Wednesday 21 December 2022

WOYWW 707?

Woke late this morning so in a spin. As you know it is my knitting/sewing group  on Wednesday mornings and today we have our Christmas lunch afterwards. Below is what I made for each member attending, these are instead of cards, a felt heart and chocolate. Last year it was a stocking. some of the ladies said they still have them. Oh for next year if I am still in Mojacar!

Along with a jigsaw that I have enjoyed doing, nothing on the table/desk today in fact no table at all.

Finally members of the sewing/knitting group eagerly awaiting their lunch.

All that is left for me to say is A very merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all.

Oh forgot, to link up with Julia our host at


  1. It looks like you all had a lovely lunch together...perfect.
    Hoping you have a wonderful Christmas.
    Annie x #10

  2. I can see you were all having a good time, it goes without saying. Our Craft Club has a Christmasd party but we save it until January as we only meet once a month on the last saturday of the month so obviously that would be a bit difficult in December but it's quite nice to have it after everything else is finished and it's very close to my birthday when we have it too. I hope your Christmas is full of smiles. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x8x

  3. Super heart decorations, Sending Christmas Warmth and Hugs BJK#9

  4. Hope you and the ladies had a grand time out at the lunch, the little gifts you made were lovely! I made felt hearts a few years back @nd thoroughly enjoyed doing them! Hope you have a Merry Christmas and here’s to a happy and healthy 2023!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  5. I hope you all had a fabulous lunch - it looks very festive - and the gifts you were taking are wonderful. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas. Helen #1

  6. Love the hearts, a great idea. A fabulous jigsaw although the water looks difficult. I hope you had a lovely lunch. Thank you for the visit. Wishing you a happy Christmas. x Angela #15

  7. The hearts look great, I'm sure they will be saved for years as well! Lovely lot of sewing ladies, hope you all had a lovely lunch. Merry Christmas! Lindart #17

  8. Gorgeous little gifts for your friends, what a lovely idea. I hope your lunch went well and I hope you have a very merry Christmas.
    Diana xx #11

  9. A lovely way to mark the occasion, those felt hearts will look gorgeous on the various trees. I do something similar for my scrapbooking girlfriends. This year I made beaded stars. Only five. (Never again!), last year I made them all a Brussels sprout ornament. Just a bit of fun, but they do keep them, it’s nice when they tell you that isn’t it. I love the puzzle, can hardly see the cut marks, it looks like a photo. I presume that you’re not expecting to be in Mojacar by next Christmas? Whatever, for now, have a happy Christmas. Xxx

  10. Oh i love the felt hearts! Your lunch looks so festive and fun, bet all the ladies had a blast!
    Late WOYWW, sorry - COVID in da' house :(

    Happy Healthy Merry Christmas to you!
    Mary Anne (5)
