Wednesday 4 October 2017

WOYWW 435 4th October

Good morning all, can't believe it is October already - well yes I can because it has gone really quiet here and we have are resort back to ourselves. Most of the hotels closed over the weekend and now with the demise of Monarch one has to wonder what summer 2018 will bring.

So what is on my table this week, see below.

The items at the back are Christmas aprons all folded and priced ready to take to my Women on Wednesday group (we have now changed our name though, LOL Ladies of Leisure or whatever you want the initials to mean!) A number of us have broken away and started a group of our own as we didn't like the chosen new venue.
Last week I took the aprons with me to show someone and ended up selling them and being asked for some more, so this week it has been sew, sew, sew. The colourful material at the front are a number of peg bags cut out and ready to sew.
I am beginning to wonder if I will ever get back to my card making I do miss it.

Hope all who went to the crop had an enjoyable time looking forward to seeing pictures and trying to put names to faces as I have never met any of you.

Now to link up with our host Julia at

Will be along later to read and comment. I leave you with some pictures taken from my terrace on Tuesday evening. Beautiful coloured sky, then the moon putting in an appearance and finally a close up of the moon. I am so lucky to live in this part of the world.


  1. Starting with the sky first - wow, just wow! your desk looks very colourful, full of your sewing projects - hope your new WoW or LoL group goes well! Helen #1

  2. Beautiful photos of your view and crafty projects.
    sandra de @9

  3. Morning Ani. Goodness - all those pinnies made, sold and more made! No wonder you haven't had any time to make cards! Fantastic photo of the moon. Well done. Trust your groups go well - whichever you belong to - either, as Helen says - WoW or LoL
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  4. My word you are on a sales roll with all the sewing, well done you. Funny isn't it, when you do one thing, you miss the other..hope you can find time for some cards soon...what a juggle. Your LOL group sounds a WOYWW crop, weekly!

  5. Gorgeous pics of the sunset and moonrise! Your aprons are looking fab, clever gal. Hope your LOL group goes from strength to strength :-D
    Hugs LLJ 12
    PS There's a heap of pics about the crop in my post before today's.

  6. Love that your aprons sold out first time of showing but you WILL be back to cardmaking soon ...... even if it's at midnight! lol
    Christine #15

  7. Well on the positive side, if your aprons sell out that quickly you will be able to fund your craft habit when you get back to card making. Happy WOYWW Sarah #20

  8. Gorgeous photos & I love the Christmas aprons :o)

  9. We have had a ton of Monarchs this year - lots of FB photos of them landing on people's heads and hands! So hopefully they are on the rise again! Your photos of the moon and the sky are amazing - its so beautiful there! Your sewing is also beautiful - no wonder you are so busy! Maybe after Christmas things will settle down a little and you can get back to cardmaking. . .Thanks for sharing, have a great day! Lindart #32

  10. Congratulations, Ani, on your success with the aprons. I'm sure that it will quiet on the tourist front for a while but they will come again - it just won't be Monarch that will be flying them in. We did have a lovely time at the crop - it was great fun meeting everyone. You do indeed live in a beautiful part of the world. Elizabeth x #22

  11. Similar here, the rentrer means no children and autumn sees less tourists, but we really like the peace and quiet - our space is reclaimed somehow... sounds like your splitter group will do well... Dxxx #33

  12. Sometimes splitting groups make for a better group. Looks like your are off to a good start.
    Monica #25

  13. The photographs look lovely and the aprons look great too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x11x

  14. How did you get such a great picture of the moon. I have tried and failed. Love the aprons.
    April #18

  15. Hi Ani, stunning moonshot well done! And love your sewing, I must admit I love a good peg bag amd often buy them when see them on stalls so I’ve alwas one waiting in wings when current one wears out, which they all do. I used to make mine from rubber backed heavy dut curtain material, they last the longest, if you can pick up off cuts cheaply it’s a good way to go.
    Happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #8
