Wednesday 31 March 2021

WOYWW 617 31st March 2021

 Hello all, I'm back, from where you may well ask, the answer nowhere actually. Can't believe my last post was 610. 

What have I been doing over these weeks, not much crafting. My daughter and her husband are now settled here in Spain, what a time to move countries. Their furniture has arrived after much asking for this paperwork and that paperwork then being told they would have to pay 21% tax on it. No it didn't happen. I haven't been to see them yet as we are on communidad (county) lockdown, they have been to see me and we made the trip into Almeria city for their official residencias. 

I finished the jumper I was knitting, Don't know what happened to the colour but is it a minty pastel green colour. It has been washed and worn a number of times.

Next a friend lent me a jigsaw and I really enjoyed doing it. The pieces were quite thick and I have never used a picture so much to do a jigsaw. It was a scene from Central Park. The bottom picture is the picture of the jigsaw and I am sure I took a photo of the finished jigsaw but can't find it! I did finish it honestly.

Next on my agenda was some Easter chicks. When knitted in previous years the Cadbury's egg fitted in the body, not any more. I had to modify and put the egg in the head! Everything is shrinking wish I was. 

So that is my last 7 weeks in a few sentences, hopefully will be back to normal from now on.

I have noticed our roads are very quiet well the three or so we have. Let's hope it stays that way until after the weekend, as I don't fancy going into lockdown yet again.

A Happy Easter to you all. 

Now to link up with Julia@stamping ground that's if my membership hasn't been cancelled.