Wednesday 27 December 2017


Hi everyone sorry for last week and saying 466 not wishing time away honestly. Hope I've got it correct this week.

Christmas is over, seems to be just another day here in Spain, all the Spanish have their family meal on Christmas eve. Only the British bars are open. Then we celebrate New Years eve and of course 5/6th January Three Kings. This used to be the day Spanish children received their presents which makes sense really as the Three Kings bought the gifts to Jesus.

No crafting done here but I have treated myself to some colouring books on offer at Lidl and a present from my friend was some lovely colouring pencils.

Spent yesterday transferring all my computer documents onto external hd ready to install a new hard disk into my computer today. Well not me installing it - a friend, I am not that clever. What a load of rubbish one stores, now all photos, crafting stuff etc. are catalogued. Just hope I have done it correctly. Wish I could say all my real crafting materials were catalogued and stored correctly. That's another story or job for the new year.

So short and sweet today off now to sewing circle, most are away but said I would go in case any new or old folk turn up. 

Hope you enjoy the New Year and all your dreams come true.

Wednesday 20 December 2017


A short message this week as this is coming from my kindle as the hard drive has given up the ghost on my computer and can't get a new old until after Christmas. My fingers are too fat for typing on phones and kindles etc.

My desk is no longer like a jumble sale all put away for Christmas. Need the table for Christmas dinner.

So no photos or maybe one as not sure how to do this from Kindle.

Remember I said I won a turkey in a raffle, well we decided we didn't want it for  Christmas much prefer a piece of beef, so yesterday I cut it all up and made turkey stew, this is it all boxed up ready to take out this evening to the homeless. Must admit I have just had some of the stock as soup for my lunch and it is pretty tasty.

So all that remains is for me to wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a Peaceful New Year and to link up with Julia

Wednesday 13 December 2017


Apologises for last week, in a mad week and an even madder Wednesday morning I had forgotten all about WOYWW and my the time I had recovered it was Friday.

So where are we now, hopefully being able to wind down a little.

I have now finished with the Christmas fairs not such a roaring success but each one better than the one before and what's more they have paid for the enormous vet bill I had for my darling cat.

So what is on my desk this morning - well no material for once only Christmas cards, which must be in the post by tomorrow. Thankfully I made lots of cards last year so will definitely have enough. Just the boring inners to do.

A friend of mine has been on a cruise, Hong Kong, Singapore etc and saw this card and thought of me. No way would I have the patience or the know all to do this. It even folds down perfectly.


Last night I went to my first religious carol service for years, and thoroughly enjoyed it unfortunately no pics but I am sure Kate ( will have some on her page on Friday smiles.

Last Wednesday was our Dames in Spain carol concert and fair, all the hard work in the preparation paid off and the comments were all favourable.
Grand raffle
(I won a duck so Christmas dinner sorted)
audience and choir

My stall

Our chairperson & me
Don't know the bomber though

So that is my week now off to catch up and relax at my sewing group possibly the last one before Christmas.

Hope you all have a good week. linking with Julia at
