Wednesday 24 July 2019


Good morning all, I know you are now suffering with the heat in the UK but here it is unbearable. My fans are running, the curtains are closed and doors wide open which doesn't help crafting light but when needs must. The air con is reserved for evening and night time.


 So my desk for today, yes those dreaded 'C' cards, well thought it would help me cool down. Like most of us I only need a small area to work.
I received these last week via a friend's friend in the UK who was travelling back to Mojacar. I had no idea (well a little) what they were for, but thanks to Shaz and Sarah for their knowledge I now know. Haven't used them yet as I think the cutter needs replacing.
Went on to purchase some gold & silver adhesive stickers after going through the pages and choosing, I get to the check out only to be told they can't be delivered to Spain. So why are they on the Spanish Amazon one might ask. My daughter has now order them from Amazon UK and is having them sent direct to me. Sorry but can't understand the logic.

Had a trip to the hospital last Friday to have a mole removed from the side of my face so I am now supporting with the help of my specs arm a big white plaster. The doctor didn't think it was anything to worry about. The hospital is about 55km inland and when we got out of the car the heat was terrible, it is always roughly another 5 degrees warmer inland and 5 decrees colder in winter. The blessings of living on the coast although there are no other blessings during July and August everywhere is packed with holiday makers, nowhere to park, loud villa rentals, and slow restaurant  service. It's a good excuse to stay in and craft and that's what I will be doing this next week.

Now to link with our hostess Julia  if you want to know all about us go to her page and perhaps we will hear from you next week.


  1. Morning Ann, hope you manage to keep cool today. I have the blinds down and the doors open in the shed and actually had the air conditioner on in the bedroom for 2 hours last night to cool things down a little. Hope you manage to source a new cutter for the XCut frames. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

  2. I've seen the heat in Spain and don't think I could cope with it. It sounds like you're doing the right thing to combat it. Hope the wound on your face is healing ok.
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  3. I’m not suffering, I love the heat, but I totally get the interruption of holiday makers to your everyday life. Good news about the mole, hope it all heals quickly and doesn’t irritate. Yep, our house looks a bit dark and gloomy these days, but it makes such a difference if you shut the sunlight out doesn’t it. I think there’s nothing for it but some gentle down time...if the fan makes the paper blow about, reading will do!

  4. Hi Ani,hope you get the cutter sorted. How ridiculous of Amazon, I agree, why advertise what they can't send. I totally get how much it must disrupt the lives of residents in the summer, I suppose it's the price for all the income for the seasonal businesses. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  5. I know I could not cope with your heat as one year, in Africa, the air conditioning in our hotel room broke down.... agony!!
    Try to stay cool.... freeze a bottle of water and place in front of the fan .... helps a little bit!
    Christine #19

  6. Hi Ani, Amazon can be quite illogical at times! Hope your face heals up quickly, and that it isn't too sore. The heat is taking some getting used to, but I'd rather be warm than cold. Have a lovely week Heather xx #9

  7. I love warm weather (except at night) but the heat you are having is something else. I hope that you heal quickly. Love the busy looking desk. Have a wonderful week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#17)

  8. It is bad enough here, I can't imagine how hot it is there... I hope you manage to stay at least a bit cool! love your desk - good luck with the C cards to cool you down! Helen #1

  9. The heat here is worse than I have ever known it. Last night we had an amazing thunder storm with lightening flashes which were continuous this is also unusual as we normally get one flash and that's it. I will be quite happy when it cools down. Wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x13x

  10. Well, it is not too hot here in my corner of the north of England, a bit airless this afternoon where I was sitting but the fan was on and the windows open so it was not too bad. Mind you I am using a hot water bottle on my back most of the time to get some relief which is no joy in hot weather.
    Hope it is good news for you re your mole, am sure it will be, the doctors usually have a good idea at the time of removal.
    Stay cool and craft.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  11. It can be unbearable trying to craft in such temperatures, sat under the brolly I always find outdoor crafting helps take my mind of the heat.
    Wishing you speedy healing & Happy WoywW Tracey #8
