Wednesday 27 December 2017


Hi everyone sorry for last week and saying 466 not wishing time away honestly. Hope I've got it correct this week.

Christmas is over, seems to be just another day here in Spain, all the Spanish have their family meal on Christmas eve. Only the British bars are open. Then we celebrate New Years eve and of course 5/6th January Three Kings. This used to be the day Spanish children received their presents which makes sense really as the Three Kings bought the gifts to Jesus.

No crafting done here but I have treated myself to some colouring books on offer at Lidl and a present from my friend was some lovely colouring pencils.

Spent yesterday transferring all my computer documents onto external hd ready to install a new hard disk into my computer today. Well not me installing it - a friend, I am not that clever. What a load of rubbish one stores, now all photos, crafting stuff etc. are catalogued. Just hope I have done it correctly. Wish I could say all my real crafting materials were catalogued and stored correctly. That's another story or job for the new year.

So short and sweet today off now to sewing circle, most are away but said I would go in case any new or old folk turn up. 

Hope you enjoy the New Year and all your dreams come true.

Wednesday 20 December 2017


A short message this week as this is coming from my kindle as the hard drive has given up the ghost on my computer and can't get a new old until after Christmas. My fingers are too fat for typing on phones and kindles etc.

My desk is no longer like a jumble sale all put away for Christmas. Need the table for Christmas dinner.

So no photos or maybe one as not sure how to do this from Kindle.

Remember I said I won a turkey in a raffle, well we decided we didn't want it for  Christmas much prefer a piece of beef, so yesterday I cut it all up and made turkey stew, this is it all boxed up ready to take out this evening to the homeless. Must admit I have just had some of the stock as soup for my lunch and it is pretty tasty.

So all that remains is for me to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year and to link up with Julia

Wednesday 13 December 2017


Apologises for last week, in a mad week and an even madder Wednesday morning I had forgotten all about WOYWW and my the time I had recovered it was Friday.

So where are we now, hopefully being able to wind down a little.

I have now finished with the Christmas fairs not such a roaring success but each one better than the one before and what's more they have paid for the enormous vet bill I had for my darling cat.

So what is on my desk this morning - well no material for once only Christmas cards, which must be in the post by tomorrow. Thankfully I made lots of cards last year so will definitely have enough. Just the boring inners to do.

A friend of mine has been on a cruise, Hong Kong, Singapore etc and saw this card and thought of me. No way would I have the patience or the know all to do this. It even folds down perfectly.


Last night I went to my first religious carol service for years, and thoroughly enjoyed it unfortunately no pics but I am sure Kate ( will have some on her page on Friday smiles.

Last Wednesday was our Dames in Spain carol concert and fair, all the hard work in the preparation paid off and the comments were all favourable.
Grand raffle
(I won a duck so Christmas dinner sorted)
audience and choir

My stall

Our chairperson & me
Don't know the bomber though

So that is my week now off to catch up and relax at my sewing group possibly the last one before Christmas.

Hope you all have a good week. linking with Julia at


Wednesday 29 November 2017


Another week gone, help where are the days going to. It's been a non stop week for me.
Another fair last Sunday thankfully a great deal better than the previous one and held outside in the sunshine.

So to my work table this morning - not a great deal of activity I'm afraid.

Template for the adult aprons, a card/letter from my penfriend waiting to be answered and the pink folder contains all the relevant info for the Dames in Spain Christmas carol concert and fair next Wednesday.

I am going to meet the choir mistress this morning to iron out the last minute queries, hopefully won't be to lengthy a meeting so I can continue to my sewing class, missed out last week because some of us went searching for a wool shop and found it and bought more wool - yes it's an addiction.

So that is me for this week, will try and get around to you all before the weekend.
Have a good week.

Will leave you with this, my QC still grieving for her brother and is ever by my side.

Thursday 23 November 2017


Good morning everyone,
Will begin this at 7.30 am Wednesday, but won't be completed until much later as I am out for the day with my sewing group, we are going into the city of Almeria as we have heard of a rather large wool/handicraft shop there and are going to suss it out so to speak. But of course this being Spain we will coffee and lunch in between shopping. So apologies for lateness.

Many of you will know last week one of my cats was very ill  and was hospitalised at the vets, well sad to say on Sunday morning he lost his fight. I have had him and his sister since they were kittens so it is very sad as his sister (the one that is usually sat at my desk) is really unhappy. They slept, fed and even went out together.
This was him two weeks ago when I first took him to the vets because he had lost weight.

This was where I found his sister  lying by his grave after we bury him in the garden.

Ok life goes on and now it is Thursday morning and I am only 24 hours behind. Yesterday was so tiring when I returned home I collapsed in the chair and fell asleep.
We found the shop and all I said about not buying any more wool was forgotten. A fantastic shop, wool and patterns so much cheaper than UK.

