Wednesday 22 February 2017

WOYWW 403 (22nd February)

Good morning all,

Must put one thing straight before I continue, many of you have remarked on my animals at the top of the page. Unfortunately Morse, the dog is no longer with me he died nearly 3 years ago, but I still have both the cats, Kavanagh and QC, they are brother and sister and can always be found not far from each other. QC (the short haired) is the one that sits on my desks. Yes, I loved the actor John Thaw hence their names.

Next thanks to all who visited and left a comment I think I broke my record with 21 comments.

Now to why we are here. This is my desk on Tuesday evening, if anyone can see a size 3.75 knitting needle on there please tell me where. The piles are slowly in danger of toppling over and then it will be clear up time. (Sorry no prize for spotting the needle though).

I have made a number of birthday cards this week and now a start on some Easter cards. The cards between the punches are backing papers I made with the shaving foam method trouble is there was no yellow/green Eastery colours.
Sometimes my desk looks like the bathroom with talc, make up brushes and sponges, shaving foam, toilet paper, etc. 

Nothing exciting to report this week, the weather has been quite cold and windy here in Spain, hopefully will be better next week at least my freesia bulbs are beginning to bud perhaps will be in full bloom next week and some photos, I adore the smell of them.

Hope you all have a good week and I will try and read all your blogs even if I don't have time to comment on all.

And so to link up with our host Julia at

Tuesday 14 February 2017


Here we are again another Wednesday and another week gone.
Thank you to all who visited last week and for your kind comments, I was sorry not to leave a comment on every blog but I did read most of them, good bedtime reading.
Last week my sewing group had lunch after our meeting and thought you might like to see my pud. I adore raspberries so couldn't resist and this was how it was served. Each person had a different picture.

So what's on the work desk this week well the same as last week with extra things piled on top. When everything stops balancing then is the time for a sort out and put away.
I decided to make some cards this week with all bits and pieces, cut offs and the tapes. The tapes need to be used as the adhesive doesn't last long here in Spain.

Then thought about Easter so cut a cross out not sure what to do with it yet. 
Note the Liquorice Allsorts, these were a Valentines pressie, and my cuppa of lemon and ginger tea. I haven't been able to drink ordinary tea since becoming pregnant with my daughter over 47 years ago although strangely enough she drinks tea. 

Must confess I have bought some more wool just loved the colour, buying wool is becoming an addiction with me perhaps I need help.

Will link up with our host Julia for WOYWW  at

If you pay a visit to my site please leave a comment it is always good to hear from you and know where you live.


Tuesday 7 February 2017


Good Morning all and what have we on our work desks this bright and sunny morning - well it is bright and sunny here in Spain.

I am early today need to get this done before I go to my sewing class as the group are having lunch after the meeting. We pay 1€ a week into the kitty and when we have sufficient funds we have a lunch together at the bar/restaurant where we meet. 

So this was my desk on Tuesday evening.

I have been using the card/papers I bought from Lidl last week, they are what I call mix and match, the plain colours matching with the pattern card. I was so pleased with them went back to buy some more but they had been on special offer and of course they had all gone. 

I have finished the card I was making for my daughter in law but I can't show it to you just in case she reads this. Then another two cards are in the process using the Lidl buys. 

I have also started knitting the cardigan from the wool purchased last week, lovely wool to knit with. I will take this to the sewing group with me as it is something I can do and talk at the same time. Haha. Years ago I used to cross stitch and when I arrived home had to unpick all I had done, talking and cross stitch certainly doesn't go together.

Sorry I didn't get around to all last week it was a bumper contribution being the 400th. Will try to do better this week.

Hope you all have a good week and now to link up with Julia at

Wednesday 1 February 2017


Hello All and a special hello to Julia who hosts the 400 edition of WOYWW today. I am a relatively new member but have always felt accepted in this special group of worldwide bloggers. Thank you one and all.

Troubles with computer this week, it has been playing up for a while, but the other day there was a buzzing and banging sound and a switch off and on restarting no internet connection, and it appears the ethernet ??? cable has a fault. Goodness knows what that means but my friend cannot mend it so it will be a trip to the computer shop. In the meanwhile I am managing on a little notepad and my Kindle oh and my phone. Trouble is all my work and photos are on the main computer.

Now for the reason we are here my desk this week well I have transferred from my workroom and little desk to the bigger table in my sitting room so more or less same items but more spread.

Last week on a trip to Lidl I came across these craft items so in my basket they went. It is always so difficult to purchase craft items here in Spain. So two books of very good pattern card and papers, three washi tapes, three edging stamps and two ring binder books containing 300 grms plain card. So I was very pleased with my purchases.

On Monday a friend and I heard of someone having a wool sale (another thing we couldn't overlook) so setting off early in the morning we went in search and of course I couldn't resist purchasing some wool although I had said to myself earlier in the year - NO MORE WOOL!!
The wool the Spaniards have is not very good quality so to be able to purchase British wool and see the quality and colours is a bonus. How to end a pleasant morning browsing than to have a lovely and delicious tapas lunch.
There are some benefits.

So the card making has gone on hold again and now I am knitting myself a cardigan. Very easy pattern 5 knitted rows and 1 purl row form the pattern.

Also with the weather improving each day I can knit outside in the sunshine.

Ok that's me done for this week hope you all have a good productive week. See you all next week for 401 WOYWW.