Wednesday 20 May 2020

WOYWW 572 11th Anniversary

A very good morning the sun is shining and congratulations to Julia and all the other WOYWWs on this the 11th Anniversary.

Well here is my 11th Anniversary challenge - from this

to this

I did try but unfortunately ran out of wool, it can be still purchased only most online outlets have suspended overseas deliveries until after the crisis. But thanks Julia for the challenge as I will now finish it with so little to do I promise. Barney thought hurrah a lovely warm bed for me when I put it down to photo. I said no way it will only be put down when visitors come or I am sat there!

The other challenge was the tapestry and I have progressed but once again have run out of wool, fortunately the green and yellow shades are still available and from the same source as the rug wool. Can't promise I will complete this though. Did think I might unpick a row of green and do different coloured rows with some of the tapestry wool stash I have.

So how have you done with the challenges laid down by our great host Julia? 

Remember last week I was on the way to the hospital? I haven't broken anything but my foot is still very swollen and painful especially my toes. The doctor gave me a pain killing injection and it felt much better until the evening. I am suppose to rest it but not much chance of that. 

So thanks to Julia and all the other WOYWWs for your friendship I have never met any of you but feel I know you and who knows one day I may just make it to the crop.


  1. Loving your industry - well done on the progress. Hope you can get more wool before too long. Glad your foot isn't broken and I hope you do manage to rest it as you are meant to!! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Good morning Ani. Happy WOYWW 11th. I'm really glad you haven't broken your foot - but sorry you are still in pain - do take care, and rest it as much as possible. Sorry you didn't get your project finished - yes, buying the wool is going to be a problem at the moment - but you'll get there!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  3. So glad you did not break anything last week but sorry to hear you are still in pain - not much fun!
    Guess with so many things we will not be able to finish because supplies ra out we will have several ufo's in the future to work on. Love yours (both) and what a lot of work there is in both of them.
    Keep resting that foot
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  4. Happy 11th anniversary. Sorry to read about your need to visit the hospital. I hope by now, at least some of the pain is gone.

    You make beautiful art with your wool. I understand how hard it is to get anything through the mail if it's not in your own country. It's a truly beautiful piece and I'm sure you will finish it as soon as you get the wool you need. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

  5. Happy 11th anniversary. That rug is gorgeous, well done, hope you manage to get the materials you need to finish it soon.
    Sorry your foot is still painful, do try to rest it as much as possible, it really will heal quicker if cared for properly.
    Bless you
    Chris #8

  6. Happy 11th Anniversary Ani, your tapestry's are fabulous beautiful design and colour. Hope you can get those extra's needed to finish and complete it's beauty will inspire you to get hold of those yarns asap i'm sure. So glad you shared with us, now rest that foot & get better very soon. Tracey #10 x

  7. Hope you manage to get hold of some more wool the rug is magnificent, BJ#13

  8. Happy 11th Anniversary, I do hope you get to finish the tapestry as its lovely and hope you can get the wool,

    Lilian B #19

  9. Happy 11th anniversary ANi and I do hope that your foot is better soon. Hope you can get the rest of the wool you need to finish your UFOs. A beautiful rug indeed, no wonder Barney likes it so much. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

  10. Oh you have done an amazing project and I bet your dog Barney loved that nice soft rug that has been layed down (for him he thinks :-)).
    Happy anniversary and yes I do hope we meet at a crop when we can!
    Love and hugs,

  11. I really love the projects you are working on...what a shame you ran out of wool. Lets hope this madness is over soon and you can get your wool supplies.
    Thanks for your love and friendship over the last 11 years.
    Annie x #11

  12. Happy 11th Bloggyversary! Welll done on so nearly finishing the UFO, its a lovely rug made more beautiful by Barney. I think you've lost it to him for sure, lol!
    Have a good day xx
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  13. Happy woyww anniversary and lovely to see your nearly completed UFO. Barney looks very pleased with himself as he models the new rug. Stay safe and keep creating.
    Sandra de @16

  14. I love that you make rugs. That must take a lot of patience ;) Its a lovely dog you have!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW Anniversary
    Mariane #25

  15. Hope your foot is better soon. I love the rug and tapestry is lovely. I think they are so time consuming it's no wonder we take a while to complete and even give up at times. BUT the end result really is worth the effort isn't it. Thanks for sharing all your gorgeous artwork over the years and for the fun and friendship. Happy 11th bloggyversary! xx Jo