My desk this morning it a jungle. (Thursday)

At the front is some wadding I unpicked from quilted material as I couldn't buy wadding here. it is to go between the advent calendar I am making (you can just see the pockets. My magic book that contains my 'all to do' from various organisations I belong to. Finally the box of 'to sew' Christmas goodies. So before I begin sewing this morning I have to clear the table!

I did my first fair here in Spain and it wasn't a success, I don't think the organisers had advertised it and in the end they didn't charge for the stall. This Sunday I am doing another one but this time in my home town which I know has been advertised and is an annual event and well supported. It is in aid of the local dogs home.

My stall last week

So now I must get on and catch up - sold the advent calendar pictured so have to replace. 

Sorry so  late late posting but better late than never, I will try and catch up with you all between now and the weekend.

Wednesday 15 November 2017


Good Morning Deskers, it is early morning 5.36am to be precise. So this is my table photographed just now.

And on this well used table you see this morning the finishing touches to various items before the fair on Saturday. Thought the stall should have a little decoration so quickly ran the bunting triangles up yesterday, now ready to take to my sewing class where  I will turn them inside out. Behind stuffing for the tortoises one finished the other requiring its' scarf which I shall also finish well start at the sewing class. One snowman waiting to go into the pocket of an Advent calendar that I have made and a few suns and bubble bee waiting to be attached to their sticks - these make cats toys. Then the over locker that has been working overtime these last few weeks. Oh forgot the baskets waiting for Christmas material lining to put my snowman poop in (see post a few weeks back)

This week as visitors to my face book page will know, has been very traumatic my fluffy cat Kavvie lost a lot of weight all of a sudden so a visit to the vets,  he has an intestine infection so antibiotics, on Saturday I took him back as he wasn't eating at all and he has been in the vets since then on a drip. I am going everyday to see him.  Having a terrible time with the other cat my desk companion QC as they have been together since birth over 12 years ago, they lie, play and sleep together. This morning I am taking her with me to see him, call me daft I don't care, but my cats mean the world to me.

Apart from this I am organising a carol concert and fair for the Dames in Spain and then found myself involved with the organising of a How to Keep Safe talk by the Guardia Civil (Civil Police). Translating their leaflets and making posters and publicity.

Also last Wednesday my phone, internet all communications died on me. A trip to the phone shop (in another town) where they told me my bill hadn't been paid, The bank account wasn't correct I have been a customer for over 25 years and the bank account has worked all this time. Turn out when the girl did the new contract for the fibre optic she put the wrong number in. Nothing so easy as paying over the counter, no I had to go to the post office in the another town and pay, take the receipt back 24 hours later as the account had been blocked and she could enter the correct number. Fortunately a few hours after paying all was up and running again. Nothing is ever straight forward when things go wrong in Spain.

Help I am retired whatever that means.

Have a good week and will try and visit as many of you as I can and when time will allow. Have an early doctors appointment this morning before sewing class.

Now to try and link with wonder if she is up and running yet?

Wednesday 8 November 2017


Good morning deskers. Well actually good evening really as it is Tuesday evening.
This was my workroom earlier on today I was at the sewing machine with a cat meowing  round my feet, so picked her up and placed her on the chair on top of a rug I have been making for years, as you can see there isn't much more to be done, so who knows by Christmas ..... Peace and quiet. At the left side is a bucket full of wool, then some of my store boxes and many rolls of bias binding. I am really looking forward to packing all the fabric away and going back to card making but can't see it being before Christmas.

This is my other working table I found this animal material in my stash so thought a few children's aprons might go down well.

A week on Saturday I do my first craft stall here in Spain, can't be much different than the UK. I have been practising my Spanish so I can talk to the Spanish as well as the English. I wonder what the Spanish will be looking for?

Have spent two mornings at the vets this week with one of my cats, he has lost an awful lot of weight, turns out he has a intestine infection. So after blood tests, ultra sound scan, special dietary food I hope he makes a good recovery.

HELP I'm at the vets.

Took this photo while we were waiting for some results. He was not a happy pussy as he had to have his stomach shaved for the ultra sound scan.

That's been my week well some of it, I don't seem to have stopped some days, but keeping busy is better than sitting in a chair bored.

Wednesday 1 November 2017


White rabbits. here we are the first of November nearly another year gone. Quite a sad week for me this week as it will be the 1st anniversary of my sons death, I honestly can't believe it.

Still life has to go on so what is on my work desk/table today, this is it pictured at 8 this morning.

Starting at the bottom the support bar off a clothes hanger. Although they are child hangers I use for the peg bags the support has to be taken off as it shows.
Then a bag of wool purchased yesterday, yes I said no more buying wool but I wanted to knit another flamingo and hadn't the correct colours, that's my excuse well have you ever seen a flamingo that is not pink? Also in the bag are a few more bits and pieces purchased from the Chinese shop a good source of crafty items to be had in one particular shop that tries to cater for handicrafts. (We have no craft shops here in the Almeria region of Spain).

