Wednesday 29 June 2016


Hello there, better late than never, but Wednesday's are such a busy day for me. I go to a sewing group from 10 o'clock then home for a quick lunch then out again to my Women on Wednesday. 

Below is my new desk for this week, I have tidied up one of my store rooms and uncovered my old computer desk, this is great because I can now leave my work out and not have to clear away at weekends. Also as the temperatures rises to over 30C it is a smaller room and air con won't cost so much to run. 

My project here is to make some quick and simple birthday cards - making like a patchwork pattern with some of the many layering papers I have accumulated over the years.

When I look at all the materials I have, I will have to live another 20 years at least and also in those 20 years keep my old hands functioning. 
NB Do not buy anymore craft materials.

I am still crocheting but have put my bed cover on hold possible until September. I have started the cover for my grandson in his chosen bright colours. This I will take to the UK with me when I go next month and hope to finish it while I am there, saving me bringing it back to Spain and having to post it to him. Also it will be cooler in the UK for working such a heavy cover.

Well that's all for now hope you all have a good week.


Wednesday 8 June 2016


I am determined to post my WOYWW early this Wednesday so am writing this on Tuesday evening! The same things will be on my desk Wednesday morning as I have finished for this evening and tomorrow morning I go to my sewing group at 10.00am
Saturday I went to a local fair here in Spain and was really disappointed with the second hand stuff available on the stalls, made me think back to my craft fair days. So hence the sewing on the desk this week.
Yes this is my very old reliable industrial Singer sewing machine and I am making aprons for adults and children in childrens material and Christmas material. Have set a target of three a day, with the end result having enough stock to fill a stall nearer Christmas not just with aprons but other handmade objects.

On the right is the selection so far.

I have not forsaken the  crocheting, but it is getting a little warm for crocheting a double ply blanket on your knee. Think today has been the hottest of the year so far, my car did show 35C when I got in earlier.

Thought you might like to see what I woke up to the other morning.

On the floor is a dead rat, body bottom left and head top right. with the two killers on the other side of the doors. I have a cat flap so during the night they had brought it indoors. Yuk.

'Me the killer never'

This is the cat that has been renamed 'the follower' since my lab died two years ago she follows me everywhere and is always sat on my desk if she can't find a space she will make one,

I finish with thanks for all your good wishes for my son, he goes back into the Christie hospital in Manchester tomorrow for his third round of chemo, He remains very positive and I shall be going back to the UK again in July.
Ani xx

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Hello all,
I am now back in sunny Spain but my work desk still remains empty. I can show you what is on my knee this week though.
It is the beginning of my crochet blanket for my bed, different shades of pinks and lilacs. I bought the wool in the UK as Spain doesn't have double knitting wool as we know it. I am trying to crochet three colours a day but this may drop to two as the weather here gets hotter.

As I started this while in the UK my 11 year old grandson was intrigued with it and said he would like one also but in the colours of the rainbow, but when I said that would be 7 colours  no he wanted more. so we finished up with all these colours.

So watch this space as to how this progresses.

My son has completed his second round of chemo and begins the third on 8th June, he remains positive and we can only hope and pray for a recovery. His main test will come in July when he has chemo and radiotherapy together. I shall be there to support him, his partner and son through this terrible time. 

It is lovely to be back in Spain and feel the warmth of the sunshine.