Wednesday 7 December 2016


Firstly thank you for all your kind messages received over the last few weeks.
Now to move on I know it is not easy this time of year but....

Now for something completely different on my desk this week. I had seen these bauble wreaths made from a swimming noodle all over the internet and thought mmmmm maybe I could do this. So here is my effort I started yesterday, come back next week for the finished project that is  - if the cat hasn't destroyed it, the baubles are a great temptation for her and many have found there way to the floor, and our local chinese shop (similar to your English pound shops) hasn't run out of baubles. Be warned it takes many baubles and a number of glue sticks but who cares it is keeping me busy. I have put coloured baubles on the inside and outside and am going to fill in with just silver and gold. Well that's the plan watch this space.

And that concludes Ani's desk for this week, need to get the Christmas cards I have made over the year together and type inserts for them, then get them posted. Then put the marzipan and ice my Christmas cake, then get my decorations and tree up as everyone round here is way ahead of me this year. I can't see it being done today as I have my sewing/knitting group this morning and this afternoon is the Christmas party at the Women on Wednesday group I go to so this evening it will be snoozing in the chair! Need to rustle up a plate of food from somewhere to take with me.

And to think when I was moving to Spain people said to me 'What will you do when you get fed up of sunbathing'. Sunbathing what is that I don't have time to sit in the sun - well perhaps when I meet a friend for coffee. 

Well 'til next week.



  1. so sorry to hear of your sad news. Hope your crafting helps to pass the time and keep you active. Although it sounds like you have a lot of jobs to keep you busy. enjoy.
    sandra de @9

  2. Hi Ani,what a great idea to use those foam pool noodles. I too need to write & get my cards posted.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4 xx

  3. sounds like you are full on still! love that wreath in the making! Helen #1

  4. Busy, busy, busy. The wreath looks very interesting.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sharon K #21

  5. I understand...sitting in the sun only feels justifiable if you're visiting! The noodle wreath already looks the bazaar Chino shops are absolutely stuffed with Christmas stuff, hadn't thought of that! Enjoy the season, hope the business is more choice than chore.

  6. So sad reading about your son. sending hugs.
    look forward to seeing the completed wreath.
    I still have decorations to put in place. cards to sort and two cakes to marzipan and ice :-) Anne x #16

  7. There's always something to do, sun or not, right! It sounds like you are very busy and that that nap you were looking forward to will be well deserved! Looking forward to seeing the finished wreath! Thanks for sharing Lindart #26

  8. Hi Ani, You didn't leave your number when you stopped by my blog, but hopefully you are the Ani who left the comment.

    I saw that project several times and it looks a fab idea. I'd like to make a smaller one, with smaller baubles. Here most of the charity shops have baubles.

    Hope you get the time to sunbathe.

    Happy WOYWW
    Sue #23
