Wednesday 26 February 2020


Good morning ladies just a quick one this morning and nothing much going on around my working tables. The first photo is the wool stash a friend gave me a few weeks ago and the second one my actual work station. There has been work going on in the making of Easter cards, my grandson's birthday card (where do the years go doesn't seem 5 mins since I was cradling him after he was born) he is 15 next week.

Off early this morning to pick my car up from the garage, found a very wet smelly floor on Friday the mechanic thought it could be something to do with the radiator pipes. Anyway he rung last night to say it was ready. Will have to make a load of cards and sell them to pay the bill! So have to be on the 8.55 bus to pick it up and then I can go on to my knit and knatter group. I have been virtually housebound without it, a car is a necessity where I live. We only have one half hourly local bus that goes along the beach road and back and we didn't have that twenty years ago.
So forgive my haste.


  1. great pile of wool - hope your car is all fixed and fine, and you get to your knit and natter group... take care. Helen #2

  2. Lovely pile of wool and some great colours there, Glad the car it fixed and hope paying is not to painful,
    Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #12 .

  3. Cant wait to see what you make from that pile of wool. I also have a leaky car and I have no idea where it is coming from, just waiting for the car to die so we can get rid of it lol
    Bridget #1

  4. What a useful stash to receive, I see more dollies in your future! Making Easter cards (already), how impressive you are. They’ve barely crossed my mind to be honest! Hope Spring and some warmth has found you down South, good luck with the is so inconvenient when they dont work, but as you say, you’d be lost without it.

  5. HI Ani, glad to hear you are getting your car back. The bus sounds highly inconvenient!Indeed, time does fly, I remember my grandson & daughter being born, he's 20 this year,and at uni now, and my gd is 17 this year. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  6. Thats a great wool stash Ani my Mom would love that, shame about the car but you'll have fun for sure making lots of cards to fund the bill.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #7

  7. Glad your car is coming home. I can't do without one as I live in the country and it's a distance to the grocery.
    Glenda #18

  8. Hope the bill for the car isn't too horrendous - they're so useful but real money sinks. At least you'll be mobile again. That's a great stash of yarn there, hopefully most of it will be useful!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  9. Looks like a very creative and busy desk today! Glad your car is fixed, I don't know what I would do without our car, even though we do have a good bus system. Not so bad in the summer, but not in the snowy winter!Have fun with your new yarn stash! Have a great week, Lindart #20

  10. Blinkin cars- always something! Hope you enjoyed your Knit and natter . Soojay 24

  11. Nice collection of wool. I had to smile when you mentioned your car being damp this happened to me years ago and I was shocked to find a mushroom growing on the carpet. My hubby had put them on the lawn to dry and we think it had picked up a spore, I smile about it now. Have a lovely creative week and a happy woyww, Angela x16x

  12. Hope you managed to pick up the car OK Ani. Mine has to go in for its MOT on Saturday and I am hoping it doesn't need any major work or I will be relying on lifts until it is repaired. Nice collection of donated wool. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #3
