowed to go ahead.

Single cards
                                                Packs of 6 cards

Not 5 minutes before these three photos were taken you couldn't see any desk/table surface at all. Yes three work stations but when needs must.

Hopefully in a few weeks time I will be able to put all card making equipment away and start on some Christmas sewing projects.

Ok that is me for tonight it is after midnight and need my beauty sleep. Will link up with you all tomorrow at

Wednesday 8 July 2020


Wow it is getting hotter and hotter here in Mojacar, but we haven't the influx of holiday makers as normal for this time of year. Only at weekends do the Spanish appear and I must admit they are very careful about social distancing and hand cleansing. 

Although there are flights bringing people from the UK I think they  mostly own property here. A number of our hotels haven't reopened yet.

Enough of that and now for the reason we are here, what is on my workdesk tonight/today. Well firstly the floor and two bags of wool that a friend dropped off all sorted and ready to take to sewing/knitting group tomorrow. Along with one cat and the legs of one dog. This seems to be their place of the moment under my work table. 

Image may contain: table and indoor

The work on top of the desk is still Christmas cards, I am building quite a stock just hope that by Christmas things will be normal and we will be able to have our fairs.

I am getting used to this new blogger but not the photos part of it.

I suppose practise makes perfect.

Managed to get my hair cut last Wednesday a blessing in this heat.

After sewing this morning I am taking my car for its ITV (MOT) hope I can understand the testers instructions in Spanish normally I have the garage take it for me but have had to fit in with the appointments available because of the lockdown. 

Now to link with Julia our host for this fantastic Wednesday happening.

Hope you all have a great week  and remember to stay safe.


Wednesday 1 July 2020


What a silly place to put the new post icon, after clicking on various icons finally found it.

Had a play with the new blogger at the weekend don't really think much of it as I cannot place photos where I want them. Also after placing photos the font reverted to black and ariel.
Anyway here goes for this weeks WOYWW 578.

It has been full scale ahead with Christmas cards, hoping perhaps the vision of snow etc might cool me down. Temperatures have been very high here this last week, but thankfully no more fires.

Over the weekend I managed to make all the inserts for the cards a job well done.

How I wish I could get these two photos side by side.

                                    Lots of cutting out of many candles.

Mass production in progress, layering with metalic card. 

Some of the finished cards packed and priced ready to go into store for another few months. 
So that is me for this week, I am now going to try and schedule this to publish during the early hours, then tomorrow will link up with Julia our host at  Well managed the link address ok.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Weekend blog trial of the new blogger site

Starting this evening Friday 26th June I am going to try the new blogger - recording my activities etc. over the weekend.
Now you can see what I really get up to.

Friday evening meeting friends for  'Cocktails then across the road to the Chinese for a meal'. So it is now 5.15pm as we are meeting at 6.30 better try and save this and get ready. 
Firstly feed the animals.

Well that's two photos added without much trouble.

Then on to our first visit of the evening to the cocktail bar.

A few more photos, don't seem to be able to place them exactly where I want.

Then onwards across the road to the Chinese restaurant, where we had one of their banquet meals - far to much food but great to try so many different dishes.

So that's the food done now back to the cocktail bar for our final drinks of the night.
A cafe cocktail one of the ladies googled the recipe and they made it for us.  Very good it was too. It was so lovely sitting out of their terrace listening to the waves splashing on the shore I could have stayed there all night. 

View so far, not really happy, can't place photos where I want them also font and colour keeps reverting back to normal and black. Cannot get back to left hand side to type after inserting photos. Why can't it be like Office Word simple to use.

Saturday's work.Wow no hangover so after pet food shopping and coffee out back home and straight to work on some card making. Those dreaded inserts, but by the end of the day all done, packaged up, priced and put away for Christmas. Along with some finished birthday cards to add to stock.

 Just want to put these two photos side by side but no way will it let me.
 Another save. As it's now Sunday and I am preparing to go out for our usual Sunday lunch. Think this will be the last one until September as

a) it's getting too hot temperatures in the 30's.

b) slowly the holidaymakers are returning so parking is difficult and also as most of my friends  are classed as old and vunerable (never considered ourselves old before this Covid thing) we don't want to be in crowded restaurants. You wouldn't have thought us old on Friday night.

Had a fantastic sunday lunch so good forgot to take photos. 
The testing with the photos hasn't gone to plan and I am not happy with it, but suppose will have to live with it.

So on Wednesday's WOYWW will be on the new blogger.