  16. Happy 11th Anniversary WOYWW. Hope your foot is less sore soon and you can get out for some walks in the sunshine. I love your rug and tapestry, and really impressed that you created the designs yourself (I had that software too, must check in my cupboard to see if I have still got it). I haven't made any progress on my UFO, but will start later. Ali x #18

  17. Your UFOs are absolutely brilliant, Ani! I really love the colours and designs. I don't think it would matter if you can't exactly match the colours - it would enhance the hand-made aspect of them. I wonder if Barney thinks he's a cat? Cats always have to be "on" something! I am glad to hear that no bones were broken but sorry to hear you are still in pain - it will probably take time. You know what they say about this kind of injury - RICE! Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Try to keep it up as much as possible, and I hope it is well strapped up!

    Happy WOYWW 11th anniversary,
    Shoshi x #20

  18. Happy WOYWW anniversary dear! I love the rug, so little left to do you will certainly finish it when the wool can be ordered! Hope your foot heals soon, take care. Big hug from Holland, Marit #32

  19. wow they are lovely . Hope your foot is better soon . Have a great week and stay safe xxx Soojay #27

  20. Hi Ani congrats on numero uno on the big day, well done!
    Happy 11th WOYWW, isn't IT amazing!? 😊
    And love your rug... stunning colours and design agree re not being pup rug.. and its very detailed work both UFOs glad you'll do the rug thays a keeper.
    Ouch re foot, pray it recivers well.
    I have done three bad ankle injury, one sprain, one broken foot, and one pulled ligament. It was the worst and longest recovery needing physio, although break had 4 weeks plaster it healed well.
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love, in these different times.
    Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  21. Hi Ani, great projects you're working on, beautiful.Hope your foot gets better soon, staying off your feet is almost impossible, isn't it? Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

  22. Oh both look great, and the rug is soooo close! Well done! I love the pattern on the smaller tapestry, and blimey, you’re so patient, the thought of unpicking where I’ve already worked makes me shiver! I’m glad your foot isn’t broken in any way, because a cast and being forvced to stay off it would be the it is, I understand how difficult it it, but please do your best! At least there’s no plaster to aggravate as the temps start to get summery!

  23. YAY for nothing being broken, hopefully you can find some more time to rest so it can heal quickly. (ooh those rugs look amazing) :) I know when I have placed a few orders online here they do tell people they cannot get international packages shipped yet. Happy Anniversary! ~Stacy #38

  24. The tapestries are fabulous - looks like someone thinks you're making an extremely posh dog bed! I love the cushion cover and would definitely have that out on my bench in the garden, with all those hot vibrant colours it's perfect for a summer's day. I am so glad you didn't break any bones, and I hope you are making a good recovery.
    Have a good week and Happy WOYWW Anniversay,
    Diana x #28

  25. The rug and the tapestry look wonderful! I can understand why you would bring it out for visitors, and not let the dog use it as a bed!So sorry to hear about your foot, going to emerg must have been a bit scary, I know it was for me when I went a few weeks ago. Glad you are recovering! Happy Anniversary! Lindart #40

  26. Good effort Ani, they look brilliant. Barney obviously thinks it's wonderful or is it just that he can't resist being in the photo! You simply must rest the foot but at least nothing's broken. Thanks for all your kind words and wishing you a very happy woyww 11th Anniversary. Big hugs, Angela x17x

  27. Hi Ani, love your UFOs. The rug is beautiful, can quite see why Barney laid claim immediately, and the tapestry looks complicated. Too bad that the supplier is closed for now - most frustrating. Maybe you'll let us see the completed projects when they are both finished. Sorry to hear about your foot injury - sounds painful. Take care, Elizabeth x #36

  28. Happy Anniversary! I've finished my marking so can now pop round the blogs and comment. Love your UFOs... I haven't done tapestry in years and yours are beautiful. No wonder Barney wanted to lie on it! Take care and stay safe my friend. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#19)

  29. Happy 11th!
    Great work on your UFOs. Hope you can get the wool you need to finish them soon!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Carol n #34

  30. Happy 11th Anniversary
    Now you keep yourself well missus no jogging haha
    Lynn xx
