Wednesday 3 June 2020


Hope all is well with everyone. Bliss here we have been released and slowly, very slowly we are returning to normal.

Our sewing group met last Wednesday only 5 of us but it was lovely to see and catch up with friends. Then in the afternoon our ladies group met, 10 of us this is the maximum number we are allowed to have together so had to book our places. On Sunday 6 of us went out for lunch and before we left were making arrangements where to go next Sunday. No stopping us now. Gosh did I have a dry throat after all the talking.

As well as all these outings I have been busy with orders for cards, possibly because shops that sell them haven't been allowed to open yet. All through lockdown I have been making card orders and leaving them on my gate for people to sneak out and collect.

So this was my desk Tuesday morning. Barney in his usual position lying at my feet.

 This was my desk Tuesday evening when work was done and about 20 cards made ready to have their inserts done.

How do you like my sunflowers, I found some old seeds when I was clearing out during lockdown and thought I would plant them and this is the result. I have about five more planted elsewhere in the garden waiting to flower.

I am writing this Tuesday evening and am going to try yet again to schedule it for posting in the early hours of Wednesday, I have tried before but never been successful.

So when posted will link up with Julia our host at when I turn on the computer in the morning.

Stay safe all and remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel as we have found out this last week.


  1. Glad you've been able to enjoy some company Ani. The sunflowers look spectacular. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. I always schedule my post too - so much easier! Glad that you have been able to get out and meet up with friends - I am looking forward to that sometime soon! Love the sunflowers, just beautiful. Helen #3

  3. Morning Ani. Oh my - out and about, meeting with friends, out for lunch... it sounds incredible - and no-where near where we are at. However, how lovely for you to be able to meet up with all your friends, fill all your card orders, and generally have such a great week.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #1

  4. What absolutely gorgeous sunflowers! Old seeds are the best seeds by the look of it. Hope the others come to fruition soon for you.
    Sounds good having been able to meet up with friends again, good to know that normality is what it was more or less before and you are enjoying getting out and about.
    Nice to see Barney, hope he gets more walks now that the ban is lifted.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  5. Oh those sunflowers are wonderful, they sort of express the story of lockdown and the slowly emerging light at the end of the tunnel. So glad to read that you’ve had a social whirl of a week, what fun! Bet you feel quite refreshed in this new slow release era!

  6. It is sure great to meet with friends. Sharing your hobby or business are always good. I love Sunflowers, they are superb photos!!
    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #8

  7. I am sure it was fun meeting up with all your friends and and am looking forward when we can get back to normal [whatever that is ]
    Happy WOYWDW Sat well and say
    lilian B #11

  8. How lovely that you were able to meet and chat, you must have enjoyed it so much after lockdown. Well done for keeping everyone supplied with cards, I could have done with you nearer because I'd have bought some too!! Barney looks as if he's in the best place there xx
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  9. Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate the easing of restrictions. Your sunflowers are glorious and so nice to hear that your cards are in demand. Enjoy your time catching up and doing your workshops.
    Sandra de @11

  10. Happy WOYWW. Wonderful to hear that you are out and about again. I do miss going to craft workshops and my Bible Study groups. Our cycling friends in Spain are meeting up weekly again and it has been lovely to see the photos of them enjoying their lunch break etc in the sunshine. We have had stunning weather in Wales, but back to cold and windy today. It does mean that I can just get on with stuff indoors without wanting to sit out in the sun. Ali x #23

  11. So glad you have been able to enjoy the "light at the end of the tunnel"! I hope it's not too long before we can do the same. I love your stunning sunflowers - they certainly bring a smile to my face. xx Jo #16

  12. Your sunflowers are gorgeous! It is nice to be able to see a few more people now.

  13. I haven't had the bravery to go out yet, I have stayed close to home. You sound as though you all had a wonderful time.
    Love the sunflowers
    God Bless you and yours
    Christine #26

  14. Hello Ani, so glad to hear things are starting to get back to normal. I have managed to get in a couple of driveway visits to friends this week and yes my throat was certainly sore from all the talking!! I am wondering though if I will ever get my craft group back together, whilst we might be allowed, I don't venues will be open for groups any time soon. The sunflowers are gorgeous - the only one we have is just 4" tall! Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy #24

  15. Hi Ani, hope you got the post to work scheduled? If not, I think I know how to fix it, I had trouble for weeks till ShazinOz told me where I was going wrong. After you've written your post, on the right hand side you will see the 'Post Settings'. First off, click on 'Schedule', the swap it from Automatic to ' Set Date & Time'.
    Chose the Date from the calendar that appears, and the time from the drop down box.Then click Done. You probably already know that bit, lol. Now, and this is where I kept getting it wrong, click on PUBLISH, and it will now hold it as a scheduled post till the date & time you selected. For weeks I'd been just clicking on SAVE,which is why it didn't work. Hope thats helpful for you.Love your sunflowers, they are gorgeous. Lovely you've ben able to get out and meet up in your groups, rules are being relaxed here too, but as one of the Vulnerable, I'm waiting to see what happens with infection rates for a couple of weeks before venturing out. Have a lovely week, Stay Safe, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

    1. Thanks Shaz for the info on schedule posts did a 'testing 123' and it worked, like you I was not clicking on publish. Ani

  16. Hi Ani, I hope your foot is feeling better. It must be great to get out and meet crafty friends again. We can't wait! We still have to stay 2m apart in our household groups so you can see one or two crafty friends but only outside, which isn't so great when you are a papercrafter and the slightest breeze puffs everything off your table! Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #17

  17. Hope your foot is improving - how wonderful to get out and meet friends. I love your sunflowers - they are fantastic. Take care my friend. I hope you have a good week. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#7)

  18. Gorgeous sunflowers, it's ages since I have grown any of these and they are so impressive. Wishing you a happy woyww and a great crafty week, Angela x15x

  19. Hi Ani, I tried to leave a comment via my iPad but it disappeared into the ether. It doesn't like certain blogs for some reason. I'm glad you are able to start meeting up with friends again. Your sunflowers are magnificent! I adore these enormous majestic flowers, and it's amazing that such a huge thing can come out of that little seed, isn't it!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #14
