Wednesday 13 December 2017


Apologises for last week, in a mad week and an even madder Wednesday morning I had forgotten all about WOYWW and my the time I had recovered it was Friday.

So where are we now, hopefully being able to wind down a little.

I have now finished with the Christmas fairs not such a roaring success but each one better than the one before and what's more they have paid for the enormous vet bill I had for my darling cat.

So what is on my desk this morning - well no material for once only Christmas cards, which must be in the post by tomorrow. Thankfully I made lots of cards last year so will definitely have enough. Just the boring inners to do.

A friend of mine has been on a cruise, Hong Kong, Singapore etc and saw this card and thought of me. No way would I have the patience or the know all to do this. It even folds down perfectly.


Last night I went to my first religious carol service for years, and thoroughly enjoyed it unfortunately no pics but I am sure Kate ( will have some on her page on Friday smiles.

Last Wednesday was our Dames in Spain carol concert and fair, all the hard work in the preparation paid off and the comments were all favourable.
Grand raffle
(I won a duck so Christmas dinner sorted)
audience and choir

My stall

Our chairperson & me
Don't know the bomber though

So that is my week now off to catch up and relax at my sewing group possibly the last one before Christmas.

Hope you all have a good week. linking with Julia at



  1. glad the fairs did ok even if they could have done better! Great pics. Helen #1

  2. Hi Ann, glad the latest fair did better and congratulations on winning Christmas dinner. Hope you can relax a little now. That card is amazing, I wonder if the inner is available as a cutting file somewhere? Happy WOYWW Sarah #12

  3. Love the pics of the choir and the stalls - you've been having a busy time but an enjoyable one, so that's ok!! Well done on selling your crafts too, it's not easy.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  4. Ah what fun on bonus duck amd so glad stalls went well enough to,pay vet bill, that folding boat card really is something isn’t it? Someone is very very clever.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #2

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Lovely little Christmas cards and the folding ship is spectacular! I'm sure there's a way of doing it and once you know how it looks less enigmatic, but still impressive! Looks like you had fun with the Christmas fair. Hope the kitty is doing well! Best wishes, zsuzsa #16

  6. Lovely to see you standing by your stall.
    So glad you earned enough to pay for the vet fee - our pets are so precious.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  7. Oh goodness that ship card is insane!! Aw pleased your fairs have been going okay.
    Ellie #25

  8. Hi Ann, there is a lot of detail in the ship card, how lovely to receive it. The Christmas fair looked well attended, glad it was a success for you. Have a lovely week, Heather #6

  9. Pretty cards - and what a beautiful card you have been gifted - it looks so intricate.
    LOVE the phot-bomber lol
    Have a wonderful week,

  10. That is the most amazing card, how lovely! Have a lovely and creative woyww, Angela x12x

  11. How wonderful that you made enough to pay for your cat's vet bills! I'm sure that made it all worthwhile. Your stall looks awesome! That ship card is absolutely fantastic! Wow! Isn't it nice that they thought of you! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #27

  12. oh thats wonderful! Beautiful work you do,,such a lovely gift from your friend, its beautiful,your stall is so appealing,
