Wednesday 30 November 2022



 Apologies to start firstly I am writing this on my phone where everything is so small for my fat fingers and secondly sorry for being absent for 2 weeks.

I am still in the middle of clearing out ready to put my house on the market after Christmas. All my craft stuff is done - all in plastic boxes and labelled. Next will be kitchen utensils etc.

I have managed to do some craft work mostly knitting. Now how do I get the photos on here?

Some little cuddle blankets.

And a Christmas blanket for me. Our weather has suddenly changed this week although still warm during the day it goes cool at night.

That is me for this week, not bad for a first attempt on my new phone. Enjoy your week. Ani 


  1. Glad you managed to get everything working on your phone to join in Ani and that the packing is going well. Great knitted projects. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. well done on using the phone to join in! Love that blanket to keep you cosy. Good luck with the packing/sorting. Helen #1

  3. Judst pleased you managed to get here. I hate having to do anything like this on my phone so well done. Gorgeous knitting projects, love them. Have a fun woyww whatever you are up to, hugs Angela x10x

    1. Don't know why it came through as Anonymous, it's me Hee! Hee!

  4. Hellooo Ani 🤗 yaay on getting it on with your phone ⭐️💕❤ What a busy time you're having with the clearing and packing, will be worth it for sure when it's time to pop your home on the market. I looooove your cuddle blanket 🧶it's going to snuggle you up, keep you lovely and warm. Your wee cuties have the warmest of smiles on each ❤🥰💕 Wishing ⭐️ yoou a beautiful week ahead with love and hugs Tracy #12 xxx

  5. Well done for conquering the technology! All that clearing is a good thing to do, you’re all set now for new adventures. The little cuddles are great and your blanket is fab, reminds me of watermelon colours!!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  6. I totally understand the phone and fat fingers ! I always tell my hubby, these keys are too small for me. It's a frustrating process and the words that come up ........................... I could not undertake moving or preparing to move during winter. I'd pack away all the wrong stuff and be totally bored Good Luck with that adventure, Enjoy December we have had snowfall during the night, but temps to be 40's so it will melt I guess. Happy WOYWW

  7. Well done for posting on your phone, it takes a bit of sorting does it! Those cuddly blankets look sweet. It’s been 3 degrees all day today - cold! Happy WOYWW. Angela #7

  8. I think you did really well on a phone, I struggle even with my tablet so prefer the PC for blogging mostly. The cuddle blankets as so cute, love them BJ#18

  9. I’ve no idea how to blog on my phone, and to be honest, my fat fingers and eyesight would make it a time of bad language! You did well. As you have with the clearing and sorting, well done you, I always find just after I’ve started that I remember what a sod of a job it really is! a lovely knitted stuff Ani, glad you’re finding time in amongst it all to keep your hand in!

  10. Moving house is stressful and exciting in equal measure! Hope it all goes smoothly - the worst is losing access to your craft stuff! Thanks so much for your visit - happy December! xx zsuzsa #17

  11. Aww. such cute cuddly goodies. Moving is the worst and blogging from a phone? Ah yeah. Nope from me, but well done to you.
    Ridiculously late for WOYWW but here I am…
    Mary Anne (6)
