Wednesday 18 October 2017


Good morning all,

I don't know whether I am coming or going this last week but do know I am very behind even though I started preparing for Christmas many months ago.

Having taken my items to various meetings I have sold so many that I am beginning to wonder if I will have enough for the four Christmas fair I have booked,

Last week someone gave me a Dammit doll to make so the weekend was spent making these. I them sold six on Monday and have an order for another six.

Now someone has asked me for some Christmas bunting, someone else for Christmas dog bandanas. HELP

This used to be my business before I retired so enjoyed the big craft events but who would have thought that at 70 I would be starting over again!

So this is my desk/s this week every available space taken over with cut out, prepared, ready to sew etc.

cut out ready to be backed with waterproof

Finished ready for pricing

Ready to sew

Looking for material table.

I can just about find a place to eat and place a drink so onward and upward as my late husband used to say. Hopefully I will get round to visiting I did manage last week to visit all if not comment on all.

Off now to my sewing class well I am taking some knitting as a break from sewing then this afternoon to my Ladies class, retired, boredom  who me never.


  1. Wasn't too sure what a Dammit Doll was although had a good idea and just managed to read the labels, great job. BJ#6

  2. Not got all of your photos but can imagine some of them.
    No idea what those dolls are but BJ above says she read the label so going back to see if my iPad will enlarge it for me.
    Hugs, Neet 4xx

  3. Love those dolls! What a name for them!
    Sometimes I wonder how we found time to go to work
    Have a good week
    Christine #17

  4. Gracious, youre back at work full time! You don't need advice, but I'm goin g to say it anyway...when it becomes a chore and a pressure..stop! YOu dont want to lose your love of sewing. Love the Dammit dolls, forgotten all about them. Still looks light and warm out there gal, hope youre making time to sit in the patio and admire your life!

  5. Ha ha, love the Dammit dolls - and I especially love the herb patterned fabric you used for one of them - it's gorgeous.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana x #19

  6. Dammit dolls? Never heard of them, there has to be a story behind the name :-D. Well done you on selling so much, they all look great. Hope they all sell!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxxx

  7. Hi Ani, it's great to hear you are selling so much stuff, but that will keep you busy playing catch-up! I too have never heard of Dammit Dolls, must Goggle that. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 XxXx

  8. Thanks for visiting...just love to see all the fabric projects. Reminds me of my mom..she did dolls like this for so many. Wish I could be quick with my new computer sewing machine. Frustrating times. Enjoy a good week.

  9. My goodness, what a hive of industry! Great stuff. Like you, I am never bored - the word doesn't feature! Always more to do than time or energy will allow! And it's nice to be able to turn your hand to other things to keep you fresh, too. Happy knitting as well as sewing! Thank you for your visit - I must count my blessings and appreciate the few visitors I do get. Being in Devon isn't as cut off as being in Spain, after all! Thank goodness for the Internet. It was great spending the day with lovely Margaret!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #8

  10. You sound very industrious, how brilliant that you are selling so much. Good Luck with it all.
    Hugs Lisax #16

  11. It seems to me that people who "retire" do more than ever!! well done on all the hard work. Helen #3

  12. I love those dolls & all that gorgeous fabric :o)
    Tracey x

  13. Hi Ani, your desk certainly belies the fact you are retired! All your things are so lovely, No wonder they sell out. Thanks for stopping by, have a lovely week Heather #7

  14. The dolls look cute and looks you've been very busy. Sometimes you just have to say no if you are overwhelmed with requests from people. I usually just make up an excuse LOL! Take it easy and have a good week! zsuzsa #22

  15. Gosh, sounds like you are going to be really busy. Don't over do it though. Have a great woyww and a lovely creative week, Angela x10x

  16. Hi Ani, you certainly are busy with all those orders coming in. Hope you manage to get everything done. Sarah #24
