Wednesday 18 March 2020

WOYWW 563 18th March

Well good morning from a 'lockdown' Spain. We have been banned from going out since the weekend (official since Monday) except for emergencies such as food, prescriptions, petrol, bank. Only allowed one person in a car if we go out. Thank goodness our police are strict here and respected, nearly everyone is complying and if you don't there are large fines.


These two photos were taken at lunchtime yesterday when I had to go out for some food and to the bank. Usually very busy as there is a very popular bar/cafe just in front of my car. All bars are closed, it was like a ghost town.

And this inside the supermarket as you can see all the shelves are well stocked.

So what does one do in these circumstances well crafting of course. With the help of my trusty companion QC. I am making Easter cards but wonder if there is much point, all our big Easter parades are cancelled of course. I won't be able to sell them if not allowed out. To the right is my Kindle set up (thanks to my daughter) with Netflix so I have been watching The Stranger and The Crown while crafting.

Here are a few other cards made in one morning.

Thank goodness for social media and my group of friends have decided to phone each other every day to check on each other.

Well that's me hope you are all being sensible. Now to join with the rest of the gang at


  1. Thank goodness for online communication indeed Ani. I am currently watching Another Life on Netflix (The Stranger and The Crown are excellent). Carry on crafting and keep safe. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. your supermarkets are much better stocked than ours, or maybe the Spanish people aren't stockpiling like they seem to be here! Stay safe and happy crafting! Helen #3

  3. I have not seen a stocked supermarket shelf for the past 2 weeks. That is amazing. At least we have our little web community and creative projects to keep us sane. Stay safe and keep crafting.
    sandra de @4

  4. So glad you are safe and well, I was worried (you even got a mention today) with the stories we hear about Spain.
    My goodness, the Spanish people are much more civlised than at home, great to see your supermarket shelves like that. Wonder when we will ever see ours again? Also good to hear about the respect everyone has for the police.
    Stay safe, well and happily crafting.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  5. Happy WOYWW. I recognised where you are parked. We stayed not too far from there when we were in Mojacar a few years ago. Glad to see your supermarket is well stocked. I haven't been out grocery shopping since last week, when all was ok except for toilet roll and hand sanitiser/liquid soap (which I have plenty of anyway). I think that Pembrokeshire is not as affected as other areas of the UK. We are so isolated geographically and so many of the residents live very quiet lives. If I go out walking with the dog or out on my bike, I hardly see anyone. Good idea to be watching Netflix whilst you craft. We have Amazon Prime or I watch YouTube videos. Ali x #9

  6. Good to see you are well equipped in the supermarkets but even more so to see you carry on crafting at home, we have to keep ourselves occupied and there's no better way than to craft. Hoping to get some time for myself today as being a carer i've had to make sure those care packages are all put in place for those that can not get out themselves.
    Stay safe & Happy WoywW Tracey #10

  7. Morning Ani. What a lovely group of people around you to support you there in your isolation. I know what you mean about the Easter cards - I have made almost 170 cards of all sorts for three different destinations - and am wondering how many will sell.
    I'm amazed there is so much on your shop shelves!! I reckon people over here have been greedy and are hoarding - there is hardly anything left on the shelves. I was talking to a guy stacking boxes of tea yesterday - the only packets they had, and he was telling me of the abusiveness some people were exhibiting. There really is no need for that sort of rudeness, is there. It is so upsetting for the staff . They are doing their best in very difficult circumstances!
    Enjoy your crafting.
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  8. No doubt about it, technology is definitely going to make the next few months more bearable. I think that your group of gals is a great idea, my village is doing something similar for the older or more vulnerable folks. And crafting is the perfect thing to do now and we dont have to feel guilty about spending all that time doing it!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  9. Yes - I think we should use our blog or FB to share our lovely crafty activities - I imagine most of us will spend more time crafting to keep us busy. Take care and keep safe. xx Jo #15

