Wednesday 28 June 2017


Good morning from a very hot humid Spain. We are experiencing extreme temperatures for this time of year. Goodness knows what August holds for us.
I and my friends are nervous of fires as a few years ago we had serious fires and had to abandon our homes. Being a Girl Guide I am now prepared and have the cat carriers, food, water, and important documents to hand just in case.

So with the heat and my daughters visit and also a friends visiting from Lanzarote this week, I have not returned to craft mode yet, but found this broderie anglaise material in my stash and thought I could make a cool top for myself. It will be rectangle folded in half sides sewn up and a hole for my head to go through. Sounds easy enough but.....

It is white but the table underneath is cream.

Off to my knit and natter group this morning, then home to make some puff pastry savoury swirls to take to my Woman on Wednesday group (WOW) it's all W's on Wednesday as we are having a closing party, the bar where we meet is not having their lease renewed so we will have to find another bar or that is it. There are not many bars that want us this time of the year but are glad of our custom over the winter months!

So now over to Julia who seems to be having a great time in US. Reading her post it is such a small world. Have a good week one and all.

Wednesday 21 June 2017


Now I know I have drunk a far bit of the old fizz this last week but I think Julia is trying to confuse me by saying WOYWW 421.

Thank you for all your birthday wishes I had a fantastic birthday shared with my daughter and her partner. We hired a lovely boat and took to life on the Med. Mooring up for lunch and a swim in the sea.

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 Our boat 

Sean Connery old house

Pre lunch swim

My desk is still empty I have been doing a little knitting but with the hot weather and sticky fingers not getting on very quickly. More talc please.

Thank you for all your comments and I will try and get round to visiting all the pages before the weekend.

So short and sweet this week now to link up with Julia

Wednesday 14 June 2017


This week is short and sweet as my daughter is here with her partner to help me celebrate a big birthday on Friday. It should have been a big family affair like my 60th but with the death of my son last year I decided to keep celebrations to a minimum. Think we are going to hire a boat and go out to sea for the day, and if this weather keeps up we will need plenty of sunscreen. The temperatures are mid 30's and not much less at night.

So my desk for this week is:
Table cleared and all put away, couldn't possible let my daughter see how I work, so on my desk  - 10 point plastic canvas that my daughter brought me from the UK as I can't purchase it here. Wait till next week and this 70 year old will be back in business materials everywhere.

Of course I have to have something to keep me going so my pick up and take anywhere is my knitting - multi coloured leg warmers.

So off to link with Julia at
Hope you all have a good week am now going to wake my lazy visitors up!!

Wednesday 7 June 2017


Firstly these are the ATC's I have received so far, they are all beautiful and so different. Thank you all very much.

I was wondering how you all visit one anothers pages, I tend to try and visit  and comment on 10 at a time. Sometimes this can take me a few days so apologies if I didn't manage to visit and comment of your page, will try and do better.

This week's desk isn't very interesting:-
In the front I am putting the finishing touches to my friends card, My cutters, the box of patterned papers, tape and more tape, like I said no very interesting.

So thought I would show you my card store room shelves. 

Top shelf boxes of  finished birthday cards and Christmas cards and laminator. Next shelf cutters, glue sticks and gun. Next box of tapes,etc tiles I use for painting, my ultimate pro of which I think I have only ever used the scoring board. Bottom shelf hidden from view my boxes of stamps, inks etc. Oh and the red at the left hand side is a roll of waterproof nylon material that I use to line my aprons with.

Top shelf are boxes of embellishments and punches  my boxes of card and papers, sorted into white, coloured, gold etc.
These are the Christmas shelves more or less, along with assorted envelopes and some coloured card I bought from the Chinese shop this week not yet cut into sensible sizes.
And finally some of my ribbons.

This room used to be the en suite shower room to my third bedroom but seeing as the bedroom is now a store room for my material and wool I had the shower etc taken out and am now making more use of the room. It can always be reverted back to a shower room when the bedroom becomes a bedroom again but not in my lifetime I have too much material and wool etc.!!!!

These are two seats I talked about in WOYWW 408 I have finally got around to covering them, next it will be the jet spray on the bamboo seats and perhaps a lick of paint. Who knows they might be finished for summer 2018. Keep watching this space.

Please may I be permitted to ask two questions this week - how do I put the facebook link to my page on this site?
My second question is any suggestions on how to store acrylic stamps I have found that some of them are going sticky and breaking up. This could be because I live in a hot and humid area of Spain as I never had this trouble in the UK. all the rubber ones are ok and dare I say all my Clarity ones also perhaps you get what you pay for.

Now link up with Julia our host for WOYWW