Wednesday 30 January 2019


Apologises AWOL last week although I did manage a few comments and even more visits.
Well the crafting mode has returned, people asking for valentine  and Easter cards so one has to oblige doesn't one? Then an order for another dart board card.

I haven't been idle over the weeks since Christmas though and have kept up with the knitting of new born hats, blankets etc. for a Gift of Warmth.

This will only be a short one today I was late getting up as the wind was howling outside and I was nice and cosy in my bed. Now I have to leave in 15 minutes for my knit and natter group. It is surprising how the weather changes from day to day here, yesterday I sat outside knitting and the sunrise looked like this.
Today no sun and extremely windy. 
Tomorrow I have to venture inland again to the dentist hopefully for the last work on my teeth. I have a feeling I will see snow on the far mountains there.
Now to link with for our round the world WOYWW. Have a good week all. 


  1. Happy WOYWW. Hope your dental appointment goes smoothly. I am due to go for my regular check up at the end of February, which I am trying to ignore until the day (I have dental phobia). I also hope that the usual sunshine returns soon. Up in the Northern Costa Blanca they are having particularly warm weather at the moment, so been very jealous seeing photos from friends there. We fly out early on Saturday morning for 2 weeks and very glad to be leaving the UK for a while. Ali x #8

  2. We have several seasons in one day around here too - all is calm, but bitter cold, at the moment.
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 6

  3. I stayed snuggled in bed this morning for a bit longer too - it was just too tempting to stay and read than get up! It's freezing here too and I think Wales is in line for a whole heap of snow tomorrow. Well done on the cards and knitting, it's nice to see someone in full flow, so to speak!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  4. HI Ani, thats a beautiful sunset. Hope all goes well at the dentist. Very cold here, and supposed to get snow tomorrow. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

  5. Oh a scene with no snow ! Loving the sundogs we have each morning but you sunset is more my style. Your photo at the top looks like most huddling animals in our area. Our cat Bailey misses his brother to cuddle up too. Have a good week #19

  6. I had to read twice... "outside, knitting..." it's strange to read that while outside here the world is all white! But you, talking about Easter cards, makes me feel like Spring is really just around the corner... Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #18

  7. Happy WOYWW Anne. Hope the last trip to the dentist isn't too bad and that you made it to your knit and natter session on time. Sarah #4

  8. What a stunning sunrise! Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely week, with love and God Bless, Caro x (#30)

  9. that sunrise is gorgeous! good luck with the dentist! Helen #3

  10. Your desk looks great. Happy WOYWW xx Jan (21)

  11. and I imagined sunshine all the way.
    Good luck with the dentist.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx
