Wednesday 27 February 2019


Good morning ladies.
Firstly I apologise for not commenting on posts last week I did read most of them while passing my time in the nurses/doctors surgery.  I have had to go each day to have my BP read as it was extremely high. How I hate those horrid little tablets that go under your tongue. Off there again this morning first the nurse then the doctor. 

So here is my table not very interesting. I have managed to finish a blanket to be sent to charity and have started another one. I am trying to use some of the stash of wool you saw last week in my workroom. 
Had a little laugh last night when watching Call the Cleaners, a lady on there had a house full of crafting items and she made the cleaners put in all in boxes so they could clean the house then put the boxes back.
Also on the table my box of made cards that I take to various meetings, a pack of cards along with some old books that I got from our local charity shop they make good backing papers. The spirit is willing but the flesh in weak as they say. I have made my grandson a birthday card but can't show - 14 years old where did the years go?

So that is my desk, I am going to call into my sewing group this morning for an hour, need to see something other than white coats.

Now to link with Julia at
if you want to know about WOYWW just click on the link.

Wednesday 20 February 2019


Hi there, sort of wasn't going to blog today because the table is just the same as the last couple of weeks. Little or no work done owing to hospital and doctors visits, (have to go again this morning - high blood pressure, is it any wonder with what I have been through these last couple of weeks).
Helen gave me an idea as she posted a photo of her overflowing room and challenged anyone else to, so here goes. Hang on while I go and grab the camera.

Yes plastic buckets of wool - my 2019 resolution to use some of it for charity knits. Christmas material still on the sewing machine starting early for Christmas 2019 well that's my excuse!

The second photo wool, wool and more wool, and a cupboard of stationery and other crafty bits, the other side has material in. Top cupboard is toy filling hanging out.

So there Helen you dared me and I obliged. Funny thing I thought about this room last night whilst watching a extreme cleaning programme on TV but mine has no cat p... or dead mice/rats in there I assure you.

So that's mine for this week now to link with Julia

who hosts this worldwide get together. Have a good week.

Wednesday 13 February 2019


Welcome to WOYWW (What's on your Workdesk Wednesday). As you can see from the photo taken a few minutes ago nothing much has changed since last week.

I have had dentist, doctors visits and a hospital procedure this last week, so have had no time for crafting as I have been sleeping  when returning home. Only another doctors appointment to go this morning and hopefully I will be back to A1.

The box in the centre of the photo is a new edition (I think) it contains all the balls of wool stood upright with the tail ends uppermost so I don't have to take the wool out when I am crocheting the blanket. Also when I close the lid it is cat and dog proof!

I did manage a trip out yesterday and went with a group of friends to a new shopping centre that opened just before Christmas. Nothing exciting as with all the shopping centres in Spain it only contains fashion shops from all the big names. They are the only ones that can afford the rents. This one did have a large Primark normally I don't find anything in their stores for me (apart from the knickers) but yesterday nearly all the stock was new in ready for the Spring and I came away with two of their big bags full. It was good to go with female friends and have a laugh and lunch out.

So that is me for this week, off for an hours knit and natter gossip but my appointment, will be back later to read and comment if Google will let me. Have a good week and now to link with Julia our leader

Wednesday 6 February 2019


Good morning ladies.
Thought you might like to see my desk (yes I am in working mode again) as it is every night before I go to bed. I have to put everything I am working on as high up as possible. Why because of one big puppy who when bored will go in search of mischief. As you can see he stands as high as the table. Him and the 14 year old cat join forces she knocking things off and him running with it.

So on my table I have my blanket/wool that I have been crocheting for at least a couple of years. This was put to one side in the heat of the summer and never brought out again. (Sort of 2019 resolution finish as many unfinished items as possible and use up some wool stash.
Then there is the cricut create that a friend has lent me to play with unfortunately the needle needs replacing so hasn't been very successful. Would love a scan and cut any pros and cons about this machine.
Then of course the usual card making equipment. Trying to make some Easter cards.

Note the chair in the background this was my Christmas present to self - a new electric relaxer chair, but of course having animals every night I have to cover it to stop the cat scratching the leather and a small up turned table placed on top to stop the dog sleeping on it. The dog doesn't go on the chairs normally but at night he thinks it is ok to do so.

So that is my nightly and morning routine, cover up and uncover.
Ok now to link up with all the WOYWW crowd via Julia's page at Nip over and see what it is all about.