Wednesday 25 November 2020


 Thank you for all your visits last week if I didn't visit you I apologise just as I am getting over one medical experience I had another on Thursday. Was taking Barney out for a walk up the mountain and called him back so this excited dog comes flying down at high speed I knew he was going to hit me but couldn't move quick enough only managed to turn sideways and wham straight into my side and of course I ended up on the ground. Resulting in a bruised knee and elbow, but worst of all bruised ribs. Perhaps I should have gone to hospital because the ribs are so painful, but if I had cracked or broken them they wouldn't do anything. Trying to do simple things is so painful.

So on to Wednesday and another WOYWW so what's on your desk this morning (or last night). Sorry the photos aren't good but taken with a flash last night.

This has become my dumping desk.

The Christmas material is to make some masks, you have to wear masks when you set foot outside your own grounds. 

This is the working desk

These are a few squares I have been crocheting to make a blanket for my chair.

We are still under municipality arrest, not allowed to leave our villages, but fortunately here in Mojacar we are well catered for and shops, bars and restaurants are open for business until 6.00pm, so we can meet friends for coffee or lunch as long as there are no more than six at one table, we have curfew 10.00 til I think 7.00. I even managed to get my hair cut today just walked in without an appointment. It is really quiet as all the 'swallows' that come for the winter months are not here. These swallows more than double the resident numbers during the winter months. But we are safe.

I hope you are all managing to keep busy and safe.

Ani xx

Wednesday 18 November 2020


 Hi Ladies I'm back after a number of weeks. Although I haven't contributed I have been reading your blogs.

I am at long last feeling better and hopefully now know what was wrong, apart from my diverticulitis which started the emergency dash to hospital, then all the tests I have had over the last couple of months, the doctors say I have an hiatus hernia. I am booked in to see the consultant again end of January. The one good thing about it all I have lost over 10 kilos not a good way to lose it but....

Now the reason why we are here 'What is on my desk this week'. I have only recently returned to my desk so this was taken Tuesday night. 

The beginning of a couple of Christmas cards for a friends grandchildren. Not very exciting.

I have also done some knitting and crocheted some squares. The knitting consisted of beenie hats for the homeless - a total of seven done now, something I can do without thinking.

Well that is me done I will link up with Julia at Stamping Ground If you want to know what it is all about follow the link above.