Wednesday 30 November 2022



 Apologies to start firstly I am writing this on my phone where everything is so small for my fat fingers and secondly sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

I am still in the middle of clearing out ready to put my house on the market after Christmas. All my craft stuff is done - all in plastic boxes and labelled. Next will be kitchen utensils etc.

I have managed to do some craft work mostly knitting. Now how do I get the photos on here?

Some little cuddle blankets.

And a Christmas blanket for me. Our weather has suddenly changed this week although still warm during the day it goes cool at night.

That is me for this week, not bad for a first attempt on my new phone. Enjoy your week. Ani 

Wednesday 9 November 2022


 Good evening one and all, sorry I am so late this week but better late than never. 

I have been to my knitting/sewing group this morning, our numbers keep increasing with the visitors here for a few weeks before Christmas. Some find it annoying that they can no longer come from October until Easter thanks to Brexit.

I am still surrounded with boxes, so not much crafting going on. I have started a jigsaw as I needed a distraction. It maybe only 500 pieces but that sea!!

My table hasn't been vacant as soon as one spot gets cleared something else is placed there.

Most of the things in my sewing room are now in boxes. Think I will still have to get rid of somethings as I am looking for a two bedroom villa and all on one level. I must have disposed of quite a lot because of the empty boxes, but funny thing is I can't find the lids.

Started on my card room now, all the pieces of card I have kept just in case!!! Bet you all do the same. All the other bits and pieces I kept just in case I could use them.  I need to empty these shelves because there may be some lids down behind and goodness knows what else.

I was pleased to see at the group this morning two of the girls had made use of some of my material.

This is a cushion/bag for a grandson
 using my material 

and a cross stitch cabbage cushion backed with some of my material. 

So that is me for today sorry not much crafting. 

PS as I type this it is thundering so waiting for the rain. I noticed a change in temp last night and now have a jumper on!! 

I will try and visit you all this week.


Wednesday 2 November 2022


 Congratulations on 700 posts of woyww. Here's to the next 300!! Sorry I have not been partaking these last few weeks, but things are running fast here. I have decided to put my house up for sale and move nearer my daughter in the Murcia region. I can't believe all the craft stuff I have, so it has been a radical case of downsizing. I will not be moving until sometime next year but the estate agent said make it as empty as possible!

Picture 1 is my store room (bedroom)where usually you can't see the floor! All wool, material  bits etc now boxed up.

 Picture 2 is a work in progress thus is a converted shower room where I keep all card making material. 

Picture 3 is my living room with the materials I am going through.

I have had many trips down to the bins and the charity shops.

So please bear with me if no crafting is done for a few weeks. Off now to my sewing/knitting group for a bit of normality.