Wednesday 31 January 2018


Thank you for all your visits and comments last week, I did get round to reading and replying to all I could.

So what is on my work desk this evening absolutely nothing apart from QC the cat who's just about managed to find a spot to sit.

Well I say nothing but this isn't my craft desk this is my computer table. As you can see the lamp I purchased last week is in use. Left is a pile of 'Yours' magazines that require reading some going back months even years. The book on top is my work book, all things I undertake go in here when asked to do them so I don't forget. Behind the cat are replacement inks and as you can see on the screen my blog for this week.

The reason I have nothing to show is because I have hardly been at home. Out for coffees etc, then on Sunday a coach load of us went to La Zenia Boulevard shopping centre about 2 hours away. I was very good and didn't make a purchase but enjoyed the day with friends. 

My friend from UK has returned to Mojacar for a few months so Tuesday she invited me to lunch and view her rented villa. She has also planned outings for us both in the coming days so I think my crafting may suffer somewhat.

We all have to have a break sometime and who knows I may return to my desk with new ideas.

Now to link with the rest of WOYWW at


  1. sounds like you are busy having fun, which is just great!! crafting can come later. Helen #2

  2. Glad you've been enjoying yourself :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 4

  3. Glad you're having such a fun time with friends. We all deserve a break sometimes. Have a good week. Sarah #12

  4. Morning Ani. A great way to spend the week. Lots of fun, treats, visits. Well done you.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  5. I'm pleased to hear that you've had a lovely sociable week! Sometimes we just have to go with the flow :-D
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  6. Hi Ani, indeed, sometimes a break is what does us the world of good, so enjoy the relaxation you get from spending time with friends. Love QC- looks gorgeous. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  7. You certainly gained the attention of QC for that photograph.
    Crafting can wait, you enjoy yourself and get out and about as much as you can with your friend from the UK. Nothing like having friends. That is important.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  8. You are obviously having a good time so crafting can wait. At least you have a friend who is looking after your desk until your return. Have a lovely woyww and happy crafty week, Angela xXx

  9. oh you have been enjoying yourself and thats all that matters!!

  10. At least you have an excuse - I have none! The cat is gorgeous (and I think he knows it!) Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #34
