Tuesday 28 March 2017


Here we are again - the last Wednesday in March, how the year is going so fast.

On my desk or should I say table this Tuesday evening isn't very exciting I have put together the things I have been working on this week.

Starting from the left are some fun wine bottle aprons experiments for the Christmas stall I spoke of last week.

Then at the back is a seat ready for covering for some bamboo patio furniture that someone was throwing away. These sets when new cost about 800€ and I am sure with a little paint and material can be made like new again. Watch this space.

At the front is the drop stitch scarf I am knitting, unfortunately I only purchased two balls of wool and went back to day to get some more only to find they have sold it all, so quick thinking, as I have only used one of the balls I managed to find a contrast colour that I shall use in the middle and then finish with the original colour. If you understand what I mean.

So that is my desk and workings for this week. Don't know if much more will get done as I have a friend visiting for a week, she used to live here and moved to The Gambia over four years ago so we have lots of catching up to do.

Now to publish ready to link up with Julia and others at www.stamping-ground.blogspot.com. in the morning.

PS forgot to say both cats are now using the scratching posts and fighting who gets to play with the ball!


  1. have a great catch up with your friend, bet you have so much to talk about.... yes, it is the floor, it's where I work! Helen #1

  2. Those bottle aprons look fun. If they have a pocket on the front then there's room for a gift card too! Sarah #13

  3. Oh the aprons are going to be popular, I suspct, aren't they fun! Love that you've done an international rescue on the scarf..just the kind of dilemma I would face and end up faffing about and missing even a decent contrast colour! Have fun with your friend, catch ups are good!

  4. It's so frustrating when you run out of something mid project and can't get anymore isn't it, well rescued though. Have a great time with your friend, I bet you'll talk for hours. Hope there's cake!!
    Hugs Lisax #19

  5. Hi Ani. Aargh! How frustrating to run out of the yarn - enjoy knitting a newly patterned scarf now you have some toning wool!! Great idea to makeover the patio furniture! Trust it will work well.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  6. I have done that many a time - Little Soldier's blanket is red and gold bands except for the ends which have a blue and black band slotted in!!!
    Wonderful news that the cats have moved over with their scratching.
    have a good week and take care
    Christine #15

  7. I bought a new scratch pole for my senior kitty, Penny, who had totally destroyed her first pole. That was months and months ago. It is still pristine. The couch, however. . . I'm glad yours gave in and are using the pole! Great save with the yarn - good thinking! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #35

  8. Pleased to hear your kitties have decided to play with their toys. My friend's cats were just sitting there lucking at their new scratching post as though it was a foreign body! Happy woyww and have a great week too, Angela x11x
