Wednesday 9 January 2019


Well that's the 500 milestone passed and as we make our way to 600,700, 800, 900 and then the very very big one! If you want to know what I am talking about then follow this link to Julia at and you can read all about it.

Still no work desk set up for me, well I have a small excuse the weekend was still holiday here, Epiphany, and with it falling on Sunday of course Monday was a holiday also. Along with that I developed toothache so had to wait til yesterday to see the dentist, who has referred me to a specialist. Why does toothache always give me earache and make me feel rotten?

I have managed a little knitting, the red jumper I finished before Christmas had developed long and baggy sleeves so I cut them down then picked up stitches did some decreasing and reknitted the rib. I remember my mum always knitting sleeves from the top down, lot easier to alter when needed. I am also finishing a few knitted items I started and threw to one side in favour of other crafting. No it isn't my new years resolution to finish these items.

I went into the garden yesterday to pick some fruit for my sewing group members and came across this lemon it looked rather like a jesters hat but now I've photographed it, looks rather rude. There probably isn't much fruit in it. Don't think it would pass for British supermarkets.

I have oranges, lemons and pink grapefruit but they all mature at the same time so I give most of them away. 

That is me for this morning, off now to sewing/knit and natter, we have a new venue today as our old one is closed for two months for refurbishment. Wonder if they will have us back when it is all posh?

Will be around hopefully before the weekend to read all your posts, but I can only reply from my desk top as my fingers are too fat for phone and kindle keypads!


  1. How lovely to think you can just go freshly pick that fruit. Such a quirky shaped Lemon, i'm sure we will give anything the seal of approval after all this Brexit rubbish haa haa! Clever thought on the jumper, i'm not a good knitter at all.
    Happy woyww Tracey #8

  2. Wow, that's a mutant lemon, lol!! You could probably market it as something quirky and charge double, lol!! I'm impressed with your knitting skills, I've never thought about knitting sleeves top down for the reason you mentioned...clever!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  3. Hi Ani, just wonder what it’s like at your place, with your fruit trees etc Maybe share some wth us next tiem but that lemon is certainly curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say! Weird the way things grow! Or don’t grow in this case!
    Grand idea to do sleeves from top down, smart lady your mum.
    Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Nice jumper but that is the strangest lemon. Some supermarkets in the Uk are now buying in what they refer to as Wonky goods so who knows maybe it would pass. Happy woyww, Angela x10x

  5. Tootache and earache are the worst and yes, they always come together... hope it will be fixed soon! I, too, knit the sleeves from the top down to be able to alter them, I usually miscount the length and almost always need to shorten or lengthen them... Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #20

  6. I usually pick up stitches and knit sleeves top-down too, Ani. Well done you, shortening the sleeves like that. I have rather short arms and bought jumpers usually have humungously long sleeves lol! I use those old-fashioned meal armbands that men used to wear - Dad used to wear them and we always used to giggle about them!! As for that lemon, I wouldn't like to meet that one on a dark night! It has to be about the wonkiest veg I've ever seen. You could exhibit it at Tate Modern and have all the critics going wild over it. If you took it to a hospital they'd probably have it hooked up to a chemo drip straight away!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18

  7. Hi Ani, totally agree, toothache & earache are the worst to suffer. Hope yours gets sorted soon, it really does make you feel miserable. Love the lemon, made me laugh. Love that you have grapefruit, probably the only fruit I enjoy, but can't have anymore as I'm on pills for blood pressure & Cholesterol, and anything grapefruit is banned. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X Great job on the sleeves too.

  8. Ouch, poor you... hope you get sorted soon. The lemon is brilliant - never seen one quite like it! Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing. Love and God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  9. Love the crazy looking lemon! I hope your toothache and earache go away soon. Dorlene #30

  10. Hi Anni, after all these years of living in Spain I still get a thrill from picking a fresh lemons, pink grapefruit or oranges, as you say they all ripen together and we give most of it away to friends, I also make lots of marmalade to give away in exchange for jars!
    Have a great week, Jan S no 23

  11. Ha!! did have to laugh at the lemon! glad you were able to sort your jumper. Helen '2

  12. Hope your toothache (and earache) have been resolved Anne. Love the jumper rescue and the lemon is rather funny! Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  13. Wow, to have all those lovely fruits growing in your backyard! Yummy! The lemon does look a little rude at that angle - he's a rebel lemon! Have great week, Lindart #26