Then some posters I have designed for our Dames Carol concert, along with other song sheets etc. How did I get involved with this I do not know,  I said yes to the arranging of the stalls but can't remember anything about posters and song sheets and meeting with the choir mistress.
Two more dog bandanas and a pile of peg bags, made from some material I was given this week see also flowery material and check one. My paper cutter I have been making the price labels for all the goods and pricing them up. Then my over locker used for making the peg bags.

So that is my desk/table for this week, not very interesting my tidy craft room from a few weeks ago looks as if a bomb has hit it. The funny thing is though I know where things are even when it is a tip.

Now to join with all of you and Julia our host at 

Off in a little while to my sewing/knitting group just wondering what to take with me today, has to be something simple as with all the talking we do can't concentrate on complicated. Knitting is always the favourite.

Have a good week everyone.

Wednesday 25 October 2017


Good morning all here we are another Wednesday where are the days going to?

So what is on my desk/table this morning - pretty much the same as all the other previous weeks, I am so looking forward to see the back of Christmas material.

At present it is dog bandanas both Christmas and every day, because I am making so many I have cut templates from cereal boxes. Haven't had cereals for months so a nice change for breakfast for the next few weeks. Do you like the flamingo a friend knitted for one of the fairs, I had him lying in a storage box and every time I put something in there he popped his head out.

Saw this on face book and thought how appropriate.

Now to the trouble makers in my life. Our weather is still very warm and to get the last of the days sun my two cats have started lying right in the corner of the garden, I am sure it isn't comfortable on the stones but they don't seem to mind.

So that is it for this past week, a quick tidy round then off to my sewing class.
Now to link up with Julia who hosts are weekly get together at

Please leave a comment if you drop by. Hope you all have a productive week.

Wednesday 18 October 2017


Good morning all,

I don't know whether I am coming or going this last week but do know I am very behind even though I started preparing for Christmas many months ago.

Having taken my items to various meetings I have sold so many that I am beginning to wonder if I will have enough for the four Christmas fair I have booked,

Last week someone gave me a Dammit doll to make so the weekend was spent making these. I them sold six on Monday and have an order for another six.

Now someone has asked me for some Christmas bunting, someone else for Christmas dog bandanas. HELP

This used to be my business before I retired so enjoyed the big craft events but who would have thought that at 70 I would be starting over again!

So this is my desk/s this week every available space taken over with cut out, prepared, ready to sew etc.

cut out ready to be backed with waterproof

Finished ready for pricing

Ready to sew

Looking for material table.

I can just about find a place to eat and place a drink so onward and upward as my late husband used to say. Hopefully I will get round to visiting I did manage last week to visit all if not comment on all.

Off now to my sewing class well I am taking some knitting as a break from sewing then this afternoon to my Ladies class, retired, boredom  who me never.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


Good evening everyone, can't believe I am posting at this hour 19.00 instead of 07.00 I have just come home from being out since 9.00am when I started at my sewing group, then on to the Ladies group this afternoon and this evening to meet a member of the Spanish Red Cross who want to do a presentation along with the Guardia Civil on security for the over 65's.

I am supposed to be retired well no time to be bored.

Where has the week gone? I don't know but have quite a stash of goodies now for my fairs. The machine and me has been working overtime.

I have had to move my material over to the other table as a lady gave me this dammit doll and asked if I could make a template and sew some of them so brown paper a pencil and a quick draw round and hey presto. Needs a little tweaking and obviously I can't get the printed fabric label so will have to do with a label round the neck.

Also in view are some little Christmas socks.

Right I am going now need a drink. will link up with

Have a good week all.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

WOYWW 435 4th October

Good morning all, can't believe it is October already - well yes I can because it has gone really quiet here and we have are resort back to ourselves. Most of the hotels closed over the weekend and now with the demise of Monarch one has to wonder what summer 2018 will bring.

So what is on my table this week, see below.

The items at the back are Christmas aprons all folded and priced ready to take to my Women on Wednesday group (we have now changed our name though, LOL Ladies of Leisure or whatever you want the initials to mean!) A number of us have broken away and started a group of our own as we didn't like the chosen new venue.
Last week I took the aprons with me to show someone and ended up selling them and being asked for some more, so this week it has been sew, sew, sew. The colourful material at the front are a number of peg bags cut out and ready to sew.
I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get back to my card making I do miss it.

Hope all who went to the crop had an enjoyable time looking forward to seeing pictures and trying to put names to faces as I have never met any of you.

Now to link up with our host Julia at

Will be along later to read and comment. I leave you with some pictures taken from my terrace on Tuesday evening. Beautiful coloured sky, then the moon putting in an appearance and finally a close up of the moon. I am so lucky to live in this part of the world.

Wednesday 27 September 2017


Good morning one and all, well actually good evening as it is Tuesday night as I find it a rush on Wednesday morning.

So what is on my desk this morning just some peg bags, all slightly different as I couldn't remember how I made them so each one is an improvement on the last. Some with coat hangers and some with a carabiner as I find with coat hangers they tend to blow off the line. 

Had trouble buying cheap children's coat hangers.

Some more aprons and bibs have also found their way into the Christmas stock box.

This machine has found it's way out of its rather tatty box much to the annoyance of QC one of my cats, as it is on my computer table where she normally sits.  

So now she has taken to the other side and likes hang over the edge and kick her back legs in protest.

So that is me done for now nothing very exciting on the desk, peg bags, over locker and cat.

Will be linking up with Julia in the morning.

Have a good week we still have very good weather here in the low 30's hope it continues for your holiday Neet.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

WOYWW 433 (I think)

Good morning everyone, just as we thought the summer was coming to an end with the rains of last week, we have had some really lovely weather, in the low 30's but not too hot and humid. Weather that makes you want to prepare for the winter days haha.

So what is on my work table this morning, well talking of winter days I am still preparing for the Christmas fairs I have booked tables at. Now added another two fairs to my list, one is for a local animal charity. So in the top left hand corner you see a pile of dog bandanas.  Really need to get rid of some of my materials of all sorts, fabric, knitting wool, paper and card you know how it is. Also need to make some money as I am seeing my pension decrease month by month because of the value of the pound.

I have all my templates cut out of hardboard, my late husband made them all for me and they have been a godsend so much better than paper patterns. I brought them all with me, along with no end of material when I moved out to Spain. He also made me a cutting out table that he hinged to the wall so I could fold down when not in use. Often wonder what the people who bought my house thought of it as I left it there.

And lastly my TV knitting, I can't watch TV and not do anything or I fall asleep. These are the beginnings of some tortoises. 

The telephone engineers eventually came on Friday to install the fibre optic so after taking 15 mins to load photos to my blog they now just go woosh and they are there. Can't believe that my little town of Mojacar is slowly catching up with the 21st century. When I first came on holiday here there were more donkeys than cars, now you will be hard pushed to see a donkey.

Donkey transport
The local women used to do their laundry at the fountain and the washing would be carried in the panniers.
Local fountain late 70's
Well that's me done for this week, now to link with Julia our host at 

Hope you all have a good week and I will be visiting later when I come home from my knit and natter group.

Wednesday 13 September 2017


Good morning friends

This is the view from my house this morning at 7.15am the lovely sun about to rise. We have had an exceptional hot summer this year and even yesterday the temperature in the sun was 38C. It certainly drains you so hence no desk last week.

This is my desk today one cat taking most of it, so I am working on my ironing board. haha and this is all I have to show.

Two Christmas bibs - the one on the left is a new design, just wish I had a baby to try it out on. Very simple with an elastic piece to go over the head.

I will try and get round to visiting you all but can make no promises because I have applied for fibre optic internet comes with complete package of mobiles, landline, mobiles and television and they are supposed to be coming today to install, but this is Spain manana as they say here could mean anytime in the next few weeks.

Have a good week and now to link with Julia our host for WOYWW

Wednesday 30 August 2017

WOYWW 430 29th August

Hello fellow followers, as I sit typing this on Tuesday evening a storm is taking place all around, lovely rain a god send after the long hot summer, thunder and lightening. I am just hoping the electricity doesn't go off as is usual when we have weather like this,

So down to business and what is on my work table this week, well after the big clear up of my work room and finding things I didn't know I had.  decided to finish some unfinished things and this is one of them.

Perhaps I purchased it when my grandson was born I did make him a pooh bear one which he still has. (He is now 12 years old). It will now go on the Christmas fair stall.

I have made a pile of the items I found that needed finishing so am slowly working my way through them.

Found some blue material when looking for the eeyore cushion cover so decided to cut a tabard out from what was left, thought it might appeal to the many waitresses we have here who seem to wear them. I used to make them for the children's hospitals in the UK all in bright children's fabrics.

Also this week some Christmas and everyday bibs.

So that is my contribution for this week but before I go must show you this. Remember the new cats scratching post I purchased back in March well in five months it has gone from this to this.


Have a good week and will try and visit you all during the week. it will not be Wednesday though as I have my knit and natter in the morning and then I am going to watch the Vuelta a Espana (Tour of Spain cycle race) as it comes along part of our sea front here in little Mojacar. (ITV 4 at 8.00p,m)

Now to prepare to link with our host Julia at

All is quiet now think the thunder, lightening and rain have stopped.