Wednesday 15 November 2017


Good Morning Deskers, it is early morning 5.36am to be precise. So this is my table photographed just now.

And on this well used table you see this morning the finishing touches to various items before the fair on Saturday. Thought the stall should have a little decoration so quickly ran the bunting triangles up yesterday, now ready to take to my sewing class where  I will turn them inside out. Behind stuffing for the tortoises one finished the other requiring its' scarf which I shall also finish well start at the sewing class. One snowman waiting to go into the pocket of an Advent calendar that I have made and a few suns and bubble bee waiting to be attached to their sticks - these make cats toys. Then the over locker that has been working overtime these last few weeks. Oh forgot the baskets waiting for Christmas material lining to put my snowman poop in (see post a few weeks back)

This week as visitors to my face book page will know, has been very traumatic my fluffy cat Kavvie lost a lot of weight all of a sudden so a visit to the vets,  he has an intestine infection so antibiotics, on Saturday I took him back as he wasn't eating at all and he has been in the vets since then on a drip. I am going everyday to see him.  Having a terrible time with the other cat my desk companion QC as they have been together since birth over 12 years ago, they lie, play and sleep together. This morning I am taking her with me to see him, call me daft I don't care, but my cats mean the world to me.

Apart from this I am organising a carol concert and fair for the Dames in Spain and then found myself involved with the organising of a How to Keep Safe talk by the Guardia Civil (Civil Police). Translating their leaflets and making posters and publicity.

Also last Wednesday my phone, internet all communications died on me. A trip to the phone shop (in another town) where they told me my bill hadn't been paid, The bank account wasn't correct I have been a customer for over 25 years and the bank account has worked all this time. Turn out when the girl did the new contract for the fibre optic she put the wrong number in. Nothing so easy as paying over the counter, no I had to go to the post office in the another town and pay, take the receipt back 24 hours later as the account had been blocked and she could enter the correct number. Fortunately a few hours after paying all was up and running again. Nothing is ever straight forward when things go wrong in Spain.

Help I am retired whatever that means.

Have a good week and will try and visit as many of you as I can and when time will allow. Have an early doctors appointment this morning before sewing class.

Now to try and link with wonder if she is up and running yet?


  1. oh my, what a week... so grateful that hear we can do things more easily! Your poor cat, hope he is better soon - I think it's really sweet you are taking your other one in to the vets... Helen #1

  2. My goodness that sounds like a frustrating week. Hope all goes well with your kitty.
    sandra de @4

  3. Hi, glad you managed to get the internet up and running again and that Kawie is recovering slowly; hope he enjoys his visit from his pal. Another prolific desk! Happy WOYWW Sarah #10

  4. Hello!
    Wow you have had a lot to contend with recently, am pleased you got your phone sorted out. Such a pain.
    Have a good day hope the doctors goes alright.
    Ellie #19

  5. Hi Ani, blimey, what a hassle that was ! and all because of someone else's error too. Really annoying, as well as wasting your time. Hope the doc's appointment goes ok, and your stall is a great success! Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  6. Hi Ani. Goodness me! What a palaver! Just as you are so busy with your cat and your stall. Trust all sorts out with your little cat, and that you are able to have a really successful day on Saturday.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  7. Oh gosh! I totally know how you feel as my kitty means the world to me too. I hope Kavvie will pull through and comes home soon. Big hugs to you. Happy WOYWW! xox Cheetarah #28

  8. Oh Ani, I am so sorry, so very sorry to hear about your little cat. I certainly do not think you are silly or anything to be taking QC with you for a visit. They are family members and I am sure give you such a lot of joy and love. Do as you think and to hang with anyone and what they think. Never have regrets that you did not do something.
    I so hope Kavvie recovers and is soon back in the arms of you and QC.
    Take care - sorry to hear about the phone problem, what a bother - and when you least need it (the bother I mean)
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  9. What a brilliant idea to take QC along to see Kavvie! I believe that cats have feelings, a vet told me to fetch one of my cats - who had been in a road accident - as he was depressed and would heal better at home. Well, when I saw his face..... he was depressed alright!!
    Hope Kavvie is back home soon
    Christine #33

  10. I think it's a grand idea to take QC to the vets for a visit..and I hope the poorly Kevvie is recovering now. What a worry. You have been incredibly busy, love the idea of the cat toys, how enterprising you are. We have fallen foul of similar bank/payment problems, and as you say, have trekked back and forth between offices to pay, prove the payment and wait...argh! Glad all sorted for you now and very good luck for saturday!

  11. Wow - it's their fault and you have to jump through all the hoops? They should have at least given you a free month for all that hassle. Anyway, taking QC to the vet for a visit is a great idea. Hopefully it will quell any thoughts of his best friend not coming home again. Hope they will be together again soon! Sounds like you have been very busy with your craft stall, I'm sure the bunting will look awesome! I was recently at a Christmas Craft show, I thought way too many stalls for the size of the room, and tons of people - you really do need something to catch the eye so people will stop and see what you have. For the most part, for me, I just wanted out, ASAP. I did buy two little stocking items, from the man closest to the door, on the way out. Some people like crowds, but not me, I get overloaded so quickly! Have a great sale! Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #25

  12. Wow, Ani, can’t believe the run around you had with your internet provider!!! Wasn’t aware you lived in Spain but now I know.
    Well done on getting some things done while so stressed re darling kitty, pray she’s on mend and other mate not fretting so much. Poor things...and poor you.
    Pray also all goes well at your sale. Hugs and prayers Shaz in Oz.x
