Wednesday 20 February 2019


Hi there, sort of wasn't going to blog today because the table is just the same as the last couple of weeks. Little or no work done owing to hospital and doctors visits, (have to go again this morning - high blood pressure, is it any wonder with what I have been through these last couple of weeks).
Helen gave me an idea as she posted a photo of her overflowing room and challenged anyone else to, so here goes. Hang on while I go and grab the camera.

Yes plastic buckets of wool - my 2019 resolution to use some of it for charity knits. Christmas material still on the sewing machine starting early for Christmas 2019 well that's my excuse!

The second photo wool, wool and more wool, and a cupboard of stationery and other crafty bits, the other side has material in. Top cupboard is toy filling hanging out.

So there Helen you dared me and I obliged. Funny thing I thought about this room last night whilst watching a extreme cleaning programme on TV but mine has no cat p... or dead mice/rats in there I assure you.

So that's mine for this week now to link with Julia

who hosts this worldwide get together. Have a good week.


  1. I’m loving this overflowing room thing, it makes me feel good that it’s not just me haha
    Lynn #9 x

  2. As I said to Helen, we ALL have such places in our homes :)
    Glad they're checking your bp - most important!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire no. 2

  3. Ah Ani yes I’ve a corner like that, no wool though, paperwork that needs throwing though as computer as well as craft room. Sorry you’ve been poorly. Not fun at all. Thanks so much though for being so brave and sharing.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #4

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Wow, that's a craft explosion!! But do you know where everything is ( I asked Helen that too!)...if you do, then that's ok!!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  5. At least you know what is hidden away in the boxes and you have intentions to use the goodies. So glad there are no offending bits in - I love those programmes but my other half doesn't so I rarely get to see them but dead rats and mice - ugh!
    Hope all is going in the right direction medically and you are soon able to enjoy life to the full again.
    Hugs, Neet xx7

  6. Hi Ani- high blood pressure, what a pest. Mine is the same, and every now and then it goes higher, then drops down a bit, still high but not quite so shocking!Love the photos. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X

  7. Hi Ani, sorry to hear you have been having too many hospital visits, at least when my husband goes in Cartagena we are always on time!
    Well if you know what's in there that's not a problem, I don't like mess outside of cupboards and drawers, only inside of them, that's why we are going around the villa having a clear out while we are in a mess.My Mum used to clean out every drawer and cupboard every month over a week while Dad was on the late shift, I'm not that organised, LOL
    jan no18

  8. I told Helen everyone had a space like this Ann and you proved my point lol. My husband has a similar garage but I have managed to box up all my spare craft stuff and it is hidden in the corner of my shed. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  9. Oh I am so glad it isn't just me... I don't really feel that much shame, but every now and then it kind of hits me what it looks like. thanks for sharing and taking part! Helen #1

  10. Hi Ani, wow - that's all I can say really. You have a lot of 'stuff'. My untidy desk actually looks not too bad now I've seen yours and Helen's, but I never took a photo of it. And it will all be cleared at weekend as my grandsons are coming for a sleepover, and my craft room doubles up as their bedroom when they are here. You know where everything is so it's not a problem. I have to label everything otherwise I forget! Have a lovely week Heather x #17

  11. Maybe we should make this into a competition and get the group to vote on who has the largest collection of stuff in one room, what fun! Have a great woyuww, Angela x13x

  12. Sorry I’m late! The thing about having the room is that you fill it..and hthe bodies like yours do take a lot of storing...that animal stuffing is nearly a cupboard full on its own! Great that you have risen to Helen’s challenge!

  13. I say as long as you can find what you're looking for, then you're okay. LOL At least that's my story at the moment :-) Creative Blessings! Kelly #20

  14. Happy Very Belated WOYWW. Hope that all the dental and doctor treatment has been successful. We had a lovely time in Spain and more determined than ever to spend more time there. I have sold/donated a lot of stash from my craft room, but it still seems to have plenty in it. Ali x #26

  15. Glad you didn't find any dead rats in there...LOL! I like watching those hoarder shows, sometimes I think but by the grace of God...Many years ago my house did look like a hoarders, somewhat, but once we got the bin in the driveway there was no looking back, I had no trouble tossing it all in. My husband, however, can't get rid of anything. "I might need it" "It's mine" "it has memories" He actually has a row of about 8 soccer shoes that our daughter used as a child, along with a huge bag of soccer balls, that he just can't part with! So far, no dead rats here either. . .Sorry I'm late, have a great week!
