Wednesday 27 April 2016


Wow where has today gone only just managed to take this and write up the blog. Wednesday is a busy day for me - sewing circle in the morning home for quick lunch then to the ladies meeting group in the afternoon. Only just got round to taking a photo of my desk (table) at 10.35pm but it is still Wednesday.

On there tonight are my blanket squares, awaiting joining have been trying to master the flat braid method of joining. Also top right hand corner two cards, one I made for my friend who adores cats but this then went as an emergency swimming group card for her so a quick tape and butterfly card was made from me as I couldn't find another one suitable in my stash.

I think summer is coming the temperature has been in the high 20's today, time to bring out the sun tan cream me thinks. Hope the weather continues as my daughter is coming to stay next week, paying an early visit this year so I don't think the sea will be warm enough for a swim but knowing her she will try it. Brrrh

Off to my bed now.
Thanks for visiting


  1. Beautiful butterfly card. I like the colours of your squares. We are having some warm days and then the temperature dips again and I'm pulling my jumper back out.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #46

    1. Can't believe how the temperature has dropped today only 19C. Glad I don't live in Britain anymore.

  2. busy bee! Great squares going on there!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #36

    1. Some of the squares are now sewn together well crochet.

  3. Your Wednesday sounds like a lovely bit of busy to me. Good luck mastering that new stitch. Susanne #38

    1. If I didn't keep busy I would stay in all day crafting.

  4. Hello there Craftyani. Not been here before, so have spent the last 15mins sneaking peeps all round your blog and your profile. I've been MIA from WOYWW the past few weeks, so was glad to get back here this week. You certainly keep busy, and your work across your site looks great - keep it up.
    I see you make the "a cross in my pocket" thingies. I was given one some months ago, by a lady who visited our church, for my hubby, who was really ill at the time. I've never made one myself. I see you are a Christian and describe yourself as a worship leader... I have had the privilege and awesome responsibility of leading worship in various settings over the past 20something years. It always thrills and amazes me to see how Father God takes my efforts and comes amongst us.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2
