Wednesday 23 February 2022

WOYWW 664 23/02/2022

 Good afternoon ladies, a little late today. Back home now after a morning at knitting/sewing group. Brrh it feels cold today after some really sunny and warm days.

It was the turn of the grapefruits to be picked this last week, although I am not supposed to eat them I do. Juice most of them and give some to friends. Still some left on the trees.

Now to a project I have been doing for the last two months. Hopefully it will be finished shortly. My daughter purchased a wrap purchased from a well known store and looking at it thought I can make one. 

I still have to crochet the edge and maybe fringe it also (haven't decided). If our winters continue to be cold will be glad of it in future. Most people wear wraps here rather than coats in the winter.

My other crochet project 'the meadow blanket' from Attic 24 is halfway to completion. That should also keep me warm next winter.

That is me for this week, hope the people in the UK are safe and not suffering to much from all the storms. 

Wednesday 9 February 2022

WOYWW 662 9th February 2022

 Many apologies ladies but I have been AWOL no excuses just don't know where the days go.

I have been busy but with knitting and crocheting and sat by the fire as it has been so cold here in Spain. I think this winter has been the coldest in over 20 years I have lived here and having no central heating I tend to sit in one room by the fire!

My friend asked me to knit a dog coat for her little Maltese terrier she had the red one but needed another. So with alot of counting etc I managed to do the pink one.

I am also crocheting two blankets one being the Attic 24 Meadow blanket. Sorry photo next time.

It has also been harvest time for my oranges and grapefruits, the problem is they are all ready together and also when they are cheap on the markets and in supermarkets. Mine taste better though. 

That is me for today a short write up. Even if I don't contribute I still read what you have been up to.
