Wednesday 16 March 2022

WOYWW 16th March 2022

 What a last few days, no other way to describe it than we have been tangoed!

This is today Wednesday it started raining red rain over night
This is how it started Monday

The rain is becoming cleaner!!

And one last one Barney saying don't craft take me out.

Sorry about all that but here is what I have been getting up to. My meadow blanket is on the home straight only another 2/3rds to do and the edging. Looking forward to starting the blue shades.

I have also knitted some beanie hats and mittens but forgot to photo them before taking to drop off point for transport.
That is me for this week, next week will be out with the jet spray and the big clean up!

Now to link with Julia and read some of your posts.


Wednesday 2 March 2022

WOYWW 2nd March 2022

 Gosh here we are into the third month of the year already and this is only my third post this year. (Must do better).

Here in sunny Mojacar, well it is today but very windy, I noticed things are getting back to normal and bars and restaurants owners are sprucing up their establishments. Easter is late this year so I think many will be open before then to make the most of the season. Easter is a big holiday here and some of the big city parades are being planned. 

I am managing to sit outside in the mornings to have my coffee and do some crafting. I am slowly going through my materials and being really brutal. I have a habit of saving all scraps of card, material etc. thinking it will be useful, now they are having to go.  Below is a box of card cut offs

Embellishments and cut off card

Tapes and glues etc.

This is the felt table that I take outside when the sun is shining. I know they are Christmas items but one can never start too soon.

That's what I have been up to this week, not very exciting but I am making an effort. 
 Now to link up with Julia at hope you all have a good week.