Wednesday 26 December 2018


Good Morning hope you all had a good Christmas.

Sorry I couldn't post last week as was without phone and internet for 48 hours. Have to laugh really an electricity joint underground exploded was repaired then water got into the box so waterboard had to repair, then the next thing we know is the fibre optic is all down in my area, now I am not saying anything but .....

I must show this picture of my computer desk this is probably the one and only time it will look like this. The monitor was my Christmas present so before installing I cleaned all the desk. Even the cat jumped up and decided she better not sit there.

My other table that I work from has been put away for Christmas to make room to eat Christmas dinner, which we have Christmas eve here in Spain. After dinner we give the presents out.

I woke up Christmas day to this sunrise and later walked the dog along the paseo in the sun. A lovely relaxing Christmas Day.

So all is back to normal this morning Spanish don't have Boxing Day so the next celebration will be New Year then 5/6th Jan Three Kings.

I wish you all a Happy 2019 and all that is left to do now is joint Julia at


  1. Happy New Year before next WOYWW Ann. Glad you are back online again. Sounds like a series of catastrophes. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Oh dear what a lot of things going wrong. I have no desk to share either, cleared away ready to use when both sons and families arrive.
    Happy New Year Anne X @ 4

  3. That sounds like a true Farce! It's just an excuse to keep people on worl, I think - they all do it for one another.... Anyway, I'm glad you're back this week though I almost didn't recognise your desk ;-). Merry Christmas!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  4. Oh my.... just got home from my brother's where his boiler packed up yesterday so it was cold and no hot water... came home earlier than intended!! Happy Christmas, that sunset is spectacular. Helen #6

  5. Hi Ani, oh my, what a lot of hassle! We really struggle now if we lose internet, don't we? Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas, Love & Hugs from us both, Shaz #10 XxX

  6. It all sounds a bit Spanish to me, I must say....but I’m v glad the electrics, optics and wires have been sorted and woo hoo look at your big new screen, your desk looks v business like! Rising to that sort of sunrise on Christmas morning must have been lovely, and so peaceful too, I don’t expect dog walking gets much better! Happy Christmas Ani!

  7. Hi Ani, Happy Boxing Day - even if it's not celebrated in Spain. I think most of the Continent is on the same schedule - but I must say I love the idea of Boxing Day, perhaps better than Christmas Day itself - less stressful, you get to play with your presents and you can just eat leftovers. That is a stunning sunrise! All the best, zsuzsa #11

  8. What a beautiful sunrise!!!
    Thank goodness you have all your utilities back .... enjoy your new monitor and have a happy New Year.
    Christine #13

  9. Hi Ani, happy Boxing Day. Oh dear, what a horrible chain of events. Still I suppose all happening after one another is better than spread out! The sunrise photo is gorgeous, and congrats on the nice shiny new monitor! Have a lovely week Heather x #14

  10. Hi Ani, I know this is a bit late but also know you wont mind. Just got back from parents. Lovely photos. Hope your Christmas has been full of joy. Happy woyww, Angela x18x

  11. That's a smashing gift Anni, I love the look of a tidy desk but mine never stays like it for long after Christmas is over.
    Wishing you all the best for 2019 & happy woyww Tracey #7

  12. Great desk clear up, Ani, and nice new hardware too!
    Yes was a circus with electricity and waterboard, and fibre optic issues! Quite funny in a way, and no doubt inconvenient too.
    Happy belated Christmas and happy belated WOYWW, too, Shaz in Oz.x #5
