Wednesday 19 May 2021

WOYWW 12th anniversary

 Sorry no desk from me still at my daughter's enjoying the sun and pool.

Just wanted to wish you all a great 12th anniversary and to say to Julia thank you for allowing me to be part of this great family.

When I return home will send ATC's to people I have addresses for even though I can't really join in today. 

Wednesday 12 May 2021


 Good morning, sorry no desk this morning as at the weekend I made full use of our borders opening and went to say with my daughter who moved to Spain in February this is only the first time time I have her new home since viewing it with her.

I have plenty to do and brought both the crocheting projects with me along with some of the books featured in my last blog.

Breakfast calls sitting out in the sun.

Hope this comes through OK as it is from my mobile. 

Wednesday 5 May 2021

WOYWW 622 5th May 2021

Buenas tardes, 

A little late today but didn't arise until 8.30am and have to be out of the house for my knitting group by 9.30am. So before I prepare my lunch here is what I have been up to over the past week. Not a great deal.

My teddy family is increasing and will be soon taking over if I don't find an outlet for them.

Looking into doing some crocheting but can't make up my mind if to do the browny granny throw ready for next winter, or the single bed cover also for next winter. Both patterns are from Attic 24.

I have also sorted some summer reading as the weather is slowly becoming summery. The wine makes a good book end, wonder how long it will be there, was a present from a friend.

That is me for today not much going on but hey something is better than nothing. 

Saying that my garden looks good!

Now to link up with Julia at and see what the rest of you have been up to over the past week.