Wednesday 28 April 2021

WOYWW 621 28th April 2021

 Good morning ladies another beautiful day here in spain. Firstly the moon Monday evening and second sunrise this morning. 

Now the reason why we are here, my mojo hasn't really returned since the  Christmas holidays, so I have been crafting items that don't need a great deal of thought like my little 'Teddies for Tragedies'. The only thing now is I have to find a way to get them back to the UK. Postage is out of the question from Spain as it will require tax payable and as no one is coming to visit so I can't ask people to take them back to post. Hopefully by next month we may see some holiday makers returning.

Even the jigsaw hasn't progressed much but I am not giving up on it and will finish it think this must be the most difficult one I have ever attempted.

I am off to my sewing/knitting group in about an hour, we are allowed 4 to a table inside and 6 outside but it is a little cold to be working outdoors. The bar owner is very co-operative and places two tables of 4 with another one of 2 in the middle of them so we don't have to shout (we make enough noise anyway).

Have a good week and I will see if I can find my mojo for this coming week. 

Now to link with Julia and read what you have all been up to.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

WOYWW 619 14th April 2021

 Guess what, I'm actually due to get my covid jab on Friday morning, have to go to a nearby town for it though. Apparently it is all done by drive-through. Wind your window down, jab in the arm, wait 15 minutes and away you go. My next one will be 7th May.

Again not much crafting done over the last two weeks, my table contains a jigsaw not the easiest one I've attempted. 

Some other items I have been making to use up some of my wool stash are these 'Teddies for Tragedies'. 

Noticed my amaryllis hasn't done well this year think it will need dividing and repotting after flowering.


2020This was last year quite a difference!

Perhaps it's felt the effects of lockdown.

At least my jasmine is beginning to flower, I have four of these plants, they have been in bud for about a week but think the weather has been to cold for them to flower before.

So that has been my week coffee and lunches out with friends, some knitting, some gardening. 

We are still confined to our regions so have yet to go and see how my daughter and her husband have settled in. One upset they have had, they brought their 18 year old cat with them from the UK and 10 days ago it went missing and no sign of it. 

Now to link up with Julia and the rest of the WOYWW crowd at

Hope all of you in the UK enjoy your freedom, but please stay safe.