  10. Hi Ani, good to hear you are well.I agree, our online communities are going to be invaluable for helping us stay connected through this. It does seem that you don't have the same problem with panic buying thats happening here. Some people must have enough toilet rolls to last them for 10 years! Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

  11. Oh dear.. these are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait... we're not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but social isolation, yes. And the place I work closed its doors (as do the schools, pubs, restaurants and most shops) and since I cannot do my work at home, I am unemployed now. It feels strange to have no job all of a sudden... I'm glad I have my online friends! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands! Marit #21

  12. I'm staying in for now as I always isolate during cold and flu season anyway so I try to keep enough food on hand to last a couple of weeks. Stay safe and well!
    Glenda #19

  13. Easter will come around again next year, I'm sure, and you will be ready for it! I'm glad you are OK, we are hearing such scary things coming out of Spain. One of the 3 people in my city who have coronavirus caught it in Spain. Glad to hear that people are staying home, and that the supermarkets are stocked - do you have toilet paper? Hand sanitizer? People are hoarding those here. I am going to make my own hand sanitizer with aloe vera gel and rubbing alcohol! Have fun with crafting and Netflix! Stay safe, have a great week, Lindart #26

  14. Happy WOYWDW As said Easter will come round again next year, keep watching netflix and stay safe ,

    Lilian B #18

  15. I'm so glad to hear that you are OK and that supermarkets are well stocked for when you do need to go out. Stay safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#14)

  16. Hi Ani,
    It's good to see that things are so well under control where you are. In the UK people are still struggling to come to terms with the changes that are needed, so we are still experiencing risky/selfish behaviour from a lot of folk. I'm hoping things will settle down soon and we can all start pulling together. Your workspace looks so inviting, and whatever doesn't get used this year will put you ahead of the game next year!
    Stay well,

    Amelia #32

  17. We are hunkering down at home as well. Not as strict yet but each day it is changing. Schools, stores and resturants closed. Only pharmacy, grocery stores and the like are open. Feels like a bad science fiction movie. I have been crafting, reading my books and watching Netflix and Prime Video.
    Pop on by my desk and you can see what I am up to right now.
    Stay well.
    Belinda #30

  18. I love The Crown on Netflix! Been watching a lot of Prime while working on card classes and such.
    We are kinda hunkered down. I have to work tomorrow but scheduled it so I'll be alone (I clean our church and this will be the last until called back). Our store shelves are empty of many items. Hopefully next week they'll be stocked again.
    Hope you have a healthy week!
    Carol N #24

  19. It’s bizarre to see your roads so empty. Lockdown is a whole other experience level for us, I do not envy you - its the lack of spontaneity for going out that must be hard! So glad that you’re able to fill some time, never truer when we all say that crafting is good for you! I hope you stay well, and delighted you have access to the world via the web.

  20. Glad you're ok. Neet I think it was, who eas wondering if you're ok. Feeling for all those shops etc out of work.
    Your desky shares look fun. Great we can join in crafting too..
    Sorry for late visit! 😊 our night is your day so too hard to comment on right bedtime again!
    Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubles times. In God we trust.
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #16

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  21. Hi Ani - so great to see your post, and know you are safe. Your supermarket shelves are a lot better stocked than ours at the moment. People are ridiculous with this panic buying! Enjoy your crafting and stay safe. Have a lovely week Heather xx #13

  22. I am glad to see that the supermarket shelves are well stocked in your neck of the woods in Spain, Sandra. Different story here! I feel sorry for the non-crafters in lock-down world because they must be bored out of their skulls with nothing to do!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #22

  23. Hello Ani, sorry I am so late this week - life's got in the way. Sigh. I'm so impressed your supermarket shelves are so well stocked. We're struggling here for even the most basic stuff. Ah well, this too will pass. Your cards make a cheerful picture. And, yes, thank goodness for social media and good friends. Stay safe and keep well. Elizabeth x #31
